Very unsure about this 5th Covid Vaccine?

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I chose to split mine so had both in the same arm. At least that way there's one side you can sleep on!
I have mine at the same time but in the same arm.
I prefer not to have an injection too close to my CGM and don't want to waste time with two separate appointments.
Last year, the nurse was unsure about it but decided she could get the two jabs far enough apart on one arm and I had no problems so will be doing the same next week when my jabs are scheduled.
I have mine at the same time but in the same arm.
Interesting, I was told they have to be 10 days apart.

It seems many have taken this out of context. I was told they have to be 10 days apart if going in the same arm.
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Interesting, I was told they have to be 10 days apart.
I think they insisted on that at one point (without that much evidence either way) to separate the short-term side effects. But there have been studies showing it didn't really make much difference, so I think it's just up to whoever's doing the vaccination. (Similarly, there have been some studies on whether it makes a difference if you have successive doses in the same arm or opposite arms and similar things, and it turns out not to make a whole lot of difference.)
I’ve got both tomorrow. Last year, I was offered a choice of both in the same arm, or one in each, My former GP, who had been dragged out of retirement (I mean, who volunteered) to do a morning's jabbing, said she favoured separate arms, then if one of them caused a bad reaction, you could be sure which one it was. Neither arm was sore enough afterwards to prevent me lying on it.
I had both of mine on Tuesday. Covid arm more sore after (but not really bad) and showed more of a reaction (swollen red patch - funnily just below what appeared to be the needle mark so maybe put in at an angle? - was up to about 4cm diameter by the end of day 2 afterwards). Flu arm mild soreness the next day and a tiny little bump right on the needle site. No lethargy this time.
Agree with you @helli last I saw (again not a expert) materials were saying the vaccine does not give a long term boost and obviously the new variants are a worry same as flu variants are a worry each year, also saw that it does not prevent but helps make it milder. I am going for the two if offered.
Had flu jab and Covid one a week apart. Absolutely no problem. Feel better that I have had them both. But hey, what a life. Sigh.
I had my 7th Covid vaccine ( I’m high risk) along with my flu jab yesterday, Sunday aswell.Feel a bit rough and my arms always feel like lead weights. I just think better to be safe than sorry.
I had simultaneous flu and covid (different arms) first thing on Saturday morning. I wasn't expecting the covid one but also wasn't really given a choice - I would have elected to get one anyway so that's fine.The flu one hurt a bit during the day then went away by the evening, the covid one hurt during the evening and overnight but both better by the next morning.

I ran low all day Saturday (sign of coming down with something usually, though I did also cycle to have my injections as I thought the carpark would be rather busy) but then became quite sensitive to carbs in the evening, i.e. my normal insulin ratio isn't nearly enough. I've continued taking normal basal and have run level during the day/overnight (level and high overnight last night), but I do need quite a lot more bolus for any carbs. Bit hard to know if this is just down to the jabs/something the kids have kindly passed on to me/the fact I didn't do a long ride at the weekend.

YMMV. At least I feel fine, aside from being annoyingly high, I must go out and do some exercise tomorrow and see if that helps fix things somewhat.
Went with wife to get her covid jab today & asked if could have mine at same time even though hadn't booked, told no problem so got jab out of way.

Wife also had flu jab in other arm, wouldn't do mine as apparently that was only done if you'd booked ahead, crazy seeing I was already there but maybe it was to do with quantity of flu jabs stocked in clinic, not sure really.
Had flu jab and Covid one a week apart. Absolutely no problem. Feel better that I have had them both. But hey, what a life. Sigh.
I have flu jab this week coming, seen online now they think covid jab won’t cover new variants so I am tempted to delay if it’s not being done same day ( last year both could be done together). Glad your feeling better now.
Well I differ, from most replies. I chose not to have an unknown drug pumped into my body. My Husband did, but won't be having any more. We won't be having the Flu jab either. We are retired, so aren't forced into the workplace. We still wear masks and gel our hands. We try to keep away from the public as much as possible.
Out of all our family and friends, the only ones (so far) who have caught Covid are those who have had the jabs. I have a couple of friends, (late 60's) with medical conditions, who have had no vaccines, never worn masks and used gels. They go out in public quite a lot and just carry on as they did before Covid. No Covid infections to date.
My sister was hospitalised with Covid and has never fully recovered, now needing a mobility scooter if she needs to leave the house. She's convinced that if she hadn't been fully vaccinated she would have died.
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