What did you eat yesterday?

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08/10/18 A mostly green within target range day starting with an out of target 10 & one JUST a smidge over target of 9.6. Almost back to pre flu jab doses: 32 units compared to yesterday’s 48 units.🙂

00:05 BS 8.5. No rise! 8 units Levemir & went to bed!

10:05 BS 10.0. 16 units Novorapid, exercises & Breakfast:- 3 oatcakes, 75g mature cheddar, last of it, & 150ml apple juice. 11:56 BS 9.3. Yay! Back within target range! 24 units Levemir & all other meds.

14:44 BS 7.0. 8 units Novorapid Lunch:- just after tesco delivery, 1 ham & vintage cheddar sandwich, 1 Brussels pate sandwich & 2 cups tea with almond milk (1 each of twinings everyday & honey camomile in the pot, sandwiches made with kingsmill no crusts 50/50). 16:24 BS 9.6. Aw! Just another smidge lower, 9.5, & it’ll would be in target range!

18:42 BS 9.3. Not much movement. 8 units Novorapid Dinner:- 120g smoked salmon, 2 poached eggs & 150ml apple juice. 20:19 BS 9.8. Just outside target range again but, pretty happy with that.

Don’t count your chickens before they’re hatched: wrote this while waiting for the Timesulin cap to tick over 90 minutes before testing!🙄

Tired & going to bed soon! Hope you had a good day & I bid you a Goodnight!🙂
Monday 8/10
FBG (5.30am) Not measured today
Breakfast 1 (5.30am): Porridge (made with almond milk),
plum, blackberries, walnuts {288 Cal / 35.1g Carbs}
……………………………….2 mile walk
……………………………….5 km on rowing machine
Breakfast (8am): Toast (one slice, seeded), scrambled duck egg, mushrooms,
tomatoes / Juice from one orange {246 Cal / 18.3g Carbs}

Snack (11am): Banana {63 Cal / 14.4g Carbs}
……………………………...5 km row

Lunch (1pm): Butternut squash & chilli soup {65 Cal / 13.3g Carbs}
Tuna & avocado salad {329 Cal / 5.9g Carbs}
Strawberries, blackcurrants, yoghurt, pecans {142 Cal / 9.0g Carbs}

Snack (4pm): Ryvita, hummus {133 Cal / 18.7g Carbs}

Dinner (7pm): Salmon, roast potatoes & celeriac, runner beans,
carrots, peas {386 Cal / 24.4g Carbs}
Pear, raspberries, yoghurt, hazelnuts {128 Cal / 12.7g Carbs}
………………………………..3 mile walk

Snack (9pm): Toast (one slice, seeded), milk {173 Cal / 18.8g Carbs}

4 cups of coffee too

Calories 2031
Carbs 181.6g
Protein 115.4g
Fat 80.0g (Sat Fat 13.9g / Trans fat 0.4g)

All food cooked from scratch, if you would like any recipes please just ask
Brunch. Really really hungry 3 😱 slices of well burnt heavily buttered toast and a very large coffee
D. Cheese , an apple and a Coke Zero.
Water throughout the day
B: 2 boiled eggs, cocoa
L: Pub lunch with workmate - ham butty on wholemeal with salad and a few crisps, latte
T: Roast belly pork, veg bake.
Hi there, im new to the site. Was a bad type 2 with long term sugars of 12+. Now im a reformed character. I am on lynagliptin and trulicity and have radically altered my diet. My sugars are now 6.7 roughly speaking and my diabetic nurse and doctor are v pleased with my efforts so far ( 10 weeks since the change of diet). I basically have porridge with almond milk sweetner and berries for breakfast, ricecakes (marmite ones) cheese and tomatoes for lunch with a small apple for pudding, then veg and meat for dinner with maybe barenaked rice or cauli rice. I have discovered some sugar free biscuits and sweets so have a couple of those if i fancy a treat.
Hi helen
I was in complete denial for the last 6 years, until a wake up call from my doctor, so i am trying to be a good girl now. Its going well, if the diet is a little boring. How are you doing?
09/10/18 A better day that started within target & only one out of target reading with the same insulin doses: 32 units Novorapid in total!🙂

Took my midnight Levemir a little earlier before turning in last night 23:16 6 units Levemir off to bed!

04:44 BS 9.3. Yay! Within target!🙂 Changed my routine as the cold mornings are making my muscles stiff. Will do my physio exercises after a hot bath after breakfast! 16 units Novorapid Breakfast:- 2 slices hot buttered toast (kingsmill no crusts 50/50 & 15g dromona pure butter), 120g smoked salmon & 1 cup twinings everyday with almond milk. I’m keeping up the policy of NOT testing after breakfast so I’m not tempted to add a correction & I suspect my change of routine will affect BS: don’t know how yet! Will start testing again when my before lunch readings start dropping!🙄

Had a hot bath around 07:00 & did my exercises: SO much easier as the hot water loosened me up & I wasn’t stiff!🙂 Still, as yet, not turned on central heating so, takes 2 hours to get enough hot water for a bath.

Dozed off for a bit!

11:36 Awake BS 9.2. Not much movement there! I REALLY didn’t know what figure to expect?🙄 8 units Novorapid 24 units Levemir & all other meds Lunch:- 2 ham sandwiches (made with kingsmill no crusts 50/50, dromona pure butter & eastman’s ham: never buy again as it’s very poor quality & more like luncheon meat) & 2 cups tea with almond milk (1 each of twinings everyday & honey camomile in the pot). 14:50 BS 9.8.

18:07 BS 4.9. That’s a very big drop: change of routine?🙄 Cooked dinner first before 8 units Novorapid, didn’t reduce as I was VERY hungry, at 18:31 so, I don’t go hypo! Dinner:- 2 sausages, 2 slices veg roll, 2 slices of buttered toast, 200g baked beans & 150ml apple juice. 20:01 BS 5.2. Actually had a stonking headache & heart was beginning to race around the 1 hour 25 mark waited for the 90 mins mark to test as a racing heart, I learned the other day, is not necessarily indicative of a hypo! Thought the headache was my new reading glasses being a bit tight as I was writing this up ready to post after testing. Had a correction snack of half an oatcake as there’s still 2.5 hours of active insulin! Was going to bed soon but, need to stay up now to monitor! Will need to lower Lunch & Dinner doses tomorrow!

Hope you all had a good day!🙂
My headache & heartrate is calming down now! With my cold a couple of weeks before my flu jab & after my BS has been high & this is a false hypo I’m feeling but, very glad I tested & caught it otherwise it would be a REAL hypo! Diabetes keeping me on my toes!🙄
How are you doing?
I'm fine, thanks for asking.
OH, Alan, & I are both type 2, he being diagnosed in Sept 2017 & me in March 2018. I've managed to get my HbA1c down from 111 to 47. I'm on slow release metformin after having tummy troubles with the normal metformin and I'm much more careful with my diet than Alan is. Struggling to lose weight though after an initial 12kg loss, I've put about 5kg back on :(
Hi there, im new to the site. Was a bad type 2 with long term sugars of 12+. Now im a reformed character. I am on lynagliptin and trulicity and have radically altered my diet. My sugars are now 6.7 roughly speaking and my diabetic nurse and doctor are v pleased with my efforts so far ( 10 weeks since the change of diet). I basically have porridge with almond milk sweetner and berries for breakfast, ricecakes (marmite ones) cheese and tomatoes for lunch with a small apple for pudding, then veg and meat for dinner with maybe barenaked rice or cauli rice. I have discovered some sugar free biscuits and sweets so have a couple of those if i fancy a treat.
Welcome aboard
Tuesday 9/10
FBG (5.30am) 4.2
Snack (5.30am): Banana {62 Cal / 14.8g Carbs}
……………………………….5 mile walk
Breakfast (8am): Toast (one slice, seeded), garlic mushrooms,
tomatoes, butter beans / Juice from half a grapefruit {187 Cal / 27.1g Carbs}

Lunch (1pm): Chestnut & celeriac soup {83 Cal / 11.7g Carbs}
Cottage cheese & avocado salad, Ryvita, hummus {393 Cal / 27.3g Carbs}
Nectarine, raspberries, yoghurt, almonds {138 Cal / 13.1g Carbs}

………………………………..2 mile walk
BG (6pm) 3.9
Dinner (6pm): Sausages [Lincolnshire, homemade], squash & sweet potato mash,
runner beans, sweetcorn {480 Cal / 37.9g Carbs}
Malaga ice cream {205 Cal / 22.0g Carbs}

4 cups of coffee too

Calories 1630
Carbs 165.0g
Protein 87.1g
Fat 60.4g (Sat Fat 13.3g / Trans fat 0.5g)

All food cooked from scratch, if you would like any recipes please just ask
B: Egg & bacon butty on wholemeal, cocoa.
L: 6 Ryvita crispbreads, Philadelphia, pear, Mullerlight Greek yogurt
T: Sweet & sour chicken, (Uncle Ben's NAS sauce), cauli rice, tea.
B. 2 slices of wholemeal toast one had some peanut butter on and a large coffee.
L . Sparkling water
D. 6 oven chips , a few minted peas, 1 fish cake and a Coke Zero
Water throughout the day.
S. Then to my utter shame just before bed, I thoroughly enjoyed 4 Pringles and as if that wasn’t bad enough 2 yes 2 Tunnocks tea cakes :(
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