The Pumpers Thread!

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Becca;55797Was wondering about active insulin...How long is everyone's set for? R is 4 but i'm windering if it should be 3....[/QUOTE said:
Hiya Becca

Hope your holiday was good. We never did get in that visit. I text you last week actually to say I was free last Friday but you were away so no doubt didn't get it and couldn't meet anyway !!!!

Some interesting info for you to think about :

I have it on good authority that nowhere does it state that it has been proved novorapid is ever 3 or 4 hours. It is about 5 hours and so the active insulin should be set ok at 5 hours and that you need to look at your ratios and basals. I merrily told someone on the email group a while ago that ours was set at 3 hours and has been for over two years and still is. She queried with the hospital (same as mine) and was told the above. I didn't understand so rang and confirmed the above. But was told that people work it out different ways. So apparently there is no need to alter from 5 hours and change the other stuff instead !!!

Not sure if that will help you or hinder you but thought I would tell you anyway seeing as how we are great mates and you wouldn't shout at me :D
Hi Becca,
Thanks so much for your support - it really means a lot! I was wondering about the active insulin myself. I think A's is set at 4 - but i dont know how to check that? I asked ours dsn - but she didnt know.

When you do a temp basal - do you do it by %?

I took a guess and did 70% - and he was between 3.9 and 9 for the 2 hour bike ride - not great - but a lot better than when on MDI.

I have tried to give him pizza without a spike tonight. I gave him 60% up front and then 20% after an hour and then will give him the remainder in the last hour. So far he hasnt been above 8.9mmols - FOR A PIZZA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
We havent been taught how to dual wave or anything yet - so just experimenting myself!😱 Does this sound right to you Becca?

I hope poor little R starts to feel better soon - maybe being back at school will help sort out her levels!🙂Bev

Bev you do make me laugh even though you are being serious.

The pizza spike, if its gonna come, will be between 4 and 8 hours after eating it not in the first 3 hours. Hopefully if your workings out are right then there will be no spike. Are you not using dual wave then? I take it you found out how much it wanted to give and split it between 60% and 20% and 20% and are just bolusing on the hour with a normal bolus for a three hour period. Is that right?

Try the dual wave. It takes you through it step by step. It would have asked you the time ie three hours and then what percentage. Well you would have done 60/40. The 60% would have gone in straight away and the other 40% over the next three hours. It is easy to do but hard to know what to do. I was taught always try 50/50 over 2 hours first and see what happens. You soon learn.

I think the insulin activity is on the last menu, Jessica is in bed so I can't check yet. You can change it but I wouldn't without speaking to someone. That is a bit of a biggie.

Sounds like you are doing just brilliantly. :D
LOL Adrienne!! No that helps 🙂 Course i wouldn't shout at you!

That's interesting about the 5 hours. I wondered about if it wasn't the active insulin but then most of her ratios or basal would have to change - that just seemed weird. But then, wouldn't surprise me. I think i need to sit down and look at things again, and of course, wait for school to begin.....

The break was good, i didn't get your text?! Will PM you my mobile just in case you've got the wrong one!

LOL Adrienne!! No that helps 🙂 Course i wouldn't shout at you!

That's interesting about the 5 hours. I wondered about if it wasn't the active insulin but then most of her ratios or basal would have to change - that just seemed weird. But then, wouldn't surprise me. I think i need to sit down and look at things again, and of course, wait for school to begin.....

The break was good, i didn't get your text?! Will PM you my mobile just in case you've got the wrong one!


Jessica's need to all go up but I'm having to do it slowly slowly and it is painfully slowly. There has been emails about it and I sent a copy of her latest download to the list. Its not good but its so damned hard with Jessica. One of the others (with two boys) suggested if it was one her boys then she would put on a 110% temp for 24 hours and see what happens !! I like that idea but am gonna run it past our fab DSN on Wednesday, she is coming to the school on an inset day to talk to every single teacher and TA ! She is sooooo great.
Hi Becca,

I meant both! I dont know where to look on pump for active insulin - and i dont know how you work it out!😱

Also, what do you mean by 200%basal for school?🙂Bev

Hi Bev,

I think it's on the bolus wizard setup screen, you should be able to review your settings?

When R starts school terms she gets all in a dither and her levels shoot up. It has been known that she has her normal bolus or dualwave for breakfast and then has 200% temp basal on top for one hour (which for her at that time of the morning might be 0.90 units an hour) just so it matches the adrenaline rush she gets when she gets in the car and through the school doors 🙂 Utter madness....

The split bolus for the pizza worked!!!!!!!!!!:D

60% upfront then 20% an hour later and then 10% 2 hours later and then 5% 3 hours later. This was all guesswork and i am not sure if it was the way we spaced it out or the fact he had been exercising on his bike in the afternoon - but it worked - he went up to 8.9mmols but then at 12pm he went down to 3.6mmols - so not sure if we should have given the last 5% or whether it was the effect of the exercise. We chose to give the 95% because he was lowish before bed - and i am glad we did or he may have had a bigger hypo.

Next time we try it i think we will do it on a day when he hasnt been cycling so we can get a clear picture of what is actually happening.

We havent been taught the bolus wizard or dual wave yet - but i am looking forward to trying it if these are the sort of results you can get!

Adrienne, i do know what you mean about the pizza hitting after 4 hours and up to 8 - this has happened to us before on MDI - but for some reason last night it either didnt peak or we happened to get the dosing correct - not sure really - just happy that it worked.🙂Bev

The split bolus for the pizza worked!!!!!!!!!!:D

60% upfront then 20% an hour later and then 10% 2 hours later and then 5% 3 hours later. This was all guesswork and i am not sure if it was the way we spaced it out or the fact he had been exercising on his bike in the afternoon - but it worked - he went up to 8.9mmols but then at 12pm he went down to 3.6mmols - so not sure if we should have given the last 5% or whether it was the effect of the exercise. We chose to give the 95% because he was lowish before bed - and i am glad we did or he may have had a bigger hypo.

Next time we try it i think we will do it on a day when he hasnt been cycling so we can get a clear picture of what is actually happening.

We havent been taught the bolus wizard or dual wave yet - but i am looking forward to trying it if these are the sort of results you can get!

Adrienne, i do know what you mean about the pizza hitting after 4 hours and up to 8 - this has happened to us before on MDI - but for some reason last night it either didnt peak or we happened to get the dosing correct - not sure really - just happy that it worked.🙂Bev

Brilliant that is great. People would think we were completely nuts getting excited about something like this wouldn't they?

I really don't get why you and I think Mand as well, have not been taught the bolus wizard. Dual wave I can understand I didn't use that for about 4 months but bolus wizard is one of the points of the pump. It is more exact. We were taught that as part of our two days of training, one day one week and the other day the next week. We have only ever used the bolus wizard from day one. Oh well I guess hospitals do it differently.
Bev, just a quick note!

On the veo if you are using the blus wizzard it will always tell you how much active insulin on board you still have (depends as well what setting you have entered for your active insulin. My insulin is entered as lasting 5 hours in my settings).

At any time if you press ESC from a clear screen you will get your current status. Scroll down and you will see the active insulin, if you have any dual waves running then how much you have had or is left etc, how many units left and I think mine is also now predicting my mood 😉

Adrienne, I didnt get blus wizzard taught to me until 3 weeks in! Nightmare. I also didnt get to change my basal at all, what hard work!

Oh well! x
Hello all

Well I'm rather dizzy with all the info and changes and good stuff on here, so I'm just going to blast through a bit...

All going well this end anyway, though two days ago was a day of a million hypos -- four actually. Little idea why except a combination of factors: E out all day with friends, and despite setting temp basals and doing his best to estimate carb, probably it all just got a bit mixed up...So that he was dragging through low for quite a while, despite a whole tube of dextrose over the day. Poor thing! And this also caused a low in the night, which he actually woke for -- for the first time ever. So he had a QUIET day yesterday!

Numbers since then have been fine, very good really. We are avoiding pasta because we're so tired!

Night basal now fixed, though I have a niggle about dropping a little between 3 and 7am. Not sure. Tested at 3am last night (steady from 11.30pm), but by 8am he was 3mmols lower at 4.1. Didn't test at 7am (too tired!), and he has been both rising and falling between 7 and 9am as I wrote before, so we're not quite sure *where* we are that time of day...ANYWAY. Almost there. But may need a slightly lower basal between 3 and 7am...

THEN we'll attack the pasta afresh. :(

I second everyone about bolus wizard: wonderfully accurate. Once you are using it Bev you will find the accuracy amazing, esp for insulin sensitive A, I'm sure! How's it all going, by the way?

Mand, okay?


Feeling a bit down, as you can probably tell. Will pass. Wish we didn't have to think about this all the time. It's so much better, but still a pain for all sometimes!!!


Bit overwhelmed btw about the active insulin thing...We are set at 3 hours in order to be able to correct, which we were finding we couldn't do to our satisfaction. I'm wondering if stable adults are maybe okay set at 5 hours? I can't really imagine going that long, or being able to finesse levels so finely so as not to need to correct...?

For now!

HI Patricia,
Just wanted to say i feel for you - i too am feeling a little down - have had some fluttery feelings in my heart and the gp is sending me for an ecg.

I am fairly sure its due to stress - and my stress is about diabetes. I just cant seem to turn off from it - i even dream about levels and canulas and infections etc...So i understand you completely. I cant offer you any advice unfortunately - but i am starting to think its just the bodies way of dealing with the shock of one of your children being diagnosed. I think at first you just 'get on with things' - because you have to... Then i think when you start to 'relax' a little is when your body finally decides to complain- and this is when stress and depression hit. Hopefully this will be a minor 'blip' and we will get back to feeling normal again. I hope you have a better day tomorrow.🙂Bev x
Hello all

Well I'm rather dizzy with all the info and changes and good stuff on here, so I'm just going to blast through a bit...

Feeling a bit down, as you can probably tell. Will pass. Wish we didn't have to think about this all the time. It's so much better, but still a pain for all sometimes!!!



Hi P,

Sorry to hear you are feeling abit down and as well, tired. I expect you are exhausted. I dont doubt how much effort you put into all this, and maintaining a health family life/balance as well must draw on your resources.

Can I make a suggestion? I would love to see you resurrect you old thread. I miss it. I think there is a different feeling reeling off on your own line and think you benefited from a more focused support from everyone (as did I!).

I guess I am feeling abit out of the loop at the moment. Ive had a very emotional week (I might PM), absolutely dreadful numbers and Im not relishing in this thread so much! I find it too much to read and to reply too. I also feel abit overexposed....! There are 88 posts on here and it has been veiwed 1,222 times I think it was. Makes me shy 😉 Please no-one be offended if I dont post so much on this one as before, I need to replenish my energy 😉

And to top it all off.....Ive just eaten pasta. Enough said anyone??!
Hi guys, so sorry to hear that it all seems to be hitting you at the same time, but I guess you all pretty much started on pumps around the same time too (except bev, who I suspect 'in her head' started at the same time as the rest of you in terms of thinking about it and trying to understand it!🙂)

I take Lou's point, and if you would like, I can certinly 'unstick' this thread! As I said before setting it up, you are all very welcome to continue in your own threads if that is what you prefer.

Hope that levels stabilise and things pck up for all of you, and bev - hope the ecg goes OK - had quite a few of those in my time and can even recognise an inverted t-wave!

Take care all🙂
HI Patricia,
Just wanted to say i feel for you - i too am feeling a little down - have had some fluttery feelings in my heart and the gp is sending me for an ecg.

I am fairly sure its due to stress - and my stress is about diabetes. I just cant seem to turn off from it - i even dream about levels and canulas and infections etc...So i understand you completely. I cant offer you any advice unfortunately - but i am starting to think its just the bodies way of dealing with the shock of one of your children being diagnosed. I think at first you just 'get on with things' - because you have to... Then i think when you start to 'relax' a little is when your body finally decides to complain- and this is when stress and depression hit. Hopefully this will be a minor 'blip' and we will get back to feeling normal again. I hope you have a better day tomorrow.🙂Bev x

Oh no, I feel awful I didnt pick up on this bev in my last post, I had completely missed it, so sorry (saw N's ref to it above). Bev I hope the ECG goes ok. Do you get an interpreatation immediately? (you could always ask northener! :D), but seriously I hope its ok and these anxieties work their way out of you soon and the ECG is nothing serious.

Northener, you do make me laugh with your Twave inversion! Inferior leads? What are you like?🙂

Please dont take my downer on thread as more than a blip and I hope I dont bring people down with my gripe, sorry guys. I also appreciate N that you look for solutions to make things easier amongst us and are happy to try new things like a sticky thread and see how we get on, so please dont listen to me whine! I havent had a single figure BM since saturday and I think I am just stroppy...just tell me to pipe down!

So my pump is clearly on is everyone else doing??

Thanks Northerner and Sugarbum!

Northerner, if you dont mind could you give me an idea of what it entails to have an ecg? If you prefer - and you dont mind - could you pm me? Thanks.🙂

You mustnt worry about being negative sometimes - its very normal. If you have had double numbers for a few days - no wonder your feeling out of sorts! I was feeling like this in the morning - A woke on 11 - again!!!!

So i kept ringing the dsn - i was determined to get some advice! Anyway, she has advised increasing nightime basal, and once we have that under 8mmols - then we will start changing some of his daytime basals - she said its better to do it in blocks of 4 as we can get a much clearer picture of whether its the ratios or the basal thats wrong. She also told me not to worry and that it can take a couple of months at least to get into some sort of routine that we are happy with.
Do you still have good support from your team? Perhaps you could run through your levels with them and try to get to the bottom of whats going on? I hope you get things sorted very soon - it must be awful to be 'high' a lot of the time.

I must admit i think our team have been lacking in support - but hopefully things will improve once we start to see better levels. Hope you have a better day tomorrow Lou and all!🙂Bev xx
Thanks Northerner and Sugarbum!

Northerner, if you dont mind could you give me an idea of what it entails to have an ecg? If you prefer - and you dont mind - could you pm me? Thanks.🙂

You mustnt worry about being negative sometimes - its very normal. If you have had double numbers for a few days - no wonder your feeling out of sorts! I was feeling like this in the morning - A woke on 11 - again!!!!

So i kept ringing the dsn - i was determined to get some advice! Anyway, she has advised increasing nightime basal, and once we have that under 8mmols - then we will start changing some of his daytime basals - she said its better to do it in blocks of 4 as we can get a much clearer picture of whether its the ratios or the basal thats wrong. She also told me not to worry and that it can take a couple of months at least to get into some sort of routine that we are happy with.
Do you still have good support from your team? Perhaps you could run through your levels with them and try to get to the bottom of whats going on? I hope you get things sorted very soon - it must be awful to be 'high' a lot of the time.

I must admit i think our team have been lacking in support - but hopefully things will improve once we start to see better levels. Hope you have a better day tomorrow Lou and all!🙂Bev xx

Hiya Bev

Sorry you are not feeling quite right, I agree it is no doubt stress related. People (not everyone on here of course) have no idea how stressful it is seeing your child suddenly get a condition he/she will have for ever. It doesn't bear thinking about. I saw a DVD today at a school training session and the bit where a couple of mum's said something about their child just made me cry.

Good luck and I hope its nothing to worry about. Take care.
Hi everyone

I am feeling very emotional too at the moment. It just all seems so much and there is no 'day off'. Then i get upset because i realise that, for my son, there will never be a day off and i find this fact very hard to deal with. I know it is the same for all of us.

I comfort myself with the thought that our kids probably do not feel the emotions that we do and never will. It is our maternal feelings that the diabetes is getting at. We never signed up for this but we got it anyway. No point in asking why us because there are no answers.

The daft thing is, is that my son is so happy! He leads a very full life and has so many friends. In fact he not here right now as he at a sleepover.

Perhaps it is because they are returning to school soon that is making us so emotional too. I always get a funny feeling in my tum as school return date looms. I think it is a throwback to my own school days!

I have to confess that i feel a bit guilty as not sure this new pump thread is right for everyone and i originally supported the idea. I supported the idea because i was concerned that i would no be able to keep up with everyone's individual threads so thought it good idea to all be in same place but maybe on reflection this not such a good idea?

Lou, i know what you mean about feeling exposed. I guess we are always exposed really as we never know who is reading. Feel free to pm anytime. xx

I always here for anyone who wants to pm.

Lou, Patricia, Bev - I send you all a hug. xx
Hi everyone
The daft thing is, is that my son is so happy! He leads a very full life and has so many friends. In fact he not here right now as he at a sleepover.

Oh i so know this feeling. When i have my down days, people always tell me how R is so happy and people comment to me what a lovely child she is, how happy, friendly, giggly, well etc.... I know all this but sometimes i get so frustrated.

Another family member who told me to 'have a break' from diabetes, that i think about it too much, find something else to do etc...quite oftens tells me how happy R is, that her diabetes doesn't affect her etc....The problem is, like all our kids, they are who they are, they cope so well with their diabetes, they are well etc. is because of all the hard work that us as parents put into it. I take the diabetes off of R because at 7 she doesn't need to be weighed down with it all. She's had it since 3, she has it for the rest of her life, so i see it that i should support her until she's ready herself. The trouble is, good intentional, family friends etc. sometimes don't see that.

Sorry turned into a ramble.....
good morning pumpers/parents to pumpers

i'm sorry to see you all seem to be having a bad time of it lately it must be so hard to keep positive, how is everyone feeling this morning bev how are things? x
Hello all

Oh my, seems we are all in the same boat! Northerner, appreciate your gentle and sympathetic nurturing...

First, Bev: I'm so sorry about the ecg deal. Oh dear. I do hope too like everyone that it passes without any indicators of anything. But I think you're right to identify stress in all this. As Adrienne says, the relentless and often devastating nature of all this just doesn't ease, really, being parents. For me, the agony of the constant decisions at the moment, the balancing of my welfare against E's, is really quite wearing...More on that later...

I guess I would say Bev what do you do for yourself? If as we all hope nothing particularly concrete shows up on the ecg, it'll be worth looking at how you can give yourself the occasional break. I confess that if I ever feel in the clear, children settled or in school etc, I do things like a) go to the gym or for a swim, unscheduled! b) go for an hour around the town c) meet a friend for coffee or indulge in the sending of many texts to friends...

It's so hard to find space in all this. Always hard as a parent who cares and is attentive to their children, but more so within the vigilance necessary in managing diabetes. What are your hobbies? Loves? Passions? What have you had to give up that you can get back to?

I'm speaking to all of us, perhaps...And I think that the beginning of school year stuff is hard, very hard. Autumn is a melancholy time generally, as well as an uplifting one, with a particular poignant slant of light, etc...I personally have already begun to dread the darkening days, and the fact that we enter yes another year with this day to day thing -- which we have yet to really feel on top of.

Lou -- what's up with your numbers, darlin'? It must be so frustrating and cross-making. What about women's cycle stuff? Know *nothing* about it from experience, but could that be a part? Or just worn out, stressed?

Mand, do PM. I feel worried about you.

Last night was a case in point that we just can't know it all. You will all know that we are in the position of running and stopping to keep up with E's growth and sudden shifts and spurts...Numbers since the Day of Four Hypos have been very good, but the last two days I've had sneaking nighttime basal issues... thinking he actually *was* dropping between 3 and 7am...Well last night, he was 12 at 11pm (baked potato anyone?), long after active insulin was a factor. Pump wanted to correct fully. As is our practice for nighttime, we under-corrected by about a third. Despite real exhaustion, we knew we had to check things at 1.30pm -- which I duly did: 6mmols. Blast! The last two nights had, in my memory, seen him drop about 3mmols, and I felt I just couldn't take the chance at that number until we knew for sure. On the other hand (thought I, in the middle of the flaming night!), if he *wasn't* dropping, 6mmols is a very good nighttime number...Around I went for 15 minutes. Finally woke OH. We decided we *didn't* really know if he was dropping, so left it, and that setting a temp basal would defeat the purpose of trying to understand what was happening at night...

Half an hour later I was still talking myself around to the wisdom of this, so decided to play absolutely safe and set an alarm. I couldn't leave him. And I reasoned that having a reading later would be useful anyway...

So up I got at 4.30am, reasoning that if he *were* dropping as I thought, the other nights showed it was after 3am, and that I would catch the drop before it got bad. Lo and behold, he was 4.3mmols. Blast again. Woke him up for some juice. Thought about temp basal. Rejected it, as we would be moving at 7am anyway (first day of school for my daughter!). At 7.45am he was 4mmols -- at this point, we set a temp basal because he really couldn't face juice. At 9am he was down to 2.9. Treated it. By 10am the temp had had some effect, and he was up to 9mmol. Needless to say, we haven't treated this, giving breakfast and let's just see where the heck we are when the dust settles and the temp is now OFF.

Argh. Clearly the nighttime basal is too much. This morning the numbers have gone into the computer (while I took daughter to school) before OH went to work, and we are lowering the early morning basal, as I suspected might be necessary two days ago. But it's just so hard to KNOW until he's gone through so much! This has been one of the hardest things for me all along -- he needs to suffer to some degree before we really understand anything. I mean, how unfair is that! Every decision is taken in hindsight.

We've also decided that with another reading like 12mmol at 11pm, we will just pop in one unit rather than some fancy calculation of 1:4 correction (which is what we did last night to arrive at under-correction figure from pump) -- and LEAVE it. He would have been fine on 7 or 8mmols all night, even with a slightly unstable basal. There's room to drop there. BUT we were trying to do it right, rather than just do a balanced best...

Cripes. That's my rant. So the day in front of me is another exhausted one, where I can't seem to do anything other than the bare minimum. And with his return to school looming on Monday, I feel quite defeated what levels to start with, etc...So tired of him being put through the mill, not to speak of us! Yet we haven't ever properly stabilised. I *know* this is partly his age and stage -- but am dreading the next round!


Lou, I know what you mean about the thread. I miss it too really, can't seem to get the 'narrative' going again on this more general one. I'm not sure how much it matters, but maybe it does? I'm also now thinking seriously about resurrecting my own blog, which began to deal with diabetes issues back in March, but has languished since. I guess you guys might as well know if you don't already that I'm actually a writer, teaching writing at university...which is why some kind of record of all this I think is paramount for me, important to my own reflection, recovery and understanding maybe?

And of course the strength gained from others, from sharing, has come to mean more and more. A dialogue is important for that, whether through a forum or through comments on a blog...

I've also started a book on all this, if you want to know the full truth!

So -- what should be do?

I'm kind of too tired to think straight. Northerner, do you have thoughts? Everyone else?

Bev, I confess, to missing a record of your own trials and tribs regarding pumping. You are doing such a good job, with successes and setbacks, and I'd love to read more about it all...

I'm waffling now.

Sorry Becca and Steff, we were obviously cross posting while I took yonks on my huge tirade...

Yes Becca, exactly. Our kids are who they are because we are desperate to take what we can off them. And we don't realise or don't see how we need to find small, low impact breaks, until we are almost at wit's end...

Thanks for thoughts, Steff 🙂
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