The most annoying thing about your diabetes (at the moment)

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Yes buts it's a misunderstanding just like the other misunderstanding just like other misunderstanding I was more talking about generally rather than that specific person. Ed gamble (who Is a type 1,) on s podcost amited before that he had said misunderstandings and then realiise there wrong). In my eyes it's no different because people haven't been told other wise. You don't have to agree with me
Like I said I wasn't commenting aboyt a
It is different, a diabetic explaining to someone else how type 1 is supposedly "so much more difficult" than type 2 is much worse than a non-diabetic not understanding much about diabetes. I wouldn't expect a non diabetic to know much. If a type 1 is explaining to someone else why T1 is more difficult than T2 i would certainly expect them to have researched and understood T2 first, otherwise theyre even worse than the person they're speaking too.

Also, @Spathiphyllum clearly has researched diabetes before this encounter, since they've been posting on diabetes forums and are listing now people not realising that T1 is worse than T2 as something that is their biggest annoyance. So its not the same as you learning things at first and being happy to learn.
I did respond to this but decided it's probably not the best place for this dicusion
Hi , what I find frustrating are the lack of ingredients and or quantity.

As an example hardly no information was available on Pilsner beer this morning content or quantity of comments.

I am not as bad as my mother - yet !
Oh there's also those moments where you've boluses for food but part way though eating you start getting full.
As an example hardly no information was available on Pilsner beer this morning content or quantity of comments.
nutracheck is your friend here 😉
Hi , what I find frustrating are the lack of ingredients and or quantity.

As an example hardly no information was available on Pilsner beer this morning content or quantity of comments.

I am not as bad as my mother - yet !

What is epasilly annoying is something tells you per 100gs then doesn't tell you how much it's weighs. When your out an about what good is that I'm not exactly going to carrying weighing scales around with me. Haha
What is epasilly annoying is something tells you per 100gs then doesn't tell you how much it's weighs. When your out an about what good is that I'm not exactly going to carrying weighing scales around with me. Haha
Especially when you complain to the cafe, as I did once about a delicious chocolate brownie….and next time I went in, they’d withdrawn the item altogether!
To plagiarise the excellent observation by @rebrascora in a different posting ...... don't ever underestimate how mentally draining it is balancing your BG levels with insulin and trying to compute all the things which impact that, like sleep and exercise and ambient temp and what day of the month it is, or what colour socks we are wearing :(rolleyes):.... OK I exaggerated a bit with that last one.... as well as having to assess and analyze everything we put in our mouths or even breathe the aroma it sometimes seems :(rolleyes):

I would add several other observations from postings above, perhaps particularly the loss of spontaneity and the not so irregular unexpected and unforeseen BG changes.

I have appreciated hearing that I'm not alone and somewhat perversely enjoyed (certainly appreciated) following the postings. BUT I am fortunate enough to remind myself that I surrendered my pancreas as a "cure" for my pancreatic cancer and cling to that thought whenever I start to feel sorry for myself.
To plagiarise the excellent observation by @rebrascora in a different posting ...... don't ever underestimate how mentally draining it is balancing your BG levels with insulin and trying to compute all the things which impact that, like sleep and exercise and ambient temp and what day of the month it is, or what colour socks we are wearing :(rolleyes):.... OK I exaggerated a bit with that last one.... as well as having to assess and analyze everything we put in our mouths or even breathe the aroma it sometimes seems :(rolleyes):

I would add several other observations from postings above, perhaps particularly the loss of spontaneity and the not so irregular unexpected and unforeseen BG changes.

I have appreciated hearing that I'm not alone and somewhat perversely enjoyed (certainly appreciated) following the postings. BUT I am fortunate enough to remind myself that I surrendered my pancreas as a "cure" for my pancreatic cancer and cling to that thought whenever I start to feel sorry for myself.
I too feel that way. I’ve often said on here over the last few years. If all I came out of that op with is diabetes and the ability to poo through the eye of a needle, I’ll take it to the alternative. And I think about that when I feel like throwing my toys out of the pram.
I have appreciated hearing that I'm not alone and somewhat perversely enjoyed (certainly appreciated) following the postings.

That was one of my hopes. To know that we are not alone in finding this hard going, frustrating, and downright confusing at times.

We are lucky that we have so many experienced members here, who have excellent diabetes-management skills, but it’s also helpful to know that no one here is perfect, and we all struggle.
I’ve been diagnosed with Type 1 exactly a year ago now at the age of 44, and although I’m getting more and more used to the amount of brain space it all takes, it’s the way people look at me differently that really frustrates me.

It’s the way that I’ll never go back to be carefree - having to think about everything I do just in case it affects my levels.

People thinking that you’ve got it all under control when really you haven’t.

The effect it is having on my mental health - nothing horrific - just why me? Why can’t I go back to how it was before. I’m not in denial, I just wish I wasn’t a Type 1 Diabetic.
I’ve been diagnosed with Type 1 exactly a year ago now at the age of 44, and although I’m getting more and more used to the amount of brain space it all takes, it’s the way people look at me differently that really frustrates me.

It’s the way that I’ll never go back to be carefree - having to think about everything I do just in case it affects my levels.

People thinking that you’ve got it all under control when really you haven’t.

The effect it is having on my mental health - nothing horrific - just why me? Why can’t I go back to how it was before. I’m not in denial, I just wish I wasn’t a Type 1 Diabetic.
I'm your diabetes granny (in real life a great grandma) and I can tell you your first and last comments describe me at the same stage. I always called these episodes as 'having an attack of the Why Mes' - I used to sob, but fortunately had a husband who would just stick his arm round me and hug me till I'd finished crying. We both knew there was no use whatever getting upset about it - I was stuck with it and that was that - and he had to live with me if he wanted feeding - which meant, he was stuck with it too. The Why Mes gradually came less and less. Now I'll sound like the grandma I am - it takes time. (Deep sigh) So - be a patient patient !

Don't ever attempt to 'control' diabetes - we can never succeed at that. But - we can at times manage it - so aim for that instead! And you know what? - you really do get a sense of self satisfaction when you do!

Good luck !
I'm your diabetes granny (in real life a great grandma) and I can tell you your first and last comments describe me at the same stage. I always called these episodes as 'having an attack of the Why Mes' - I used to sob, but fortunately had a husband who would just stick his arm round me and hug me till I'd finished crying. We both knew there was no use whatever getting upset about it - I was stuck with it and that was that - and he had to live with me if he wanted feeding - which meant, he was stuck with it too. The Why Mes gradually came less and less. Now I'll sound like the grandma I am - it takes time. (Deep sigh) So - be a patient patient !

Don't ever attempt to 'control' diabetes - we can never succeed at that. But - we can at times manage it - so aim for that instead! And you know what? - you really do get a sense of self satisfaction when you do!

Good luck !
Aw thanks for replying - I’ve definitely got a case of the why me’s at the moment!!.

So frustrated with it all - it’s all been up and down lately and I’ve had to cancel some socials with my friends which doesn’t help my frame of mind at all!! What I could do with the most is time laughing with them and not thinking about diabetes at all, but diabetes has stopped me doing that very thing!!

I really try to do it one day at a time - hopefully tomorrow I won’t be feeling so sorry for myself!,
Aw thanks for replying - I’ve definitely got a case of the why me’s at the moment!!.

So frustrated with it all - it’s all been up and down lately and I’ve had to cancel some socials with my friends which doesn’t help my frame of mind at all!! What I could do with the most is time laughing with them and not thinking about diabetes at all, but diabetes has stopped me doing that very thing!!

I really try to do it one day at a time - hopefully tomorrow I won’t be feeling so sorry for myself!,

No - hopefully it won't.

Oscar Wilde (or 'somebody' if not him) once said that it was better to travel hopefully than to arrive - so me, I still usually try to travel hopefully! All in all, I don't think that's a bad philosophy to adopt when you happen to have diabetes or possibly other things.
The most annoying thing about my diabetes? Can I say “Everything”? I’ve had it almost 30 years and it still exhausts me. I imagined it would get easier to accept after some years but actually that’s not true (for me). I resent it hugely - the constant monitoring and decision-making, the fact it complicates the simplest thing, the fact it’s in my head all the time.

But, at the moment I’m struggling with possible swinging hormones and their effect on my blood sugar, along with whacky absorption issues, which have been very stressful. Allow me another moan, please - the b****** icing on the cake of it all is the fact that the insulin you need to keep you alive can, by its very nature, cause absorption problems, making it harder as the years go by.

I look forward to a cure - waking up and thinking about anything but my blood sugar, tossing whatever food I want into my mouth with not a thought, and suddenly deciding to go on a 5 mile hike and walking out the door with just my phone in my pocket. It would be lovely <3
Like others have said, for me it is not being able to be spontaneous, to eat what I want and when without having to calculate and plan. Every trip out needs to take into account current BG and trend, how long I’m going to be out, taking snacks to counter hypos, insulin in case I’m out over mealtime, etc. Also a fear of any complications in the future, my anxiety sometimes taking over and every little twinge becomes the start of anything from teeth and gum problems to heart issues.

However ….

I do feel so grateful for having the Libre (no more taking out meter, strips and finger pricker), plus a load more information to help and advance warnings of hypos.

Also just having at least annual check ups is something I wouldn’t have if I didn’t have diabetes. So I know that I have blood pressure, kidney function, etc. checked as well as HbA1c, and eye retina checks. So hopefully anything detected can be treated before it becomes an issue.

Plus, I’m grateful for the folks on this forum! Just wish I’d joined years ago! Having contact with others in a similar position is comforting and helps to give a “grounding”, especially when the mind starts playing tricks. Sharing and reading about how others are coping really does help - so thank you guys!
As I have a bag with my diabetes stuff in which I can grab when I leave the house, I don’t find my diabetes makes much difference to my spontaneity. I check my blood sugars, grab my bag and head out for food, drink, exercise, …
Very occasionally, my levels are too low to drive but as I rarely drive and my levels are rarely too low, this is not a big issue.
It has always been important for me not to let diabetes stop me doing what I want and, over the years, have found ways of managing different scenarios.
This week, I have been on holiday. It has mostly been spent walking. Each day, I plan the route grab my bag and head out. Rarely have we done the route we planned. Usually, we walk further. I have dextrose and nuts bars in my bag and pick up something en route. This week, that has included fish and chips, crab sandwiches, veggie sausage rolls, crisps, cake, … I have popped in the pub for a wine or beer because we were passing. I have had a quiet night in because I fancied it. I have eaten out most days and not chosen my food until I have sat down. …
And most of it has been without my CGM because it failed on day 3 and I forgot to bring a spare.
Yeah I also do still some stuff spontaneously I just might check on things at act accordingly before I do. But if I want to randomly go out walk I will. (Well they have been times I have needed to bump my blood sugar up before I did)
Sorry for another one but I aslo have things(including my undiagnosed illness) that cause similar symptoms to dropping blood sugar whats more annoying about that is when your blood sugar starts to drop after you get symptoms intailly caused by other thing and you think you already confirmed it was down to the other thing)
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Hi , as others have said I do find the quick bacon and sausage sandwich hard to resist based on Morrison Salt and Pepper white bread.To date I have not given into the temptations ! However , I have no interest in eating cream cakes , ice creams , doughnuts and all sweets that I used to eat.

What does annoy me is when people say it won't do any harm , bit like the extra pint for the road.
Hi , as others have said I do find the quick bacon and sausage sandwich hard to resist based on Morrison Salt and Pepper white bread.To date I have not given into the temptations ! However , I have no interest in eating cream cakes , ice creams , doughnuts and all sweets that I used to eat.

What does annoy me is when people say it won't do any harm , bit like the extra pint for the road.

Bit of a difference between drink driving & having odd cake.
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