Wasn’t expecting to be posting this news again…surprise pregnancy!

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Orin Luke Teagle made a rather dramatic entrance to the world at 1.25am Friday 10th Feb. He weighs 7lb 4oz and has completed our little family, joining big sister Eris Rose who will be 3 in May.

I had a FANTASTIC labour but it turned to total trauma at the end. I’d had an epidural earlier in the day and was enjoying a beautiful pain free labour. I did have one weird episode of tachycardia for which they aren’t too concerned but need to have some follow up in the future. My heart rate shot up and had horrid flutters for well over 20 minutes. But other than that labour was relaxed and positive, a big positive difference to my daughter’s failed epidural and forceps delivery. He was a bit stuck as his head was turned to the side (a bit like Eris’ was) and forceps attempted but failed. Ended up with a c section which absolutely sucks. A few things went wrong, they managed to tear me vertically internally behind the bladder into the fundus, bladder not damaged thankfully but it took so long to repair and close up that the epidural anaesthesia started to wear off and it became rather painful. The anaesthetist had to shout at the consultant and doc twice to get them to stop (they didn’t listen the first time and even though I was yelping) but she was a great advocate and instructed them to stop immediately so they could knock me out with a general anaesthetic. Woke up two hours later to find out that I had also lost quite a lot of blood, 1.6 litres but they did something cell salvage where they managed to suction and filter clean my own blood and give 100 mls of it back. I’m so sore but doing ok but totally smitten with our beautiful boy.

A few photos, including one of both the kids on day 2 looking like little clones except the nose! 446191C7-8E6B-4481-BC9C-25645406091C.jpeg43D0E0DF-9C9A-4EA3-8710-4E9473652A96.jpegF1CE853D-5CE8-4764-9E0C-832766E76EC6.jpegF1CE853D-5CE8-4764-9E0C-832766E76EC6.jpegADF1F93E-623C-4CB9-88EF-240381144A72.jpeg9E7D3D0D-F100-427F-B1C4-367C40E66C05.jpeg446191C7-8E6B-4481-BC9C-25645406091C.jpeg74596840-055F-4B0F-9525-8AD80C07A6D0.jpeg
Sorry to hear you had another rough ride but absolutely delighted that you had a safe delivery and you are both OK albeit very sore and needing some recuperation time.
Massive "WELL DONE" and many congratulations.
Sorry to hear you had such a rough time at the end, but love the photos @merrymunky . Thank you for taking the time to share them with us, and I hope that you heal well.
So cute! I love the photo where big sis is bending over to kiss him!

If you feel that you need to seek help with processing later then please do. I don't know for sure about what services there are where you live, but there has been a big national push to increasing birth trauma services just the last couple of years so hopefully you will be seen quickly for help if you need it.
Ohhh - he really is gorgeous! and yes I do know very well they always are when they're asleep..... Erin was such a little beaut I thought this one couldn't possibly be the same and you might feel disappointed.

PS anaesthetists often ARE people's best friend - one of 'mine' reminded me that not only would he put me to sleep but he'd also be most instrumental waking me up again after!
Orin Luke Teagle made a rather dramatic entrance to the world at 1.25am Friday 10th Feb. He weighs 7lb 4oz and has completed our little family, joining big sister Eris Rose who will be 3 in May.

I had a FANTASTIC labour but it turned to total trauma at the end. I’d had an epidural earlier in the day and was enjoying a beautiful pain free labour. I did have one weird episode of tachycardia for which they aren’t too concerned but need to have some follow up in the future. My heart rate shot up and had horrid flutters for well over 20 minutes. But other than that labour was relaxed and positive, a big positive difference to my daughter’s failed epidural and forceps delivery. He was a bit stuck as his head was turned to the side (a bit like Eris’ was) and forceps attempted but failed. Ended up with a c section which absolutely sucks. A few things went wrong, they managed to tear me vertically internally behind the bladder into the fundus, bladder not damaged thankfully but it took so long to repair and close up that the epidural anaesthesia started to wear off and it became rather painful. The anaesthetist had to shout at the consultant and doc twice to get them to stop (they didn’t listen the first time and even though I was yelping) but she was a great advocate and instructed them to stop immediately so they could knock me out with a general anaesthetic. Woke up two hours later to find out that I had also lost quite a lot of blood, 1.6 litres but they did something cell salvage where they managed to suction and filter clean my own blood and give 100 mls of it back. I’m so sore but doing ok but totally smitten with our beautiful boy.

A few photos, including one of both the kids on day 2 looking like little clones except the nose! View attachment 24155View attachment 24156View attachment 24157View attachment 24157View attachment 24158View attachment 24159View attachment 24155View attachment 24160
Congratulations... they are absolutely beautiful.
Good grief @merrymunky - I almost stopped reading, what a dramatic finish! I'm so glad gorgeous little Orin is safe n sound. Fab name! Congratulations!!
Thank you all. We are home and recovering. It’s been hard, I won’t lie. Not only am I dealing with the section pain, I’ve got a terrible back from all the epidural insertions (three times as the first one went into my blood vessel, the second one was great but got tugged out getting me on the bed in theatre so they had to do it again) and I have nasty sciatic pain all through the left side of my bum and leg! It’s been hard to get comfortable in any position at all. Yesterday was a low point emotionally as well. Processing hormones c birth trauma and pain so spent the day in tears feeling for and overwhelmed. I feel better this morning though so hoping for a more positive day.

Orin has a touch of jaundice but is otherwise great. Eris has really taken to him which makes my heart very happy.

Oh WOW! What lovely news @merrymunky

Huge congratulations all round, and what an absolutely lovely family!

Hope you are soon feeling back on top form again, and that your post section recovery is super speedy.
Congratulations @merrymunky Orin is beautiful. So pleased that Eris loves him so much. Hope you have a good recovery after such a traumatic birth.
Thank you all. We are home and recovering. It’s been hard, I won’t lie. Not only am I dealing with the section pain, I’ve got a terrible back from all the epidural insertions (three times as the first one went into my blood vessel, the second one was great but got tugged out getting me on the bed in theatre so they had to do it again) and I have nasty sciatic pain all through the left side of my bum and leg! It’s been hard to get comfortable in any position at all. Yesterday was a low point emotionally as well. Processing hormones c birth trauma and pain so spent the day in tears feeling for and overwhelmed. I feel better this morning though so hoping for a more positive day.

Orin has a touch of jaundice but is otherwise great. Eris has really taken to him which makes my heart very happy.

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What a super baby and proud sister I bet.
My grand daughter was jaundiced and had to be under UV light in the hospital with blood tests to check if she was OK to go home and we were told to watch out for her colour. We were a bit worried one day and mentioned it to the health visitor when she called and she couldn't see any problem but asked what the colour of the room was and yes, it was yellow. We all had a good laugh.
He’s gorgeous and you are doing great.

Sorry it was such a drama for you all again, another battle but look at the reward. Take care all of you.

Congratulations xxx
He’s gorgeous and you are doing great.

Sorry it was such a drama for you all again, another battle but look at the reward. Take care all of you.

Congratulations xxx
Also remembering your journey all those years ago I am so happy you battled on through all the difficulties and have created this wonderful dream family. You are incredible xxx
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