What did you eat yesterday?

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I thought Burgen Bread was pretty high in carbs? o_O
I think it depends on what you are comparing it to. It isn't compared to some of the very low carb breads that I have seen mentioned but lower than some of the 'normal' breads. Again depends if you look at per slice or per 100g.
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I think it depends on what you are comparing it to. It is compared to some of the very low carb breads that I have seen mentioned but lower than some of the 'normal' breads. Again depends if you look at per slice or per 100g.
Ah, right - I buy the Nimble Wholemeal whcih is pretty good per slice but have just stared to make my own too 😉
I thought Burgen Bread was pretty high in carbs? o_O
If you are looking at the initial posts from page 1 they are from 2012! I think Burgen was a bit lower in carbs then.
Also first 2 posts were from Type 1s, so not a problem for them!
If you are looking at the initial posts from page 1 they are from 2012! I think Burgen was a bit lower in carbs then.
Also first 2 posts were from Type 1s, so not a problem for them!
From page 1 :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: are ya kidding!
I didn't say it was a problem for type ones - just saying I thought it was "pretty high in carbs!"
From page 1 :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: are ya kidding!
I didn't say it was a problem for type ones - just saying I thought it was "pretty high in carbs!"
None of the very recent posts mentioned it as far as I could see. Not everyone is low carb.
None of the very recent posts mentioned it as far as I could see. Not everyone is low carb.
In fact, I've been advised that I need to eat more carbs!!
I'll do 3 days

B - blueberry muffin and mug of coffee, same every day

D - ham, cheese and pickle toastie and Tunnocks caramel log
T - Pork crackling joint, mash and onion gravy
Evening - a few mugs of coffee, a couple of vanilla vodka and cokes and a few custard creams before bed

D - bacon and fried egg sandwich with tomato sauce, Tunnocks caramel log
T - Lincolnshire sausages, mash and onion gravy
Evening - a few mugs of coffee and a custard cream before bed

D - Lentil & bacon soup with 2 slices of bread
T - is going to be salt & pepper chicken joint with herb baby potatoes
Just a brunch for me today....

Half an apple with a small chunk of cheese (whilst I was cooking) ....followed by.....

2 slices of black pudding with fried mushrooms and pickled beetroot and courgette/marrow.... Got a major thing for pickled stuff at the moment and I could easily sit down with a large jar of beetroot or pickled gherkins or pickled onions and eat them on their own and thankfully no real impact on my BG which is surprising considering beetroot is a sweet root vegetable and has added sugar in the pickling process. I can only assume the vinegar has some compensating effect.

Anyway, this was quick and easy comfort food meal because I am struggling a bit mentally at the moment.

I have also had 2 cups of coffee with double cream.... again mostly for comfort factor.... and minimal impact on BG.
In fact, I've been advised that I need to eat more carbs!!
Same. I'm type 2 and I've been told to eat more carbs at my last nurse visit. She said I'm getting too many low readings with the meal changes I've made, too many 4s in my pre meal finger pricks. I need to snack on more carbs between meals early in the day.

Today (because I've slept since yesterday and I don't remember, apart from the chocolate I had after dinner)
8.30. Weetabix
10.30 1 slice of white toast buttered
12.00 veg sausages, onions ketchup and mustard in a small pitta.
14.00 dark chocolate chip and ginger muffin
16.00 Pear and some Almonds
19.00 ish - baked salmon, rice, roast veg, salad.
Oh yeah I do remember yesterday
Last night I had rice. Quorn and veg chilli with extra veg (stir-fried onions, mushrooms, broccoli and garlic)

Edit: Enough garlic that you could make a necklace out of my test strips and use it as a vampire repellent.
Today I was out of my usual breakfast yoghurt (and milk and cream and cheese) so I had the few remaining frozen berries (defrosted) with the tiny bit of remaining Nutty Granola and mixed seeds and some ground almonds all mixed up together.

Don't think I had any lunch.

Evening meal was quick and simple.... Tin of tuna drained and some chopped raw onio and sweetcorn and mayonnaise and a bit of chilli all mixed together. Then I microwaved a few whole savoy cabbage leaves for 2 mins and used them as wraps to contain the tuna filling.
Please dont judge me but yesterday wasn't a typical day. as I had a Christmas Pedicure session, as a treat with my daughter that involved food normally off limits but in a miniscule way, so i treated it as lunch.

Breakfast - Porridge, blueberries, Benecol - 40g carbs 304 calories
Lunch (naughty bit) - Prosecco, 1 Ferrero Rocher and 2 mini mince pies!! - 40 carbs snd 394 calories
Dinner - Lipotrim shake (normally I would have eaten a proper meal with lean meat and veg but my food shop was late and had an empty fridge!) - 16 carbs - 218 cal

Total carbs - 100
Total cal - 899

I will go back to eating my normal healthy low carb meals today, the lipotrim shake may have counteracted the prosecco lunch, and I have woken today weighing in 2 pounds lighter but I know despite eating items I shouldn't yesterday I actually ate less than my 1200 Cals so should not knock me off track. I will be good today I promise, it was a special event and I had the choice of hot chocolate, gingerbread latte or prosecco, then a little tray with 3 chocolates and a mini mince pie, I had one choc and 2 mini mince pies (my daughter hates mince pies so gave me hers and as it was 75 pounds each I had my musnt waste that head on!) I left 2 of the chocolates though and thoroughly enjoyed my day out with my daughter and now have sparkly gold toe nails and very soft skin!
Well, I still haven't managed to get to the shops yet due to anxiety but necessity is the mother of invention so this morning it was black coffee but with a bit of Options hot chocolate mixed in and a knob of butter.... I really don't like "black coffee" so it was either butter or cream cheese. 🙄
Breakfast is 1.5 small scabby apples from my own trees (really selling this I know! 🙄) cored and chopped with some blackberries from the freezer stewed with cinnamon and a few sultanas and mixed seeds then made into a sort of porridge with a tablespoon of ground almonds and some psyllium husk and water and then a good dollop of cream cheese because it was the only dairy I had left apart from butter. Oh and I also had a slice of ham with some pickled beetroot earlier before the coffee.

Just really wanting to show that you can think outside the box and create a lowish carb filling breakfast from almost anything if you keep an open mind.
Yesterday I made a mushroom soup - shiitake, chestnuts, miso, radishes, celery, ginger and hot chillies. Quite high in carbs, almost 20g, but no effect on BG. I also scoffed a bit too much low sugar dairy milk chocolate, but after a walk to record shop my post lunch and post choc BG was less than five,

Tea was peas, sweet potatoes, chicken and feta bake from Sainsbury’s’s.
Oh, the mushroom soup had Konjac noodles in it as well as spinach. It's delicious and warming!
(Recipe from the Caldesi 'Diabetes Weight Loss' book)
Well, I still haven't managed to get to the shops yet due to anxiety but necessity is the mother of invention so this morning it was black coffee but with a bit of Options hot chocolate mixed in and a knob of butter.... I really don't like "black coffee" so it was either butter or cream cheese. 🙄
Breakfast is 1.5 small scabby apples from my own trees (really selling this I know! 🙄) cored and chopped with some blackberries from the freezer stewed with cinnamon and a few sultanas and mixed seeds then made into a sort of porridge with a tablespoon of ground almonds and some psyllium husk and water and then a good dollop of cream cheese because it was the only dairy I had left apart from butter. Oh and I also had a slice of ham with some pickled beetroot earlier before the coffee.

Just really wanting to show that you can think outside the box and create a lowish carb filling breakfast from almost anything if you keep an open mind.
Coffee with cream cheese made me laugh, I imagine it would have blobs on the surface, mind you when you havent much left you can sometimes create something amazing. I love improv cooking with left overs, but this time my left overs consisted of 2 apples, a tub of benecol buttery and some 85% dark chocolate, 🙂
It can be helpful sometimes to know what sort of things people are eating, as it might give some ideas for a more varied diet. So, I'll start off with what I ate yesterday:

Breakfast - 1 slice buttered Burgen toast (my breakfast every day, I don't like to run with too much in my stomach)

Lunch - two soft-boiled eggs, two slices of buttered Burgen toast soldiers 🙂 Activia yoghurt

Evening meal - home-made spaghetti bolognese and a bounty bar.

I also nibbled on chilli-dusted peanuts through the evening.
What and where do you get Burgen from, I have never heard of it. (Type1).
That post you quoted is from August 2012 and things have moved on a bit with products since then. Burgen is still available in some supermarkets I believe but can be hard to find. I think they changed the formulation slightly and there are now lower carb options by other manufacturers like LivLife and I think Nimble also do a low carb loaf and Warburtons do a No Added Sugar Wholemeal which is very widely available and is just 8 or 9g carbs per slice.
However I see from your profile that you are Type 1, so really you do not need to buy low carb breads or other products because you just need to make sure you adjust your insulin doses to the carbs in what you choose to eat, so I am not sure why you are particularly interested in Burgen.
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