Questions questions questions!

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Pre dinner reading was 6.8 at 7:30pm. Took 7u of NovoRapid. 30 mins later, ate 100g red lentil pasta with home made tomato sauce and little cheese shavings and a banana. Total carbs came to 61g. Went for a 20min walk after dinner.

10:45pm it read, 11.8
11:45pm it read, 13.7
01:30am it read 16.4
7:30am it read 12.4
10:00am it read 10.9

I have overslept. still to eat breakfast.
Three hours after injection, Novorapid, is at a low ebb. The 10:45 reading of 11.8 is the one where you might decide if a correction is required. It's difficult to judge as your meal is late in the evening, and there might not be enough time to clear the correction before you go to bed. It's risky to go to bed after injecting a correction, just in case it works too well and causes sleep hypo.
Pre dinner reading was 6.8 at 7:30pm. Took 7u of NovoRapid. 30 mins later, ate 100g red lentil pasta with home made tomato sauce and little cheese shavings and a banana. Total carbs came to 61g. Went for a 20min walk after dinner.

10:45pm it read, 11.8
11:45pm it read, 13.7
01:30am it read 16.4
7:30am it read 12.4
10:00am it read 10.9

I have overslept. still to eat breakfast.
Your numbers could simply be due to the type of carbs you have eaten.
As I suspect they were slow release thus hit your system long after your quick acting insulin ran out.

Each and everyone of us has frustrating days with our blood sugars so a very big welcome to the club 🙂
You are doing fine slowly but surely and you will get there, we all had to start somewhere 🙂

Would it help you to write down what meals you had and carb content plus the insulin dose? This way you can see what reaction your bolus has for that meal.
Sorry to hear you are having a tough time with balancing your insulin doses and your meals @Purls of Wisdom . :(

I’ve split the conversation that unfolded after your post into a separate thread, hopefully it will be easier to follow 🙂

Hope you are able to identify a few suggestions and possibilities that might help you reduce your post-meal spikes.

For what it’s worth… where my insulin needs have changed (and if my basal insulin holds me steady overnight and if I skip a meal) if my levels are higher 5hrs after an accurately counted meal then I’d suspect my ratio needed raising.
Three hours after injection, Novorapid, is at a low ebb. The 10:45 reading of 11.8 is the one where you might decide if a correction is required. It's difficult to judge as your meal is late in the evening, and there might not be enough time to clear the correction before you go to bed. It's risky to go to bed after injecting a correction, just in case it works too well and causes sleep hypo.
Not correcting as yet.
Your numbers could simply be due to the type of carbs you have eaten.
As I suspect they were slow release thus hit your system long after your quick acting insulin ran out.

Each and everyone of us has frustrating days with our blood sugars so a very big welcome to the club 🙂
You are doing fine slowly but surely and you will get there, we all had to start somewhere 🙂

Would it help you to write down what meals you had and carb content plus the insulin dose? This way you can see what reaction your bolus has for that meal.
I do that already as an add on the LibreLink, so that the DSN and dietian can access the data.
Sorry to hear you are having a tough time with balancing your insulin doses and your meals @Purls of Wisdom . :(

I’ve split the conversation that unfolded after your post into a separate thread, hopefully it will be easier to follow 🙂

Hope you are able to identify a few suggestions and possibilities that might help you reduce your post-meal spikes.

For what it’s worth… where my insulin needs have changed (and if my basal insulin holds me steady overnight and if I skip a meal) if my levels are higher 5hrs after an accurately counted meal then I’d suspect my ratio needed raising.
Hello Mike, thank you for recognising my troubled relationship with DM.
I have had a horrible day today. Had readings
CGM 14.1 (GM 12.2)
CGM 16.7 (GM 22.4)
CGM 19.1 (GM 20.3)
CGM 15.3

I really do not know what I am doing wrong. In fact harder I am trying to understand and work it out, more complex it is becoming for my already frazzled brain. Nothing I mean nothing is making sense to me.

I am feeling worried to the extent of throwing up. Now I know why some people react to diabetes the way they do by burying their heads in the sand. Ignoring it.
Sorry you’ve had a bad day. Have you thought about doing the online course I mentioned? You can do it at your own pace so can go over parts until they make sense to you.
All good things come to those who wait, knowledge & experience is something that takes time my friend.
Hello Mike, thank you for recognising my troubled relationship with DM.
I have had a horrible day today. Had readings
CGM 14.1 (GM 12.2)
CGM 16.7 (GM 22.4)
CGM 19.1 (GM 20.3)
CGM 15.3

I really do not know what I am doing wrong. In fact harder I am trying to understand and work it out, more complex it is becoming for my already frazzled brain. Nothing I mean nothing is making sense to me.

I am feeling worried to the extent of throwing up. Now I know why some people react to diabetes the way they do by burying their heads in the sand. Ignoring it.
You are not doing anything wrong.
It takes time and patience to get numbers down into range.
What time were those readings taken and what had you eaten?
Readings like that are horrible @Purls of Wisdom I find they make me feel rough, miserable and anxious. Not the anxiety of worrying about them, more something about being high that makes me feel anxious. So be kind to yourself. Try to think about things logically. You’ll have a better day soon.

I’ve forgotten what basal you take. Perhaps that and/or the hot weather is contributing?
OK. I can see why you would feel rather frustrated. Can you remind us which basal insulin you take and when you take it?

My thoughts are that either it is a basal insulin issue.... maybe basal is running out in the evening, especially if you take it at bedtime.... or.... the evening meal ratio needs adjustment plus that red lentil pasta was very slow to release.... or you are like some of us and manage to extract more carbs from lentils than they are supposed to contain, which is really frustrating as I love lentils.
Just to be clear can I ask... Was that 100g dry weight of the pasta?

Readings like that are horrible @Purls of Wisdom I find they make me feel rough, miserable and anxious. Not the anxiety of worrying about them, more something about being high that makes me feel anxious. So be kind to yourself. Try to think about things logically. You’ll have a better day soon.

I’ve forgotten what basal you take. Perhaps that and/or the hot weather is contributing?
Levemir 14u in the morning and 13u at bedtime.
Have you ever done a basal test to check that this dose is correct?
I think of the basal as the foundation - if you build on an unstable foundation, you are going to have trouble with your bolus dose.
Never heard of it, like most of the things these days. How do you do that? I am willing to do anything and more in order to get some stability.
Feeling frazzled from yesterday's readings and waking reading, 14.4mmol/L, I called DSN. She explained that Levemir is keeping my night time levels on an even keel. She further explained how to do corrections based on latest readings of main meals. I am genuinely hopeful that it works.
It may be that your morning Levemir dose is no longer enough and that is why your daytime levels are going high and then your evening dose is holding you steady overnight which is as it should be but obviously if you go to bed high then you will wake up high, if it is holding you steady. It may be worth asking your nurse about your morning Levemir dose.... or it may be that she wants you to do a few corrections wit your bolus insulin before adjusting your daytime Levemir in case it is a temporary situation with your levels going high. The DAFNE course usually suggests that if you have 2 to 3 days of needing corrections, then a basal increase is recommended.
It may be that your morning Levemir dose is no longer enough and that is why your daytime levels are going high and then your evening dose is holding you steady overnight which is as it should be but obviously if you go to bed high then you will wake up high, if it is holding you steady. It may be worth asking your nurse about your morning Levemir dose.... or it may be that she wants you to do a few corrections wit your bolus insulin before adjusting your daytime Levemir in case it is a temporary situation with your levels going high. The DAFNE course usually suggests that if you have 2 to 3 days of needing corrections, then a basal increase is recommended.
Thank you, Barbara.
Does the edition number matter when it comes to the book by Ragnar Hanas? Meaning latest the edition, most current info and correction? Sorry for the double innuendo.
It may be that your morning Levemir dose is no longer enough and that is why your daytime levels are going high and then your evening dose is holding you steady overnight which is as it should be but obviously if you go to bed high then you will wake up high, if it is holding you steady. It may be worth asking your nurse about your morning Levemir dose.... or it may be that she wants you to do a few corrections wit your bolus insulin before adjusting your daytime Levemir in case it is a temporary situation with your levels going high. The DAFNE course usually suggests that if you have 2 to 3 days of needing corrections, then a basal increase is recommended.
Who decides and sends one on the course? Is there a time restriction? Is it online or health centre based?
Does the edition number matter when it comes to the book by Ragnar Hanas? Meaning latest the edition, most current info and correction? Sorry for the double innuendo.
I've got the 7th Edition, published 2019 as a soft back print ( ie not digital). I dip into it from time to time, rather than trying to systematically read it from cover to cover.

Quite a lot on the theory of insulin resistance, pp231 onwards, something I think helps explain why things do or don't follow the plan; so understanding that concept helps me respond.
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