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Wordle - Quordle Thread

Very slight improvement on yesterday, with a grand total of 92 this morning.

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Slightly worse for me today, due to Quordle going down to the wire.
Wordle in 3
Quordle in 7,9,8,4
Octordle in 60, two lives left.
Total 91
I started the day hopeful that I had changed my recent trend of doing abysmally but my optimism didn't last long 🙄 ....

Wordle in 5
Dipped out in both Quordle and Octordle although I knew what all the answers were but just ran out of lives to get them.
Oh well, tomorrow is another day...
Definitely a better than average day for me!

Wordle in 3
Quordle with two lives left and a score of 20. (3, 4, 6, 7)
Octordle also with two lives left and a score of 56.

Total score 79 which may be my best ever (I should really note these things)



I started the day hopeful that I had changed my recent trend of doing abysmally but my optimism didn't last long 🙄 ....

Wordle in 5
Dipped out in both Quordle and Octordle although I knew what all the answers were but just ran out of lives to get them.
Oh well, tomorrow is another day...

Better luck tomorrow! (four leaf clover emoji)
Well, at least I have a total to report today but it is decidedly mediocre....

Wordle down to the wire on 6.... My coffee clearly hadn't woken my brain cells up! 🙄
Quordle 7 5 8 3 = 23
Octordle with one life left and a score of 65

Total for the day = 94
Slightly better for me this morning than yesterday, with a grand total of 86, due mostly to a lucky 2nd guess on Wordle proving to be the correct answer. It is very rare for that to happen to me. Maybe I should buy a lottery ticket? 🙂
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Only done Wordle in 3 so far as have been out. Will I collect a gold star or the wooden spoon? (puzzled emoji)
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So how did I do?

Wordle in 3 as after 2 I just had to solve an anagram.
Quordle in 7vwirh a score of 20 (7, 3, 6, 4)
Octordle in 12 with a score of 64

Toal score 87



Another pretty mediocre result this morning, I'm afraid, with a grand total of 91.

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Everything followed a similar pattern to yesterday, except I made a few bad guesses and took one more go in each than yesterday.
Wordle in 5, having got the last 3 letters correct in go 2.
Quordle in 4,8,6,3.
Octordle in 64, one life left.
Total 90.
It's unusual for me to be consistent at anything for very long but I seem to be making a real effort to be consistently bad at this at the moment! 🙄

Wordle in 3. Really thought I had sussed it at 2 but just one letter wrong.
Quordle down to the wire with 9 5 3 7 = 24
Octordle was a fail. I was down to the last word... the second one.... with an option of 2 first letters left but just one life and of course I chose the wrong one, so another day with no total score for me and I get to keep my wooden spoon. :D
Well, I have at least completed them all today and I am one short of a century, but I have a total score so that is an improvement on yesterday...

Wordle in 4
Quordle down to the wire on 8 4 5 9 = 26
Octordle also on the last life with a total of 69

So a final score of 99
Same grand total (91) as yesterday for me, with only a slight difference in distribution of scores.

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A scrape through today,
Wordle in 4
Quordle in 9,3,7,4, took me three shots to get the top left, having got all the vowels in the right place early on.
Octordle in 71 at the last gasp, having two occasions where I chose one letter wrong.
Total 98.
Late reply for yesterday. Average to poor! :(

Wordle in 6
Quordle in 8 (5, 6, 7, 8) for a total of 26 but do I get a bonus (minus) point for doing in order?
Octordle in 12 for 63

Grand Total 95
Very slight improvement on yesterday for me, with a grand total this morning of 90.

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