What did you eat yesterday?

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Friday 4/6/2021

Tesco indian meal - poppadoms, chicken pakoras, onion bahjis, chicken korma, chicken tikka, pilau rice
We're a good advert for Burgen between us! 🙂
Excuse my ignorance , fairly new to all this , what is burgen bread? Do supermarkets stock it?I always buy small wholemeal loaf and use for a sandwich but bloods not great so would be interested to find an alternative
Excuse my ignorance , fairly new to all this , what is burgen bread? Do supermarkets stock it?I always buy small wholemeal loaf and use for a sandwich but bloods not great so would be interested to find an alternative

Bergen is a low carb bread made by one of the big bakers. If you read around the forum you will find that some like it some don't. One problem with it is that it is very hit and miss in terms of stocking in the supermarkets. Sometimes you find it, sometimes you don't. You used to be able to buy it round here (West Lancashire) but it seems to have disappeared from the supermarkets I use.

One thing you might do is to look around the specialist bread section of your local supermarkets - if they have one. A bit of label checking will tell you whether they stock a low carb bread. If you have a Booths near you then they stock a Low GI bread made by their baker, Warbertons. At 9g carb a slice and nicely flavoured, it suits me down to the ground.
Excuse my ignorance , fairly new to all this , what is burgen bread? Do supermarkets stock it?I always buy small wholemeal loaf and use for a sandwich but bloods not great so would be interested to find an alternative
Haven’t ever seen it in the shops, but allegedly it is available in the uk
its a lower carb than what your probably currently eating

I’m no expert but like many a sandwich or toast keeps me going
ive started looking at the nutritional info label on the wholemeal loaves
In supermarkets
infact sometimes the Wife’s half way round Tescos by the time I’ve decided which loaf
I dare eat, I usually end up buying a Warburtons loaf that shows a carb content of 9g of carb per slice
which I believe is quite good,
and following eating it,I test I’m finding 3 hrs after eating it usually @lunch time my levels are falling back down.
Here goes...yesterday...

BR: All bran, Shreddies, Skimmed Milk, 1/2 Banana - All in Carbs 22.9g
MS: Rice cake and butter - All in Carbs 2g
LU: Prawn salad - All in Carbs 8.1g
AS: a small M&S Eclair - All in Carbs 5.6g
TE: Chicken and Green Beans - All in Carbs 3g
ES: Raspberries - All in Carbs 17.8g
NI: Strawberries and red wine - All in carbs 17.6g
2 mugs of tea, 2 mugs of coffee

Totals for the day...

Calories 990 (weight loss diet)
Carbs 83g
Protein 57.2g
Fibre 25.6g
All Fats 33.1g
Sat Fats 11.8g
Salt 3.8g
Cholesterol 200.3mg

Overall intake of solids 199.1g
Overall intake of fluids 2313.4 g

Weight loss 0.2 Kg (probably fluids)
Yup, that's why I get my app to do all the hard work of calculating it all. I hope I got the calculations right though.

BR carbs 27.1g
MS carbs 18.9g
LU carbs 10.5g
AS carbs 4.1g
TE carbs 25.5g
ES carbs 13.9g
NI carbs 16.9
Drinks carbs 6g

It was a high total of 122.9g carbs. More than I normally have. I try to keep to below 100g a day.
So today will be much better at 83g.

Without the App I would be struggling.
I’m not sure you quite got the jacket potato righ, but not far off. The standard apps have a 150g cooked weight baked potato at 35g carb
I know you are Type 1 and take insulin for your carb intake but you do not seem to be having very much protein or vegetables in the meals you have posted.
I was thinking the same, there could be benefits for general health as well as blood sugars in switching to whole grain or seeded bread and adding some fruit and veg as it seems most days you’ve posted didn’t have any fruit or veg. But I’m not qualified to give diet advice seen as I need to lose weight myself!
Hmm thanks I will have a look into that.

Always improving ....

Yes you are right and it is now corrected. Its a good job I don't eat many of them.

Not sure what I have posted to give the impression of no fruit or vedge.

Every day I have a half banana, nectarine, pear, raspberries and strawberries and most days I have either, peas, cauliflower, green beans, lettuce, cucumber, carrots, tomato.

I don't eat eggs very often as the cholesterol count is way too high, although recent studies have shown no link between eggs and cholesterol in the blood.
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Yesterday I had
Breakfast: crumpets with butter (really didn’t work for bg as I didn’t prebolus)
Lunch: chicken and green veg pasta
Dinner: chicken kebab wrap with salad and coleslaw
Snacks: crisps & peppers

Going to restart calorie counting today as I’m getting nowhere with weight loss on a “generally trying not to eat too badly without counting” approach.

Scrambled egg on 2 rounds of hovis med white sliced

Scrambled egg on 2 rounds of hovis med white sliced


soft cheese sandwich on 2 rounds of hovis med white sliced - couldn't really be bothered doing anything else because I was feeling very stressed about if to start using the libre again - in the end I've decided it's not for me
Tested and injected for lunch which was meal carbs and a correction dose because of a high level but had to test and inject again after 1 hour because I went to my son's cafe and had a lovely pre packed small slice of lemon drizzle cake - only injected for the carbs

@Leadinglights I will be having some protein and vegetables tonight at teatime 🙂


fillet steak, fried mushrooms, petit pois with baby carrots, tesco cheddar mash, 1 piece of garlic bread and pepper sauce.
Muller chocolate flake yoghurt
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Today, making more of an effort to count and reduce the calories I had:

Brunch: A few decaf coffees, a mini chicken salad wrap, cheesestring, ice lolly.

Come the evening I felt terrible, lightheaded/dizzy and sick but at the same time hungry. I had only had about 400 calories / 40g carb by that point and had ketones so I’m guessing that’s why i felt ill as reducing calories especially carbs always makes me feel dreadful.

Dinner was noodles with red onion, mixed peppers, green beans, lime, and beef mince. I’ll have a yoghurt later on tonight.

Total 1081 calories, 114 carbs. I’ll add some more carbs tomorrow and hopefully feel better.
Yesterday (was a bust for the liquid diet yet again, so today is another day!)

Weight: 14 12.6 going up and up Tum: 50> going up and up BG: 7.6 @ 8.44am
Breakfast: pint water / Cafe Latte Slimfast bottle / pint water with meds
Lunch: pint water / Mint Choc Slimfast bottle / mug Oxo
Dinner: pint water / fresh tomatoes on 2 slices wholemeal toast with 2 fried eggs and too much butter and mayo
Later ravenous so scouring the bungalow for food, nowt in, found nearly a full bag of hash browns in the freezer, baked the lot and ate with mayo, an hour later a hearty glug of Gaviscon, was it worth it? 😳😳 Tum rigid. Start again tomorrow...
Yesterday (was a bust for the liquid diet yet again, so today is another day!)

Weight: 14 12.6 going up and up Tum: 50> going up and up BG: 7.6 @ 8.44am
Breakfast: pint water / Cafe Latte Slimfast bottle / pint water with meds
Lunch: pint water / Mint Choc Slimfast bottle / mug Oxo
Dinner: pint water / fresh tomatoes on 2 slices wholemeal toast with 2 fried eggs and too much butter and mayo
Later ravenous so scouring the bungalow for food, nowt in, found nearly a full bag of hash browns in the freezer, baked the lot and ate with mayo, an hour later a hearty glug of Gaviscon, was it worth it? 😳😳 Tum rigid. Start again tomorrow...
Oops. Today is a new day, start again afresh. My calories did end up higher at 1435 calories and 146 carbs because my bg at bedtime was 4.1 so I had half a glass of apple juice and a cheese and tomato sandwich thin. BGs were weird yesterday, no rise at all after anything not even the noodles and sandwich, I fingerpricked several times and libre was spot on every time. Did make me grumpy to have to eat a sandwich after I was ready for bed though.


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B - 2 Egg Spanish omelette (grated cheese diced bacon, chopped onion tomato & radish)
1/2 slice of buttered toast

L - Sandwich crab paste & rocket
I’m still still buying a lower carb bread where I can (9g carb per slice)
Individual packet of crinkly mini cheddars (I find these don’t seem to spike my sugars)

D - Steak marinated in red wine & crushed black pepper
Side salad, chopped salad leaves, celery, gherkin, & radish with Mayo & seeds
The steak was delicious but salad wasn’t any good so never ate it - then had a nut-&-fruit bar after
scrambled egg and smoked salmon on thin slice toast
ryvita, cooked meat, cheese, celery, red pepper, pickled red cabbage, half apple
chicken fajitas, red cabbage, apple, celery coleslaw cucumber and tomato, half a roll, strawberries and cream.
2 rounds of toast on hovis med white sliced - 36g of carbs
ham sandwich on 2 rounds of hovis med white sliced 36g of carbs
batchelors mushroom cup a soup 15g of carbs


tesco Finest meal deal - chicken parmigiana 8g of carbs, garlic bread 10g of carbs, rosemary potatoes 40g of carbs, chocolate orange pot 22g of carbs
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Continuing with making an effort for good food choices, today ended up lower carb and higher protein than my stomach can usually cope with, but didn’t have any issues which has been nice!

Breakfast: Fried egg, 2 bacon, mushrooms and onion, 3 decaf coffees (you need 3 to get going when it’s decaf )

First lunch (I was running late): 1 banana and 1 satsuma

Second lunch (1st one didn’t fill me up): Sandwich with whole meal bread, avocado, chicken, lettuce, tomato, spring onions.

Dinner: Steak, 4 jersey royals, 2 small corn on the cobs, butter, Kvarg white chocolate yoghurt

Totals: 1231 calories, 96g carb, was at 100% time in range but forgot to prebolus for dinner so sadly just having a brief excursion above
I had a low carb day today:
B: Grill up of 2 chicken chipolatas, 2 turkey rashers, 2 large mushrooms and 2 medium tomatoes
L: Ham, egg and cottage cheese salad with mango and lime dressing
D: Tuna steak, cauliflower rice, mixed vegetables and a drizzle of vegetable stock (I don't like dry food)
S: Mixed berries with Greek yogurt, water, decaf tea and coffee
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