Running for JDRF in the Great South Run

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Eeek!! 😱 How'd you manage that?! I knew it!...exercise really IS bad for you!

Guess I'd better get my bum in gear & sponsor you so you're incentivised not to break any more limbs! All the best with the training, & TAKE CARE!!

Thanks very much for your donation Twitchy!:D

just being cheeky and bumping this up in case some people didn't see it yesterday!

not allowed? so shoot me! heheheheheh, being naughty today as quite well!

I don't think I can object really!

Goodness, I can't believe that I'm already halfway towards my target! I don't like having to put a target in because it's so arbitrary and farly meaningless unless you are trying to raise a specific amount for a particular thing. So it was just afinger in the air based on what I have generally managed to raise on previous events.

I know some people feel a little awkward about sponsoring a smaller amount, but I'd just like to say that every penny really does count! Moreover, each time someone sponsors me, that is a name I will carry with me as I run and it really does help to keep your spirits up particularly towards the end. Back in the 'old days' it was common to sponsor someone a few pence per mile - so for the Great South Run 10p per mile would be ?1 overall - which is ?1.24 with gift aid, and all that adds up!

I'd also just like to say a little bit about JDRF - whilst they appear to be principally a charity for children and young adults, their work benefits ALL people with diabetes - my juvenile days are well gone (OK, maybe not mentally!), but I still see them as an organisation which is working hard on my behalf.🙂

There's only one sponsor whose name I don't recognise, but thank you Philip!:D
Ive just googled it to see where in the south it is and I see it will be broadcast live on channel 5!

Will you be wearing something distinctive so we can identify you????!!!

PS Ive made a donation to keep Kate bush out of the charts 🙂
Ive just googled it to see where in the south it is and I see it will be broadcast live on channel 5!

Will you be wearing something distinctive so we can identify you????!!!

PS Ive made a donation to keep Kate bush out of the charts 🙂

Thanks Lou, very much appreciated! Kate isn't too worried as it means the paparazzi don't bother her so much when she's not charting...🙂

JDRF are sending me a running vest - should get it this weekend hopefully. Will post a picture of it, although I doubt if you'll spot me unless I'm the one with all the paramedics standing round them and the emergency helicopter flying overhead😉

Channel 5 coverage isn't great, but at least it's better than nothing. Last year I was waiting to set off and they had a big screen showing Paula Radcliffe storming off - when I finally crossed the start line she was about 5 miles ahead of me! It does annoy me slightly that they have such good, extensive coverage of the Great North Run on BBC, but nowhere near as good of the Great South Run. I think it is bias becasue Steve Cram and Brendan Foster are from the North East and work for the BBC!
isnt it because our big race is the london marathon, but the northern one is the great north run?
Come on peeps! Just 50p can make all the difference!:DBev
Come on peeps! Just 50p can make all the difference!:DBev

Hehe! Thanks Bev - she's right you know! :D . I just got my JDRF runner's pack through the post! No vest with it, they will send one nearer the time. I liked it last year when I was running for DUK in one of their vests as it made me feel part of a 'team' - people would wave and shout when they saw it, and other runners would have a chat and offer encouragement. It was quite a scary and difficult experience last year as I had no idea at the time what might happen to me after 5 miles (all I'd managed to achieve on a training run). Hopefully, this year I'll feel a lot more relaxed about it!🙂
Hi Alan....

Me and Nathan have just donated .. to the cause ... I think your a star.... I'd be lucky if I could run a mile ... my body was'nt built for running

Good luck ....

Hi Alan....

Me and Nathan have just donated .. to the cause ... I think your a star.... I'd be lucky if I could run a mile ... my body was'nt built for running

Good luck ....


Thank you Heidi! Let's hope that they can find a way so Nathan can look forward to a future without injections!:D Really appreciated!
Thank you Heidi! Let's hope that they can find a way so Nathan can look forward to a future without injections!:D Really appreciated!

Thank you as well Alan .. for doing it for all the young children out there parents we all appreciate what you are doing..:D

I truly believe that Nathan .. will eventually have a future without injections..:D

Just wanted to point out that this organisation (although it is for juvenile diabetics) does help adult type 1's too! Once they find a cure everyone will benefit - young and old - so come on peeps 50p - if everyone on here gave 50p then Northerner would have his ?250 no problem! I know times are hard for us all - but look down behind your sofa - i bet you will find that 50p or more!😉😛:DBev
It's a sad fact also that Type 1 is on the increase - at the rate of 4% a year, and can strike anyone, as many here will know, so it's becoming more important than ever to find better treatments and a cure. JDRF have also contributed significantly to the improvements in treatments and care of pregant diabetic ladies, so that their babies develop properly and healthily.🙂
Hey Northener, good luck with it, I would love to get back on the road, maybe next year, do you fancy a race? What time you aiming for, or is it the finishing line with no ambulance near you!! I'll see how much booze I can do without next week and donate the savings! I haven't knowingly broken a bone, well once I got knocked down by a black cab, went for a wee flying lesson! But couldn't be arsed to go to get it checked out, I had limps and pains for months !! Woops.

In short, Good luck pal.
Hey Northener, good luck with it, I would love to get back on the road, maybe next year, do you fancy a race? What time you aiming for, or is it the finishing line with no ambulance near you!! I'll see how much booze I can do without next week and donate the savings! I haven't knowingly broken a bone, well once I got knocked down by a black cab, went for a wee flying lesson! But couldn't be arsed to go to get it checked out, I had limps and pains for months !! Woops.

In short, Good luck pal.

Cheers Rossi - hope you have a sober week then! Only kidding, every penny counts!

Still not sure about the time - my pace really dropped off after breaking my leg (after I'd recovered from it of course!), and I haven't managed a run for ages where I haven't been either crocked or scuppered or recovering from something. Last year it was diabetes. Well, I'm practically cured of that now (I wish!), so hoping for a better time than last year. Would be nice to get through in under 90 minutes - I used to run 10 miles in around 70 mins. This is a picture of me at the end of my worst ever half marathon in The Hague last year, about three months before I was diagnosed. As it turned out, my pancreas was probably well on the way out at that stage. Thought the ambulance following me was quite amusing though!

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Thats what we like to see , running action shots :D Im loving the ambulance 😱
Thats what we like to see , running action shots :D Im loving the ambulance 😱

Not my finest picture, although a blessed relief! This was taken at the finish line - I have no idea how I managed to finish and at the time I couldn't understand why I felt so I know why! Actually, I did see someone collapse at about 8 miles and he was looking pretty blue - no idea if he made it😱

Running is a hazardous activity - forget your bungie jumping and white water rafting!:D

Take a look down your sofas again - even 10p helps!:DBev

Northerner - you look so cute! Good head of hair too!🙂
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