The most annoying thing about your diabetes (at the moment)

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Hi, I am 60 with type 2. I have been getting high morning readings right after I get up, 9s and 10s. My readings aren't really getting back to where I want anymore, 5s and lower, until after 4pm. After 8 years, diet and exercise don't seem to be enough anymore.

I have upped the exercise and decreased carb intake and meal sizes as much as I can. I am tired, sore, hungry, and frustrated. I am going to have to suck it up and go on metformin. I hate that I feel like I failed but I need to eat!!
Hi, I am 60 with type 2. I have been getting high morning readings right after I get up, 9s and 10s. My readings aren't really getting back to where I want anymore, 5s and lower, until after 4pm. After 8 years, diet and exercise don't seem to be enough anymore.

I have upped the exercise and decreased carb intake and meal sizes as much as I can. I am tired, sore, hungry, and frustrated. I am going to have to suck it up and go on metformin. I hate that I feel like I failed but I need to eat!!
I know it's easier said than done but try not think as going on medication as failing. Just something that your body needs
Hi, I am 60 with type 2. I have been getting high morning readings right after I get up, 9s and 10s. My readings aren't really getting back to where I want anymore, 5s and lower, until after 4pm. After 8 years, diet and exercise don't seem to be enough anymore.

I have upped the exercise and decreased carb intake and meal sizes as much as I can. I am tired, sore, hungry, and frustrated. I am going to have to suck it up and go on metformin. I hate that I feel like I failed but I need to eat!!
Hi , I have a similar profile to you and have just started on Metformin 500 X 2

I spoke to both my doctor and nurse who told me that Metformin does have other benefits as well with reducing Blood Sugar levels.

If the Blood sugar levels reduce a good chance that I may be able to reduce or come of the drug.

It's my target !
Hi, I am 60 with type 2. I have been getting high morning readings right after I get up, 9s and 10s. My readings aren't really getting back to where I want anymore, 5s and lower, until after 4pm. After 8 years, diet and exercise don't seem to be enough anymore.

I have upped the exercise and decreased carb intake and meal sizes as much as I can. I am tired, sore, hungry, and frustrated. I am going to have to suck it up and go on metformin. I hate that I feel like I failed but I need to eat!!
Hi , I have a similar profile to you and have just started on Metformin 500 X 2

I spoke to both my doctor and nurse who told me that Metformin does have other benefits as well with reducing Blood Sugar levels.

If the Blood sugar levels reduce a good chance that I may be able to reduce or come of the drug.

It's my target !

I think this can be a really unfortunate and unwelcome aspect of living with T2. Whether it’s inferred by HCPs that an adjustment in meds (or the starting of a particular medication like insulin) represents some sort of ‘failure’, or whether it’s just a natural and very common desire of most of us to not need to take medication (and that taking medication is somehow indicative of un-wellness).

You don’t get this anything like so much in T1. Where those feelings can more often be set aside under the banner of “I need this, because my body broke and can’t make that particular thing any more”.

Do try not to self-stigmatise medications. I know this is much easier said than done - but there really isn’t anything to worry about if your metabolism needs a bit of a helping hand. They are just tools you can use to help you (for as long as they are helpful).
For me it's probably the same thing that frustrates many others: the unpredictability of it.

For example I have spent most of this week very much on target with my readings, and my insulin has been getting absorbed and keeping my levels under control nicely. But that all changed yesterday. Started off well, early morning readings between 7 and 8 which I was happy with. Then it reached midday and I had my dinner (dinner, not lunch, I'm a Yorkshireman 🙂) - a salad as usual, after which my levels decided to steadily rise - 13.2 at 13:57, 15.5 at 15:13, 16.8 at 17:02. Tea follows, and I injected my bolus as per normal, but with an additional correction to bring this high back down. But no, my body had other ideas. 17.7 at 19:43, topping out at 17.8 at 21:20. At this point I'd had enough and took an additional 9 units of NovoRapid. Even then it took until around 2am this morning to come back down into the green, with a waking reading of 7.2 this morning.

This is what I find most frustrating. You go along as always, following your same routine which works really well 90% of the time, then for seemingly no reason at all, your readings go haywire. No explanation, no cause that I can think of. Luckily it doesn't happen too often and the overall pattern is still above 80% in target, but it's times like this I am truly baffled, and this is when it feels like a real battle.
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@CivicFreak were you by any chance wearing pink socks with blue polkadots? its known that they cause your bg to go derpy 🙄
Glad you got on top of it and back down to normal.
@CivicFreak were you by any chance wearing pink socks with blue polkadots? its known that they cause your bg to go derpy 🙄
Glad you got on top of it and back down to normal.
Now that you mention it, Thursdays are my pink sock with blue polkadot days - you might have hit the nail right on the head there!

Thanks! I'm looking forward to the next time my body randomly decides it doesn't know what to do with the insulin I inject 🙂
This is what's annoying when you notice a change is needed and make a small change then your body's ke like " nope that's too much"(I changed my dinner radito to 1 to 10 to 1 to 8 today as it seemed like there was a incase needed)


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My frustration is my inability to react in a controlled way to a hypo - I know that taking a few glucose tablets will sort the problem, but when I have a hypo the irrational side of my brain tells me keep eating stuff till I feel better - usually resulting in very high sugars for a time after. There is something about the feeling that compels me so much that I cant control myself.
My frustration is my inability to react in a controlled way to a hypo - I know that taking a few glucose tablets will sort the problem, but when I have a hypo the irrational side of my brain tells me keep eating stuff till I feel better - usually resulting in very high sugars for a time after. There is something about the feeling that compels me so much that I cant control myself.
Same thing here! I think it's the body's natural response to the hypo that makes you just want to gorge on stuff until you recover. I've had a similar experience when I've been out shopping and felt a hypo coming on - I always end up buying loads of food I don't really need or want and end up filling myself with it as soon as I've left the shop and got to my car, knowing full well this will likely result in a hyper later on, and thus begins my rollercoaster ride of highs and lows for the rest of the day. I generally do not crave anything, and certainly don't binge on food (or drink, for that matter) and I rarely eat anything sweet, yet I have this strange compulsion to buy and eat a ton of stuff I don't really want even though I know full well I have my recovery items on me, these just don't seem to satisfy the "urge".
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