Wordle - Quordle Thread

Well, I very much doubt I have a winning score today...

Wordle in 4
Quordle 4 8 7 9 = 28
Octordle for 59

Total = 91
Wooden spoon please!
7 8 6 3 for 24
And a massive 71 makes for an even more massive 98
Mediocre result today, but better than yesterday which I believe got me second place, so who knows...

Wordle in 3
Quordle 3 4 6 5 = 18
Octordle for 66

Total = 87
First in (well it would have been if @rebrascora's entry hadn't popped during typing) for the new day with a good result I think.
Wordle was a 4, followed by a 5, 4, 7, 3 Quordle for 19 and then an Octordle 52 and total of 75.
After a good day pain wise the phantom pain hit back and my BG rose from 8 to 11.8 just before waking. So it was take some Oxycodone, make a cuppa and try and focus on Wordling.

Sordle in 4
Quordle in 7 for 21 (3, 6, 5, 7)
Octordle in 12 for 59

Total Score 84! So I suspect it is Well Done @Rob Oldfield with that steaming Octordle - sadly I missed with Guess 4 so got an extra 7 points! :( Think I am probably safe from the Spoon of Wood as a few less common words today - that's means not frequently use not the opposite of posh words like ELITE! :rofl: Might even use it as the starter word when I next win the Weekly Challenge but it might be a while! 🙂
And 60

Has me level pegging with @rebrascora but time will tell on how far down we are!
Maybe we can just restart under this tab as well? I don't really see why some threads under General Message board are OK but all of the jokes / extra curricular ones aren't

Still wondering (hoping) that it's a glitch or clerical error. I like to see some other sides to people posting (within reason)
Going with this for the time being then.... For today Thurs 30th Nov...

Wordle in 4
Quordle 6 5 4 7 = 22
Octordle 60 with 2 lives left.

Total = 86

@MikeyBikey and @Rob Oldfield .... we are temporarily here until our thread is restored.
Poor wordling overall for me
6 8 5 7 = 26

Makes a wooden spoon defining 93 I suspect
My usual middle of the road scores. All very even numbered, strangely,
Wordle in 4
Quordle 4,6,8,2 = 20
Octordle in 60
Total 84
Oh, better than I thought.
Did the Wordles while waiting for Patient Transport who unfortunately arrived just as Physiotherapy rang to say unless I was already on way not to bother as there was to little time left. Nearly failed on Octordle and went to the wire with only three letters unused.

Wordle in 4
Quordle in 7 for 20 (3, 7, 6, 4)
Octordle to the wire for 69

Total Score 93! So sharing the Spoon of Wood with @Mumpie_olgran!
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Wordle results for today....

Wordle in 5
Quordle 5 7 4 3 = 19
Octordle for 65

Total = 89