• Please Remember: Members are only permitted to share their own experiences. Members are not qualified to give medical advice. Additionally, everyone manages their health differently. Please be respectful of other people's opinions about their own diabetes management.

Group 7-day waking average?

4.3 for me today. Don't the very often settle into 4s but it was a bit of a later, lazy start for me on my first day of holiday so I think I maybe confused Dawn a bit!

Daughter has come back from university for the weekend so it'll be lovely to catch up with her. I've been crocheting a blanket on and off for YEARS! (a Tetris pattern in honour of Mr Bs and I's habit of wasting hours playing competitive Tetris on the computer together when we first married!) I finally have all the squares finished and I'm determined that I'll actually turn them into a blanket over this week off!!

Happy Saturday.
7.9 for me this morning. Bit higher than I would like but will take it. Stuck with the 2 units of Levemir last night despite a walk yesterday and the usual chores and no correction or jelly babies needed.
Need to shop today for horse feed and Barbara feed. Note horse feed takes priority!
A very good morning to you all! 5'8 today.

My big exciting plan for the day is doing the weekly shop. I want food from Lidl but I don't want to carry it all the way back. In my old place I knew a bus that would leave me close by, I should check if I have a similar option for my new address.

Tomorrow is a long awaited day off. I'm going to Exeter to hopefully buy a new pair of Skechers and just have a little break. I thought I'd go alone but yesterday I mentioned it in my book club friends just in case. I didn't expect anyone would join me because two of them are going on a trip next week, it was a surprise when another girl said she would love to come. It will be interesting as is the first time we hang out individually.

It's lovely to read many of you also having your nice days/night out. Enjoy the weekend! 🙂
Morning All - 5.3 this morning. My low alarm went off a few times in the night and in my drowsiness I eventually worked out it was actually low and not a compression low - just had one JB and it started to rise. It's happened quite a lot lately and I definitely feel a bit weird when it wakes me up. Double checked my BG with a finger prick this morning just to make sure it's not the sensor reading low. I can't quite understand it as I've started having pudding every evening after supper: greek yoghurt with blueberries, 2 blood oranges and the last few nights a bag of Cadburys chocolate buttons or a Twirl - I've obviously bloused but not overly. Maybe I should reduced my Lantus basal dose - I'll see how it pans out over the next week.
@zippyjojo, it is very normal to need basal reductions as you transition between winter and summer. I've already had to tweak (reduce) my basal from 9 to 8 in 2 x 1/2 unit steps. The warmer weather can improve our natural insulin resistance allowing our body to use any insulin more effectively and this is, I think, more clear cut in respect of basal.

Bolus can also change, but that usually needs more thought, since the incoming longer days not only brings different meals (eg less winter veg, more salads; different meal choices) but increased activity, such as more gardening including lawn treating and mowing). So you might eat more, but those meals may be more or less carbs overall - only you will identify the subtle change either way. In practice for me, since I assess my bolus needs day be day and dose accordingly - it's only if I look at last week's bolus totals in relation to this week, that the net overall bolus change becomes apparent. I sometimes think the bolus +s and -s for carbs and activity adjustments, can balance out and the net change is less obvious. Then, get something wrong, need a biggish correction and suddenly the bolus trend is wholly obscured!
Afternoon folks. An 8.4 for me this morning. We were up earlier than normal as we wanted to get to the car boot sale in Stickney before 8am. It's very large and sprawling but always worth a look. First one this year. We came away with some herbs and some ferns fir the garden. I created a stumpery last year and we have added several rotten tree stumps this week. Need to fill the new gaps with more ferns and other shade loving plants.
Off to collect a load of wine making equipment later this afternoon from someone getting rid of a few boxfuls of stuff.

Loved the photo of the yellowhammers @eggyg . We get a visit from a family of long tailed tits most mornings but they move too quickly for me to get a decent photo.

Sending lots of hugs to those of you struggling with MH issues at the moment.
Hope your visit to your parents goes well @Eternal422 . It must be difficult to get them to accept the level of help and support they need.
Just looked outside and it's raining again. Hopefully get those new plants in later.
Have a good Saturday folks.
Ahhh, my favourite little birds. We had about 6 or 7 the other day, but you’re right, they are so hard to photograph.
Even catching them on the wildlife camera is challenging they just flit so quickly. I have seen 6 at one time this year. I used to get nuthatches I but haven't seen them in a couple of years.
@silver minion what is a stumpery?
It's an old victorian garden fashion. You use old tree stumps as a framework to grow ferns in a shady area. The photo is from last year when I set it up. It's under the shade of a large conifer.
Evening all - it's been a mostly wet and horrible day, but my friend and I did sieze a brief respite in the rain to have a walk together. I enjoy walking with her as she walks at the same pace as me and we can chat. We were overtaken by J who gets impatient with me if we walk together and I get out of breath trying to keep up with him.

7.9 first thing.

I note that I didn't post yesterday. I was rather thrown and very upset by an email I received from the husband of a long time friend who passed away a year Feb. He said "Do not bother sending me a Christmas card, I have lung cancer which has spread to my bones and I will be dead by then". The way it was phrased takes a bit of digesting, it was very blunt.... Anyway we met with friends in the afternoon and then when we got home J rang him and they had a fairly long chat. I think he has been depressed since losing his wife. It seems he has come to terms with the diagnosis at any rate. Apparently he stopped smoking in 1988. That gave us a jolt too as we thought we were safe having stopped smoking at New Year 2001.

@Eternal422 I was lucky that my Mum went into a residental home with little or no reluctance as she could see that I (her only child) was working 18 hours a day running our hotel and couldn't realistically care for her. Though it sounds as though your Dad is coming round to the idea. In the end my Mum loved it, she had lots of company and the owners were fantastic, ensuring the residents were well entertained and looked after. My advice would be to just go and inspect places without giving any notice. That doesn't give them any chance to hide things... and a well run home will welcome your visit at any time.

@gail2... I am glad you are being looked after well and I wish you recovery soon.

Better go and start doing something about dinner... take care all and have a pleasant evening
Evening all - it's been a mostly wet and horrible day, but my friend and I did sieze a brief respite in the rain to have a walk together. I enjoy walking with her as she walks at the same pace as me and we can chat. We were overtaken by J who gets impatient with me if we walk together and I get out of breath trying to keep up with him.

7.9 first thing.

I note that I didn't post yesterday. I was rather thrown and very upset by an email I received from the husband of a long time friend who passed away a year Feb. He said "Do not bother sending me a Christmas card, I have lung cancer which has spread to my bones and I will be dead by then". The way it was phrased takes a bit of digesting, it was very blunt.... Anyway we met with friends in the afternoon and then when we got home J rang him and they had a fairly long chat. I think he has been depressed since losing his wife. It seems he has come to terms with the diagnosis at any rate. Apparently he stopped smoking in 1988. That gave us a jolt too as we thought we were safe having stopped smoking at New Year 2001.

@Eternal422 I was lucky that my Mum went into a residental home with little or no reluctance as she could see that I (her only child) was working 18 hours a day running our hotel and couldn't realistically care for her. Though it sounds as though your Dad is coming round to the idea. In the end my Mum loved it, she had lots of company and the owners were fantastic, ensuring the residents were well entertained and looked after. My advice would be to just go and inspect places without giving any notice. That doesn't give them any chance to hide things... and a well run home will welcome your visit at any time.

@gail2... I am glad you are being looked after well and I wish you recovery soon.

Better go and start doing something about dinner... take care all and have a pleasant evening
Sorry to hear about your friend but it seems to be the luck of the draw as to whether smoking or not makes a difference, I know 3 people who had never smoked who got lung cancer and 2 who got throat cancer and had never smoked.
Sorry to hear about your friend but it seems to be the luck of the draw as to whether smoking or not makes a difference, I know 3 people who had never smoked who got lung cancer and 2 who got throat cancer and had never smoked.
Realistically I know that. I also know someone who never smoked and got lung cancer. The medics always like to blame it though. What I find so upsetting about the whole thing is the way he spoke in his email and the sense of despair that came across. Although we (and by that I mean the collective friends of the wife) always thought that the relationship was not particularly a close one, after she passed away very suddenly of a heart attack a few days after her 80th birthday, he was far more affected by her passing than we ever thought he would be. I find that depth of despair hard to comprehend although I dread J going before me. Sorry, this is somewhat morbid. I am normally a glass half full person.
Morning up early with one of the dogs fancying a dawn stroll or more likely was restless after not doing his full duty last night due to heavy rain.
A 6.3 for me and another flat night so back to normal BG wise and once last weeks couple of days of bad numbers are out of the way the stats should improve a lot.
Really “ scary” night with biblical rain last night when picked son up from work and then when got back home the lights in house flickered and went out then came back on and repeated behaviour as the whole neighbourhood had 2 power cuts but the lights going on and off were really weird like a horror movie.
Nice day yesterday to local butchers and a nursery then to the farm for coffee and finally to another local nursery where my wife bought another Tree Fern and a Yucca ( we had one in the garden split due to weight so have had to dig it out.I get a “ well being allowance” with work and can spend it on literally anything so as I did not use it for our break last week I used it to buy the plants.With the delivery charge it came to the exact amount and we all know Happy Wife means Happy Life.
Have a good Sunday.
Realistically I know that. I also know someone who never smoked and got lung cancer. The medics always like to blame it though. What I find so upsetting about the whole thing is the way he spoke in his email and the sense of despair that came across. Although we (and by that I mean the collective friends of the wife) always thought that the relationship was not particularly a close one, after she passed away very suddenly of a heart attack a few days after her 80th birthday, he was far more affected by her passing than we ever thought he would be. I find that depth of despair hard to comprehend although I dread J going before me. Sorry, this is somewhat morbid. I am normally a glass half full person.
Not morbid at all Patti. I share your sentiment exactly and tho we don't like to think about our destiny, it's something we sadly have to accept.
Morning all. 6.1 for me after a gloriously sunny day yesterday.