Zero carbs? An appeal to low and very low carb members.

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That was just a joke based on some of the previous posts. I’m glad your diet isn't as unvaried and monotonous as some of the theories expounded further up the thread!
I did suspect - but could not resist a little poke back - plus some people really might think it serious advice.....
Something can be accurate/true but still silly.

Most people prefer to do more than just exist.

Isn't life about making choices? I know a handful of people whose lives are protein, usually meat based and feel certain their assessment of their lives would be far beyond existing.

Where I am right now, I tend to eat very "clean", which has nothing much to do with carbs, but more about enjoying foods I like, whilst avoiding gluten.

And those choices? Some of mine are undoubtedly different to those choices I would have made prior to T2, but they are still my choices, and I own them. Trust me, my life is a world away from existing.
Isn't life about making choices? I know a handful of people whose lives are protein, usually meat based and feel certain their assessment of their lives would be far beyond existing.

Where I am right now, I tend to eat very "clean", which has nothing much to do with carbs, but more about enjoying foods I like, whilst avoiding gluten.

And those choices? Some of mine are undoubtedly different to those choices I would have made prior to T2, but they are still my choices, and I own them. Trust me, my life is a world away from existing.
I was referring to this from from Bulkbiker:

Humans can exist on a solely meat, salt and water diet and many are thriving on exactly that.
I was referring to this from from Bulkbiker:

Humans can exist on a solely meat, salt and water diet and many are thriving on exactly that.
If that is their choice, that’s their choice. So be it.
If that is their choice, that’s their choice. So be it.

I suspect there is a difference between it being false or true, but it is their choice to believe it as true.
It's your choice to believe it's true as well, it's our choice to believe it's silly.
As you say, we all have choices, and if you also believe it's our right to voice them, so be it universally.
I certainly eat "clean" and that definitely involves gluten for example.
No foods are "dirty" or "poison".
Ah, surprise, a man with a book to sell.
And it's Paul Jeffrey now.
Pushed him off by nearly a second in 2018.

(So, "Dougie" and "dearest" now? That's a blast from the past, BigBird wasn't it then?)
In point of fact and at a slight risk of derailing, the current WR holder is an American called David Harris who set it in 2022.

But I admit I should have stated that Baker was the WR holder for a few years.

Many people like to write books some might even make some money out of them.. should we dismiss them all out of hand?

I was simply asking if you used to go under the avatar Douglas99 on the forum you were banned from ?

I did not attempt to dox you (unless of course your name is Douglas99) in which case I apologise.

And I have only ever used my bulkbiker name on diabetes forums so once again you are incorrect.
I suspect there is a difference between it being false or true,
Are you accusing me of lying now?
Unfortunately the publication designated below appears to be behind an Elsevier paywall so I can't link it directly.... maybe someone with access can show you.

Zero Carbs Required.png
Are you accusing me of lying now?
Unfortunately the publication designated below appears to be behind an Elsevier paywall so I can't link it directly.... maybe someone with access can show you.

View attachment 23956

"Apparently" isn't proof.
It just means two of you may believe it now.

And define "life"
An amoeba is alive.
So is a tree.
I'm sure while they enjoy their life, I want to do more than just stay alive.
I have set my sights higher.
I'm sure while they enjoy their life, I want to do more than just stay alive.
Me too.. steak most nights really isn't a hardship I can assure you.
Me too.. steak most nights really isn't a hardship I can assure you.

You trawled up a misquote by the way.
What the book actually says is, and is talking specifically about gluconeogenesis, (not the full range of dietary requirements, as most have already said on here)

"ingested protein sufficient to provide the brain with glucose fuel is theoretically possible, but is not likely to be acceptable"

page 288.

So I will stand corrected, not two of you, still just you.

(Steak most nights may not be a hardship, but, God, that's incredibly boring)
God, that's incredibly boring
Only for those who look at food as "entertainment"
Last night I had roast chicken so...

You have a link?
Only for those who look at food as "entertainment"
Last night I had roast chicken so...

You have a link?

Check the site you took your quote off.
It seems to have been popular there, I guess it was never questioned before?
Check the site you took your quote off.
It seems to have been popular there, I guess it was never questioned before?
I found a link to the actual book that was free

Page 275 says this so looks like you are selective quoting once again.

Screenshot 2023-01-28 at 12.47.46.png
I suspect there is a difference between it being false or true, but it is their choice to believe it as true.
It's your choice to believe it's true as well, it's our choice to believe it's silly.
As you say, we all have choices, and if you also believe it's our right to voice them, so be it universally.
I certainly eat "clean" and that definitely involves gluten for example.
No foods are "dirty" or "poison".
Very nice for you.

For me, the harsh reality is, if I eat gluten, I firstly get a stinking headache, and crushing fatigue, then my tummy bloats and seems to go on strike for a couple of days, after which I have at least a day of horrible diarrhoe, which is why avoid gluten. It’s not a fashion statement, or a phase I’m going through.
Ignoring this thread, it's actually an interesting read for the effects of other foods that slow down the absorption of carbs, and a table of high to low GI foods.

Ignoring this thread, it's actually an interesting read for the effects of other foods that slow down the absorption of carbs, and a table of high to low GI foods.

So you found the right page eventually.. thanks for the apology.
The main thrust behind zero carb is eating only animal sourced food. Some have dairy others won't.

Some simply eat beef, salt and drink water.

I think someone who does this will become very ill - not a good suggestion for any one who wants to stay healthy.
I think someone who does this will become very ill - not a good suggestion for any one who wants to stay healthy.
I was eating lowish carb since my diagnosus, thinking it helped control peaks. Perhaps it did, whilst i was learning, but it also resulted in insulin resistance and the need for more insulin per carb. A bout of sickness seems to have reset my insulin ratio and now i have gone higher carb ( about twice what i wss on) and its great. Chips! Bread! In moderation, of course, but my peaks are about the same and i had 5g crisps today. I enjoyed them! Apples! Perhaps, maybe, a banana....
Here's to a more balanced diet going forward!
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