The Pumpers Thread!

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Thats great, seems like he it is really going to boost his confidence and will have some time before starting school to get the hang of using it.
I would be using the wizard straight away, maybe thats because I would be grateful for it to do the work of the calculations.

Have a question for you pumpers- when you go to eat and need a correction, the pump will recommend a dose to correct and cover the food, so does it just show the total dose it wants you to have or does it show the split aswell.

Great news tracey
Wow wow wow -- love this thread!

Congrats Tracey on your date -- wonderful news.

Sofaraway -- yes, the pump wizard lets you know what is correction and what is bolus. The correction, btw, is either way -- taking account of starting too low (according to your targets) OR starting too high. We have just moved E's targets to 6.5mmol lowest, and 6.5 highest... This seems to work well so far. We found that with a higher target (eg 7.5) he kept ending up around 9 or 10 too often? Maybe all in our imaginations...

The main thing about night-testing Bev in my opinion is to feel satisfied that you know the effect of whatever rate you are on. What you want is a 'flat' basal, of course, which is usually very attainable -- but you may need to make very small adjustments to know this. We test for every unusual situation, eg funny foods, change in basal rate, end of dual wave, etc..., usually around 3am, though sometimes we will stay up until 1am or so to test the end of a dual wave or a late meal, and then leave it.

At the moment we are testing at 7am and 9am regularly, trying to work out why he sometimes rises between these times, and sometimes falls. We were under the misapprehension that he was consistently 'waking' high -- whereas it turned out that his 7am reading was very stable, the same as through the night; it's the later one which is irregular...Believe it or not, we have moved a basal rate here from .75unit/hr to .80unit/hr THREE times, and each time there is a HUGE reaction! Annoying. I want some smaller increments! Waaa! (Eg this morning we went back to .75/hr because he dropped on .80/hr yesterday morning quite significantly. Well this morning he rose 2mmols! Argh.)

I digress...

Bev and Alex, well. It really *is* something to celebrate. And a gift you've worked hard to give Alex. We felt that way anyway, quite tearful. We wanted it for E so much, knew it was right for him. And the helplessness around diagnosis is really profound; all of our abilities to make it right just go out the window. Getting a pump is for some one way of doing something significant, that has real results and benefits for most. It's a great relief to do it, and see how it changes things. Well done, again!
...pump alert!
I have good news too, have a date for my pump, 8th september :D

been running round the house and jumping up and down like a loon, good job im on my own! Officially excited now that i know its truly happening!!🙂

Tracey! That's brilliant news! You sounded a bit despondent earlier with all the uncertainty - what a great lift for you!:D I can see this new pumpers thread keeping very busy!:D
Slightly concerned he has had 2 x hypos this afternoon . A 2.3 and a 2.8mmols. I suspect it is because his ratio is wrong.
If you use the 500 rule - then his ratio should come out at 1:27 - but for some reason the hospital have told us to do all his ratios at 1:20. I think they do this as a starting point and then tweak - but after he has had 2 x hypos i am fairly certain that he needs to change his ratio to 1:27.

It does seem like tiny amounts - so i would be interested to know what others ratios are?

Also not too happy that we dont have a mobile number to ring anyone (just ring the ward and ask them to page). I did this before as i was concerned that maybe his basal was set too high and the consultant (not the one we see normally) told us to give him a free carb - even though your not supposed to give slow release carbs on the pump - so bit confused?

I am going to do a 1:27 for dinner tonight as i think its safer - i would rather he was a bit high than having hypos.

For info:

His average TDD was 24 units.

Take away 25% (this is because you use less insulin on a pump)

This gives 18.

500 divided by 18 = 27.7 units of carbs for 1 unit of insulin.

His old ratios were 1:10 1:15 1:10 - so i think they just took the middle ground and chose 1:20 - but i am keen to get things right from day one - so did you change your ratios very soon or stay with what you were told?


I am just so pleased for you - you will absolutely love it - A said he loves being able to discreetly press a button and no-one notices. Usually i put my big handbag on the table if we are in public for privacy - but today in the hospital he just did it without caring! I feel very excited for you too!

Patricia, I thought you had the medtronic veo the same as ours? Our increments go up in 0.025 units - doesnt yours or am i confused?🙂

Thanks everyone for all you kind words - it means a lot and makes us feel like your family!🙂Bev
Tracey! That's brilliant news! You sounded a bit despondent earlier with all the uncertainty - what a great lift for you!:D I can see this new pumpers thread keeping very busy!:D

yes, thanks again everyone for your kind words. I am not very good at being patient but in this case i had no choice.
Fab news Tracey! Really pleased for you!!!! :D:D

Bev, we started on 1:15 for all meals and 1:5 for correction. I very quickly changed this, espcially for breakfast which is now 1:7. Other meals and snacks are 1:10. We now correct 1:5.

We were opposite to you as my son ran too high to start with so we worked on bringing him down till we got it about right.

I think you will need to keep a close eye on him tonight if he going so low.

You need to know whether the basal is wrong or the carb ratio. Difficult one. You really need to get the basal about right before you know if your carb/insulin ration is working. Perhaps keep settings as they are for now and reduce his carb/insulin ratio. Perhaps he could have a carb free breakfast or lunch tomorrow (eg ham and mushroom omlette) so you can see how his blood sugars are with only the basal in his system.

Good luck tonight. Love to you both. xx
Northener, this new thread is great! Many thanks! xx 🙂
Wow, all these new ratios, will they go through this with me it all sounds very confusing :confused:

Can someone please tell me why you dont give slow carbs after a hypo? is it because you adjust your basal for a hypo? When obviously you cant for mdi. thanks

good luck tonight Bev, afraid i cant help you but you are helping me! 🙂
OMG!!!! This thread!!! There have been like, 30 posts or something since I logged on last night on this pumping malarky!!!

I hope I can remember everything I wanted to write!

Firstly and most importantly the fantastic news of new pumpers, Bev and Alex today and Tracey W with a date! Thank god tracey. Now there is a date you can get in the zone. I have suggested reading lists for you!

Bev I am ultra excited. I am abit overwhelmed actually with what to write. I am so so so so pleased. It means so much for you both and I cant quite put the words together for what I want to say.....but I am glued so keep posting! I second, third and fourth patricia's words of pumping wisdom. Her thread is the mantra to why we all gotta move earth and moutain to get out of bed at 3am. I am 2 months in and I will still do a 3am probably about twice a week. Bev, you are in the club!

I am disapointed bitterly you have no 24 hour contact. Appauling. Dont forget to use the medtronic 24 hour number as well if you need it (I think at night it goes straight through to the USA).

So much to say, yes, Bev, what colour did Alex get? (this is of whopping importance to me!).

Re the countour. Ridiculous name (you know what I think- it sounds like a sanitary towel) ridiculous monitor. I wouldnt rush to change. The bluetooth I admit is great but it takes 3 seconds to enter in his own BM, and he doesnt need to do that every single time, especially if you arent using the Wizzard so dont rush to it. I have used several metres over the years and the usability of this one is awful. I cant scroll and understand what i am reading like the others (I wish onetouch was compatable with medtronic here like it is in the USA).

Mand I am glad to read your updat and hear you are ok. Patricia, with reference to your awful night, I cant find your thread! I will get in search to get myself updated. Hope you had a fab holiday.

Phew, I bet that wasnt everything I wanted to add but nevermind!!

Love to all xx
OMG!!!! This thread!!! There have been like, 30 posts or something since I logged on last night on this pumping malarky!!!

I hope I can remember everything I wanted to write!

Firstly and most importantly the fantastic news of new pumpers, Bev and Alex today and Tracey W with a date! Thank god tracey. Now there is a date you can get in the zone. I have suggested reading lists for you!

Bev I am ultra excited. I am abit overwhelmed actually with what to write. I am so so so so pleased. It means so much for you both and I cant quite put the words together for what I want to say.....but I am glued so keep posting! I second, third and fourth patricia's words of pumping wisdom. Her thread is the mantra to why we all gotta move earth and moutain to get out of bed at 3am. I am 2 months in and I will still do a 3am probably about twice a week. Bev, you are in the club!

I am disapointed bitterly you have no 24 hour contact. Appauling. Dont forget to use the medtronic 24 hour number as well if you need it (I think at night it goes straight through to the USA).

So much to say, yes, Bev, what colour did Alex get? (this is of whopping importance to me!).

Re the countour. Ridiculous name (you know what I think- it sounds like a sanitary towel) ridiculous monitor. I wouldnt rush to change. The bluetooth I admit is great but it takes 3 seconds to enter in his own BM, and he doesnt need to do that every single time, especially if you arent using the Wizzard so dont rush to it. I have used several metres over the years and the usability of this one is awful. I cant scroll and understand what i am reading like the others (I wish onetouch was compatable with medtronic here like it is in the USA).

Mand I am glad to read your updat and hear you are ok. Patricia, with reference to your awful night, I cant find your thread! I will get in search to get myself updated. Hope you had a fab holiday.

Phew, I bet that wasnt everything I wanted to add but nevermind!!

Love to all xx

What a lovely post you are so very kind! 🙂 have ordered pumping insulin from amazon tonight( on oh credid card, lol, thts whats is for, not told him yet, he he)

look forward to hearing more from you and Bev and Alex in coming days. Sooooooooo happy tonight, celebrating with glass of red, any excuse :D
Good grief what a busy thread!!!

Going kind of backward through then: Sugarbum, my awful night is on the 'weird high' thread from yesterday, didn't put it on my own thread cos thought it would spread beyond pumping...And I *did* put a couple of (long) posts (!) on my thread re the hol and what we learned, so you may find it useful...

Tracey, hope you enjoyed your wine -- even in the land of any excuse, there isn't a much better excuse than getting a pump date! Also, somewhere in my thread is the thinking behind only using fast-acting on the pump: this is because on MDI the background insulin is always more than it needs to be, because you have overshoot in order to provide cover, and because it doesn't have a completely flat profile. So in a hypo situation you need the long acting carb to cover the background insulin. On a pump, in theory the background is completely flat, so you only need the short acting in order to pull your bg back to that level. Once it's there, it stays. Actually, this more or less does work -- and if it doesn't, then your basal's set too high!

Saying that, Bev, in the early days esp, we used free carb quite a bit on the pump, while we tried to establish the basal rates. So it's not like it's never used. We've also used free carb when we forget to set a temp basal for exercise etc...

Okay now, Bev and Alex: agree with Mand that you *must* get the basal right if you can at all first, unless you are certain that the ratios are the mess up (eg he's hypo-ing around two hours after eating). I'm confused though about what your ratios actually are: The ratio system for the pump is as far as I know along the same number lines; for example on MDI E's breakfast ratio was 1:5 -- on the pump it's gone between 1:7 and 1:8.

I feel like a fool but I don't know the 500 rule! If we used it as you say, then our ratios would be completely different...but what I think is actually happening here is maybe a confusion over what percentage of the overall (TDD) is used for the basal, and what percentage is used for the ratio? If you look at how much levermir A was on, take away 25%, then divide that by 24 (hours), then you will have a guesstimate for his per hour basal rate. Have they given you one rate, or several for different times of day? It's this rate which may need looking at if he's hypo-ing a lot?

If A's ratios were as you say on MDI, then I'm not surprised they went for 1:20 to start -- we started all of ours on 1:10, which was the highest ratio for E across the board on MDI. So they've started high. It looks to me like it's more possible it's his basal rates which are wrong -- what are they? At what times of day did he hypo?

If it's any help E hypo-ed on and off all through the first two days -- his basal rates were generally too high, and we quickly reduced them ALL across the board by .05unit/hr, so that we could work down to good numbers rather than propping him up!

Presumably you set ratios, basal rates, with the hospital? And it's all written down?

This brings me to your appalling support. I simply can't believe you don't have a mobile. We phoned every day at 7pm and in the first few days, at 7am as well. This is appalling. The ward, as you know, will know nothing.

I'm really feeling for you, Bev. To be straight on insulin AND with little support is a unsettling start I think. Do you have your consultant's email? Can you impress upon him that you need more support? I think you do. Changing basals, which is what it looks like you need to do, is hard to do on your own. We didn't do anything without clearing it for at least two weeks. I'm wondering if you could do with speaking to another pumping parent? Let me know.

I'm thinking of you. We too are back in the 3am club, once again tracking pasta through with gritted teeth. We *will* get this! We are going to try 30% bolus up front, followed by the 70% on an 8 hour dual wave...Something like the equivalent of 150% basal rate...What do you think, Sugarbum?! From last night's debacle (why we did what we did, I don't know. We weren't thinking straight, and did a bunch of things we *know* don't work! Argh. But it is now super-clear that a 3 hour dual wave actually doesn't work very well for us with pasta, and that chances are, if he starts around 5mmols, doesn't have a pudding -- he will crash at 5 hours. Duh. We also now are very clear that the rise from pasta *is* over about 8 hours. At 3am he was 14mmols (having been 1.9mmol at 11pm!!). We corrected fully, and he was 4.7mmol at 7am, which suggests he didn't rise at all during the intervening 4 hours) -- it's 8 hours. Do we do an 8 hour dual wave, or a 6 hour one because of the lasting effects? Who knows.

Bev: let us know how the night was. We're here. I'll keep checking today.

Patricia, thanks for your post,

helped me understand a lot, thanks for answering my question too.

enjoyed the wine thanks, slight headache today, but was worth it :D
Glad you enjoyed the wine, Tracey! 🙂

Patricia, i agree with Tracey, your post is very imformative. Sorry to hear you back in the 3am club! Feel for you!

After chatting with my son's dsn we have decided to opt out of the 3am club for a couple of weeks unless he waking on bad level. This is because he does not seem to be establishing a pattern so we just not getting anywhere. His levels are between 6 and 12 but with no consistant pattern so it just not worth wearing myself out with the 3am check everynight when the readings not too bad and even if we change the basal we will have ups and downs. Also i am absolutely shattered and his dsn concerned for my well being. She thinks it ok to not do the 3am until he begins back at school (when all will change anyway!) unless he waking much too high or low.

So i am not going to set a 3am alarm unless i feel it is necessary (Phew!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!) but if i happen to just wake up anyway around that time then i will check it.

But generally all going well. Numbers still sssssssssssssooooooo much better than when we were on mdi, my son happier with pump rather than injections, highs and lows easily corrected and life just that bit easier. 🙂

So, Bev, how was your night?????????????? xx 🙂
Mand, I'm glad you're going to get a break. Phew. You need one. We are on our knees from the last two days, never mind waking EVERY night. A week at a time or so is enough for us...!

And you're right, of course when school starts all will change. Argh!

Are you using increments in as tiny amounts as they will go on the Veo? Maybe this will help night even levels? We are really feeling a lack of smaller increments for this weird 7-9am thing, which again has foxed us today (4.7mmol at 7am; 7.7 at 9am! Without breakfast. When we add another .05 at 8am for an hour, he goes straight down too much!)...And no, Bev, we aren't on Veo. We are on the one before, Medtronic 7 series minimed. Just missed the Veo!

Bev, we wait with baited breath. How are things?
2 x hour checks throughout the night - phew!
12 oclock = 9.4
3 = 8.7
5 = 10.3
7 = 13.8mmols

He is obviously having a growth spurt early morning (dawn phen) - but we will have to see patterns for this.

Patricia, on re-working the basal rates we realised that he should be on .328units per hour and NOT .375!!!!!!!! So i rang the dsn who agreed that the maths was wrong!!!!!!!!!!!!So now we have changed it to .328 - hopefully he wont hypo after lunch etc. But we will have to sort out the growth spurt in a few days - it gets complicated doesnt it? Big thanks to you Patricia, if you hadnt made me question the maths then we would have carried on in ignorance!

I also asked for a phone number for emergencies and i got the consultants home phone number - so feel reassured now in case of emergencies!!!!!phew.


e.g. the other night on mdi he had fish and beans - he spiked to 18mmols
Last night he had same meal - he was 10mmols 2 x hours later! Hoorah!!!!!!!!!

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I also asked for a phone number for emergencies and i got the consultants home phone number - so feel reassured now in case of emergencies!!!!!phew.

Well done you, they certainly don't give those out easily!!
Excellent numbers for your first night, Bev!!! I am SSSSSSSSSSSSOOO pleased that you are happy with the pump. I feel exactly the same! :D

Keep tweaking those numbers and keep us posted! You have my full sympathy re the tiredness!!

Patricia - Yes i need the rest. Yes, as we have the veo we are able to go up in very small amounts at a time (0.25) which is great and really helps to stop you going from one extreme to the other! 🙂🙂
Bev, BRILLIANT! I am so pleased for you. What a very good start...delighted. It really is amazing. The time and effort saved is extraordinary, and the control is just so much more *transparent*.

Well done on getting the consultant's number -- damn right!

And hope the new basals help! Glad to have raised the flag, anyway...

We are NOT on the VEO -- just missed it! Sniff. But in two parts of the day we feel the increments would be so useful, bit cross...we can't go any finer than .05 of a unit for the basal...and for the morning rise, we really need something finer. Sigh. We'll see.

Consultant on Thursday -- gulp! After such a good HbA1c the first time, we are all a little nervous for this time. There have thankfully been many fewer hypos, and the numbers really *should* be quite good, but I suspect we are back up to between 7.5-8? Have run higher generally...On the other hand, he's growing like NOBODY's BUSINESS. Which is good news.

Bev, so glad to hear from you. Look forward to your next post.

Good luck for Thursday Patricia! Let us know how you get on! xx 🙂
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