Virtual Meetup - second Sunday of the month

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Awwwww thanks @Nayshiftin

Yes it will be 3pm on Sunday 13th Feb.

I generally send round a private message with the log-in details on the Friday, but we mostly use the same code every time, so if you’ve had the log-in once you should be able to re-use it 🙂

Look forward to seeing you then @srbind1 and @Annemarie
Hello! How can I join this?
Hello! How can I join
You will be given an invite when Everest ups and downs sends it to you. I don’t recall if he pms or sends an email once you click on the links. Have you got zoom ? It’s easy and I’m sure you will be made very welcome.
Everydsyupsandowns sorry he’s a moderator but my spell checker corrects
Administrator. Oh heck I am in hot water today
As a newly diagnosed Type 2, I would love to be included, as I feel so isolated and the meetings Will be so helpful. When I was pre-diabetic I attended a virtual meeting every month and I’m missing those. Will you please send me the log on detail. Thanks
I’m sure you’ll get an invite from Everydsyupsanddowns
its probably about time i say hello to you all :D count me in x
Thanks, Could try using Discord rather than a zoom, has some very good features and you can set up permanent voice channels that you can also video in - everything can be set up in advance. I use it all the time and it's FREEE 🙂
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Thanks, Could try using Discord rather than a zoom, has some very good features and you can set up permanent voice channels that you can also video in - everything can be set up in advance. I use it all the time and it's FREEE 🙂
I think it would be hard to swap from zoom at this stage, without losing some less techy participants (like me) who have learnt to use zoom, but would struggle with having to download another App and get familiar with its quirks, and there’s always going to be some members who perhaps haven’t joined a meet for a while, fancy it at the last minute, and then can’t it set up in time if we’ve gone somewhere else.
I think it would be hard to swap from zoom at this stage, without losing some less techy participants (like me) who have learnt to use zoom, but would struggle with having to download another App and get familiar with its quirks, and there’s always going to be some members who perhaps haven’t joined a meet for a while, fancy it at the last minute, and then can’t it set up in time if we’ve gone somewhere else.
Yeah, Zoom's working fine. It cuts out after 45 minutes, but I think if anything that's a bonus. Either we decide that's enough or we reconnect and carry on for ~10 minutes, but the 45 minutes is a nice reminder of the time.

(The host of This Week in Virology also really likes Zoom (I'm sure he pays for it), since now everybody he wants to interview is happy with video chats and everybody is just fine with Zoom. So while it's become harder to interview people in person, they can easily interview people from across the world. There are other systems, of course, but everyone now knows Zoom. The company I work for used to use some other video conferencing software, but after a while it just became too annoying and expensive so (before 2020) we switched over to Zoom which just works much better than whatever the other one was (as well as being quite a lot cheaper, I think.)
I'd like to join the next one again please. Missed the last as we had arranged to video chat with friends at the same time as the chat here.
I'd like to join the next one again please. Missed the last as we had arranged to video chat with friends at the same time as the chat here.
I think he sends the information to everyone who's ever asked each time. (And it's the same, so you can just read it anyway.)
Yes... look forward to it! A day before Valentines! It must have been December when I met you @Bruce Stephens
It must have been December when I met you @Bruce Stephens
Probably. I've missed lots, since while the tradition is to dance tango late at night nowadays I'm falling asleep by then so I prefer early evenings and weekend afternoons. I think I've only been present at half a dozen of these (probably less).
I think he sends the information to everyone who's ever asked each time. (And it's the same, so you can just read it anyway.)

Haha! Guilty as charged! It is a bespoke list each month though. Some regulars, some who asked once before but never made it, some newcomers who have asked for the first time.

It’s part invite, part reminder really 🙂

I’ll try to remember to drop you off the list if you’re often off doing other things @Bruce Stephens - as you say, you have the details anyway!
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