Very unsure about this 5th Covid Vaccine?

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Went to boots.much quicker than attending my gp surgery. Had flu jab 1 day week later had the covid. Your body, your brain, and therefore your choice. I wouldn't like to influence anyone to take or not to take it. Do what's best for yourself. Valid arguments on both sides of the fence. Choosethe side that suits you. Here's hoping no one suffers whatever their decision
Got both my flu and covid boosters today, interestingly my libre is giving me loads of false lows ever since; wondering if I should have got both jabs in one arm and not one in each!
Thanks to this thread booked in for covid booster. Rather perplexed re the 'unknown substance' quote...with the wide uptake of covid vaccines we now have a biggest dataset than for many medicines. Its no longer unknown
Thanks to this thread booked in for covid booster. Rather perplexed re the 'unknown substance' quote...with the wide uptake of covid vaccines we now have a biggest dataset than for many medicines. Its no longer unknown
I’ve had mine previously and intend to continue doing so and agree there’s a huge data set in terms of numbers.

However what is still missing, and there’s no way around it, is long term effects data. Hopefully there is little to find that hasn’t shown up already in the shorter term data that we do have in spades.

Long term data due to exposure to the virus itself and long covid/post viral long term issues is also missing and there’s much about what we do know already not being disseminated very widely.
I had my autumn covid booster 2 weeks ago and the flu jab last Sunday, I didn't have any reaction at all to either. I have a pneumonia booster on Monday and a week later my shingles jab, so I am well and truly jabbed out this year. The autumn booster was only my 4th jab, if you had a bad reaction to the last jab check with your doctor I would.

Also the booster this autumn I had was Pfizer, I think people react more to the moderna jab, if you know which one you had when you reacted badly this could give you a good idea and you can check which covid booster vaccine being offered to you this time before receiving it.

Good luck, hope things go well for you. keep well.
My double-jab slot is trundling around next Saturday. 🙂
I had my 4th jab last October, but still came down with COVID this year. So I was quite happy to have the 5th COVID and flu jabs the day before I went on holiday. No side effects apart from a couple of sore arms for a day.
Had no ill effects from Covid vaccine or the flu vaccine.
Good to hear so many forum members have few or very low-level reactions to the latest jabs 🙂
I'm mulling this too. I had the first AZ which left me with awful side effects and sent me to A&E quite a few times (had to fill out a yellow card report) - despite hesitancy I had the 2nd AZ which weirdly knocked out all the nasty side effects. I had a Pfzier booster in 2021 which didn't give me that much trouble. Diagnosed this July so had an offer for a booster a few weeks ago - however have also been told I can have the vaccine for Pneumonia. I've also had Covid Twice July last year and August this year. Still not sure!
Had number 5 Pfizer booster a few days ago , pleased to report no side effects, same for my wife, we’ve got flu jabs next week. Neither of us has had Covid
I had my covid booster last Thursday- apart from needing extra insulin to keep BG level I've not had any issues
I've had all five, the latest this morning. Only issue I've had with jabs 3 & 4 was muscular pain at the injection site, similar to a couple of flu jabs in previous years.
I had my Covid booster and flu jabs one week ago. I rarely get any side effects from these jabs, but i must admit I felt a bit slowed down and headachy for a couple of days afterwards. ( I never get headaches normally) No effect on my BG though.
Going tomorrow so we shall see. If anything it will raise blood sugar will it not? Just hope no headache like the first one.
Just to report that I had both Covid and flu in the same arm yesterday (the GP surgery were giving them both in the same arm anyway, but it meant I avoided having it near the Libre sensor). No side effects other than a slightly sore arm, bit of itching last night but settling down today. For me it didn’t seem to affect my BG at all.
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