Spag Bol Wed 3rd Feb

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Well-Known Member
Relationship to Diabetes
Thought I would start a new thread.

Ok, are we sorted then :

3rd Spag bol
10th fish and chips
24th fajhitas

Any variations ok as we all have different ideas ie wholemeal pasta, white pasta etc etc.

Are we going to test hourly or two hourly and come back with results. Most people get a pasta spike so will be interesting to see when these are and what we all do, if anything about them.
well done adrienne!! re my previous post!🙂
spag bol it is..i will post my reciepe soon so if any T2 want to follow it feel welcome!
Excellent. I'm going to be using a different mince. I am cow free at the moment so maybe quorn but that has carbs I think and I wanted to do a carb free bolanaise bit, oh well, I'll work it out.
Excellent. I'm going to be using a different mince. I am cow free at the moment so maybe quorn but that has carbs I think and I wanted to do a carb free bolanaise bit, oh well, I'll work it out.

quorn is great! i think it will be interesting to see results and share hints and receipes i use ground up carrot and celery
My lot like lamb mince, but you can get other varieties too if you're a meat eater.
great idea spag bol it is on wednesday😉
Excellent. I'm going to be using a different mince. I am cow free at the moment so maybe quorn but that has carbs I think and I wanted to do a carb free bolanaise bit, oh well, I'll work it out.

It has 4.5g per 100g (3.9g per serving)

I'm having quorn. It's yummy and only has 2g fat per 100g - 0.5g sat fat.
I'm on a late shift so will have to get organised and make it in the morning to take to work to heat up.
I have some frozen quorn mince in the freezer so might use that.
Excellent thanks.

For those that have no idea what I am talking about, the lovely Bev had an excellent idea. Whomever wants to join in can, it is purely a choice thing. This Wednesday 3rd February we are all going to eat spag bol.

There are no rules so you can go out to eat it if you want to or make a homemade version.

It will be very interesting to compare results. I think I will test Jessica hourly afterward until I go to bed at midnight to collect some results. It is however each to their own.

We will need to know whether you have used wholemeal spaghetti or white or whether you have used a jar for the bolognaise or made it yourself etc etc

Obviously no-one is the same and obviously the people with type 2 will have different results from those who have type 1.

The week after we are going to do a different meal. So watch this space.

I'll be there, spag bol at the ready.
Not too good with spag bog, but will defo be there for the chippy week!:D

So is someone going to produce a fancy colourful graph with all this data and publish a paper!?? I am actually being serious would be good to see some kind of graphic, I seem to remeber Viki or Northe' may be good at this???

Well done Bev/Adrienne 🙂
Brilliant ideas, all around. I bet Rossi that if we can manage to do several difficult meals like this, in decent numbers, we could write it up. Those of us in proactive hospitals should start asking questions of our teams to see if there's a place for it...
I will be doing spag bol too but will have to be on monday for me as i am away on tues n weds, is that ok with everyone if i post my results & recipe here on monday please....
Do you want my recipe in the recipe thread or hear along with a pic?
I shall be using quorn tho.
So is someone going to produce a fancy colourful graph with all this data and publish a paper!?? I am actually being serious would be good to see some kind of graphic, I seem to remeber Viki or Northe' may be good at this???

I dont mind doing that if you guys want - most of my job is producing data reports so I have all the tools at hand to make pretty graphs n stuff..
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