Wasn’t expecting to be posting this news again…surprise pregnancy!

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Gosh, many congratulations, @merrymunky, what wonderful news!

My daughter gave birth to her second baby on Monday - after hours of staying at home with pains, they suddenly got worse, she and her hubby drove fast to the hospital but she only made it to the Ladies and gave birth on the floor! All was well though, as staff came running in panic...

Best wishes to you and your lovely family xx
Thank you all. We really appreciate all the kind words and love. Orin is doing well. His jaundice is almost gone and Eris is being just so lovely too. I’m doing so much better pain and mobility wise and tomorrow we take our first little trip out as a family of four. He has a hearing screening test then going to Costa for a little treat drink!

Absolutely gorgeous. Hope appointment tomorrow goes well and you enjoy your little treat afterwards. Very well deserved if you ask me!
Thank you all. We really appreciate all the kind words and love. Orin is doing well. His jaundice is almost gone and Eris is being just so lovely too. I’m doing so much better pain and mobility wise and tomorrow we take our first little trip out as a family of four. He has a hearing screening test then going to Costa for a little treat drink!

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Iread it too quick and thought he was going for a screaming test lol, wow handsome lil guy
Who wants some baby spam?

Sorry I’ve been absent. Looking after a three year old and a baby is busy work. I will say that everything is going well though. Eris absolutely adores Orin and he vibes off her and goads her into making him giggle. They are adorable together. We had a tricky few weeks with Eris when Orin was about a month old where her behaviours declined and there were tantrums, deliberate wetting herself over every sofa, the floors etc and hurting Orin by squeezing him or scratching him. I think like all first borns she found the transition tricky, especially after Daddy went back to work. I will say that she just snapped out of it one day and since then it’s been wonderful to watch them love each other so much.

Orin will be 6 months old on the 10th. He rolls over and shuffles around to reach toys but is yet to sit unaided for more than a second or two. He is a smiley, beautiful natured boy. They BOTH sleep through the night. Eris is fully potty trained and dry at night now too so out of pull ups completely. We keep ourselves busy with playgroup, play cafes, soft play etc. Eris starts nursery in September, she’s so ready. I’m excited for her. She will flourish. I’m back to work mid October and so not looking forward to it! My diabetes care is non existent at the moment and I know I need to start making that a priority again soon but finding the motivation is really hard at the moment.

But for now…some updated photos of my beautiful little ones because I know some of you here always enjoy them. These are all very recent

They are just gorgeous! You must be so proud! Thanks for posting as it has put a smile on my face before I head off to bed.
They are just gorgeous! You must be so proud! Thanks for posting as it has put a smile on my face before I head off to bed.
I could have posted more but you can only upload 10 at a time. There are so many gorgeous ones of them. I honestly am so proud of them both. We pinch ourselves every day. Xx
Thanks you so much for the update @merrymunky
Fabulous photos. I hope that the return to work goes smoothly.
Beautiful photos! So lovely to read of your happiness and I hope the transition to work goes smoothly.
What a gorgeous pair of mini monkeys, I bet they run you ragged at times. Remember you need to look after yourself for their sake, hard though it might be at the moment.
Awwww! Lovely pics @merrymunky and a lovely update too.

No wonder you are super-proud of them. What a gorgeous pair!
I could have posted more but you can only upload 10 at a time. There are so many gorgeous ones of them. I honestly am so proud of them both. We pinch ourselves every day. Xx
You both had such a journey to get here! And now you have a perfect family, it’s so wonderful.
They are both beautiful and it sounds like they are both doing brilliant. And you’re right she will love nursery.
I am so happy for you. Thank you for sharing xxx
Little lady started nursery today. It seems surreal that she is a pre-schooler already. She will be going Thursday afternoons and all day Friday it means until I go back to work in October, that Orin and I will get some one on one time together.

Here she is all ready for the off today. I tried to get a doorstep photo on the way out but she was less cooperative and the results are quite hilarious…mostly moody faces and one full on crying face! Thank goodness I got some indoor happy ones before hand just in case!

Orin is coming on really well. He’s enjoying weaning and although he can’t/won’t sit up unaided for more than a few seconds he is trying desperately to crawl all the time and is great at doing a plank!!
Beautiful photos @merrymunky <3 I love Eris’s little sign :D I hope she enjoys nursery. That’s such a lovely photo of Orin. Love his expression!
Just gorgeous! The pair of them. Can't believe Eris is so grown up looking. Hope her first day went well and she is happier setting out for her second day tomorrow. Orin has a right cheeky face. I think he is going to be a heart breaker.... I can feel it through the screen!!
You must be so proud (and grateful) to be blessed with such a lovely family, after all that initial heartache.
I really hope you are finding time to look after your own health and manage your diabetes well too. Not easy but just as important as looking after those two cuties.
Two of our greats started Primary school yesterday and the youngest grand also started senior school - all looked exceedingly smart in their new uniforms.
Two of our greats started Primary school yesterday and the youngest grand also started senior school - all looked exceedingly smart in their new uniforms.
It makes you burst with love and pride doesn’t it? Even seeing my niece in her uniform ready to start reception this week was just lovely.
So used to seeing them dressed, er, casually, with mucky hands and knees and hair all over the place - they just look so lovely dressed up!
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