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Wordle - Quordle Thread

Was doing well til I got to Octordle, which I only just scraped.
Wordle in 3
Quordle in 4,7,6,5, with two lives left
Octordle in 73 on the last go.
Another average result for me today....
Wordle in 4
Quordle 4 5 6 7 witha score of 22 and 2 lives left.
Struggled with the third word in Octordle but got there with the help of another word filling in the first letter for me when I had all the others. I had considered that was the only possible letter to use but didn't seem like a conventional word.
Anyway, got there with one life left and a reasonable score of 60 which is reflects my very good start, but poor finish.
Oops, nodded off posting!

So yesterday it was Wordle in 3. Another unusual one as each of my first two words had two letters in the correct position. Quordle in 9 (7, 9, 3, 8) with a score of 27 and Octordle in 12 with a score of 66




So overall rather average. Now for today's!
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Mixed bag today.
Wordle in 3
Failed Quordle
Octordle in 58 with one life left. I was storming through, but came a cropper over a US spelling on my last word, so wasted a couple of goes on that one.
Lost out on Octordle due to a combination of bad luck in a 50/50 choice and (similar to @Robin) US spelling. Don't know about you folks, but I find those US spellings really annoying some days!
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Started last night but after totally wiping out on Quordle, I decided to do Octordle this morning although result was not a lot better....
Wordle in 4
Daily Quordle 359


Octordle on my last life with a score of 71 and yes that US spelling caused me problems but got there in the end.
Had a slow start with Wordle in 5. I have only heard the word on TV and never elsewhere. Quordle to the wire (5, 6, 7, 9) but went wrong way on 8. Octordle in 12 with a score of 59 thanks to some early scores. Put a rather different word in 11 as the Yankee word never came to mind! Time for British versions using the King's English!



I ran out of chances in Octordle, but otherwise did ok this morning. Best of luck to the rest of you.
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I got Wordle in 5 and then half way through Quordle I got a big red message from McAfee saying the site was a security risk so I closed it down and decided to see if anyone else here had had a similar message. I was wary of trying Octordle after that too.
No problems on this end, though admittedly I do not use McAfee. I didn't actually think that anti-virus package was still being used. Sorry I can't be of more help.
I got Wordle in 5 and then half way through Quordle I got a big red message from McAfee saying the site was a security risk so I closed it down and decided to see if anyone else here had had a similar message. I was wary of trying Octordle after that too.

The AVG anti-virus package on my phone had no issues despite warning me about many sites!

Think my brain is not working fully (but did wake at 4.5 feeling post-hypo) as needed 5 for Wordle and. 8 for Quordle. Bit bogged down in Octordle and also annoyed as I mistyped and it said it was a word. I had to Google it and it turned out to be a French contraction, c.f. "is not" to "is'nt"! (annoyed emoji)
Got better as I went this morning.
Wordle in 5
Quordle in 4,6,5,7 with two spare lives.
Octordle in 54 with two spare lives. Haven’t had a score in the 50s for ages.
Haven't had any notifications on my ipad, it usually sends a warning message telling you not to proceed, if you’re headed for a dodgy site.
Thanks guys for the reassurance. McAfee was obviously trying to thwart me....
Just gone back to it and played an absolute blinder!! 😎
Daily Quordle 360
Best ever result with 3 lives left and a score of 18

Can't decide if I want to risk blotting my copy book with Octordle now....
I went for it and got a reasonable 59 with 2 lives left in Octordle.
Finally got back to Octordle. And the results are Wordle in 5, Quordle in 8 (6, 7, 4, 8) giving a score of 25 and Octordle in 12 with a score of 65. So overall average day!



Got off to a great start, but downhill from there. Still, managed to finish all three, so not too bad overall.
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Wordle in 3 this morning after getting an anagram of the correct word with my second attempt.
Scraped through Quordle by the skin of my teeth with 9 5 7 8 and a grand total of 29. There was a lot of puzzling over that first word as I only had 2 gold letters for on my last life. Went out for a walk, came back and puzzled some more before I eventually figured out where those gold letters should be and what of the very limited remaining letters could possibly go with them!
Octordle with 1 life left and a score of 63
Done them tonight before bed.... Not great but got better as I went on...
Wordle in 5
Quordle in 7 6 4 5 so a total of 22 with 2 lives left.
Octordle also with 2 lives left and a score of 60. It's that stupid word again!!.... You will know what I mean and groan when you get it. 😡
Oops, it's already tomorrow so here's yesterday's results.

Good start with Wordle in 3. Just got Quordle in 9 with highest possible winning score of 30 (9, 6, 7, 8). Octordle in 12 with a score of 63 thanks to some early gains. So let's see how today which now tomorrow whilst today is yesterday goes!


