No Carbers/ low Carbers

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I had 1 unit at 7.19am >> no food , then at 8.16am I had some breakfast and a couple of units 🙂 I was'nt hypo till 1.25pm so it may be my Basal brought me down lower , I have a split dose at 10pm and 7am .I had been blitzing the house from top to bottom though so didnt really stop all morning >>> plus its boiling here today .

P.s >>>>Im 20.4 now tho lol eeeeekkkkkkkk :(

I dont know much about splitting doses but if you take it at those times, wont it overlap so you will have more in your system in the morning when u take your 7am dose?

oops thats a big bounce-back! :D
I dont know much about splitting doses but if you take it at those times, wont it overlap so you will have more in your system in the morning when u take your 7am dose?

oops thats a big bounce-back! :D

Hehehe yesss I got much-tastic !! I had some Lucozade and 2 hobnobs Mmm nice though lol >>>> Im correcting now with my tea>>> Ive decided to have omlette instead of Salad , Ive not had an omlette for ages 🙂

Hmm I dont think they overlap :confused: >>> some people take them closer together than that I think . Ah well , sod it I cba with it today hehe
Hehehe yesss I got much-tastic !! I had some Lucozade and 2 hobnobs Mmm nice though lol >>>> Im correcting now with my tea>>> Ive decided to have omlette instead of Salad , Ive not had an omlette for ages

Hmm I dont think they overlap :confused: >>> some people take them closer together than that I think . Ah well , sod it I cba with it today hehe

god knows, I take lantus which is different soo i dont know :D

mmm I might have an omelette, I haven't had one for a while either!
Hehehe yesss I got much-tastic !! I had some Lucozade and 2 hobnobs Mmm nice though lol >>>> Im correcting now with my tea>>> Ive decided to have omlette instead of Salad , Ive not had an omlette for ages 🙂

Hmm I dont think they overlap >>> some people take them closer together than that I think . Ah well , sod it I cba with it today hehe

Hello 🙂 Just to say that I've recently changed my levemir times to make sure they're as near to 12 hours apart as possible. I was having HUGE overlaps and causing hypos all over the place. It might be worth checking out!

god knows, I take lantus which is different soo i dont know

mmm I might have an omelette, I haven't had one for a while either!

Mmmm, omelette 🙂

My bloods have been ok-ish the last few days... I've started cycling to school which has made quite an impact I think... Although not been low carbing much. Had muesli for brekkie, salad, rice cakes (chilli ones from Tesco, yum!) and a pear for lunch and probably something ridiculously high in carbs for dinner as seems to be the way at the mo 😱
Wow !! it took me ages to find our thread !! 😱
Well my Diabetes isnt playing nice this week at all :( I havent really been eating proper meals as I havent been hungry so consequently my levels are zooming from one extreme to another :( major Glucose Dumps and stupid Lows atm 😡 I'm back on track today , Chicken in the oven and lots of Veggies ready Mmmm obviously no Potatoes hehehe
Wow !! it took me ages to find our thread !!
Well my Diabetes isnt playing nice this week at all :( I havent really been eating proper meals as I havent been hungry so consequently my levels are zooming from one extreme to another major Glucose Dumps and stupid Lows atm 😡 I'm back on track today , Chicken in the oven and lots of Veggies ready Mmmm obviously no Potatoes hehehe

Haha... It's obviously been busy, we've been pushed down! 😛 Hmmm... You sound very like me! I have been eating proper meals, but too much carb and not really thinking about ratios. Oh dear.

I'm back on track today too. Not so much with eating but with being pro-active. Let's do it! Enjoy your yummy food 🙂
Glad you're back on track Ann Marie, I've been on bacon and egg for breaky whenever I can last few weeks (since reading this thread and hearing from you 3!), generally at weekend, all good, cheers for the tips girls🙂
Haha... It's obviously been busy, we've been pushed down! 😛 Hmmm... You sound very like me! I have been eating proper meals, but too much carb and not really thinking about ratios. Oh dear.

I'm back on track today too. Not so much with eating but with being pro-active. Let's do it! Enjoy your yummy food 🙂

Right ok lets both knuckle down !! Im sure Twin will too :D , Im sure she'll be the same as us , I know shes been out this weekend .
Glad you're back on track Ann Marie, I've been on bacon and egg for breaky whenever I can last few weeks (since reading this thread and hearing from you 3!), generally at weekend, all good, cheers for the tips girls

Bacon and Eggs >>> food of the gods Ross !!:D good to know you are still cutting down on some Carbs in your diet , even a few less is something !!
Right ok lets both knuckle down !! Im sure Twin will too :D , Im sure she'll be the same as us , I know shes been out this weekend .

lol yeah ive been bad again, im pretty sure i was really high when drinking friday night 🙄 but today I woke to 5.1 so yay 🙂
lol yeah ive been bad again, im pretty sure i was really high when drinking friday night 🙄 but today I woke to 5.1 so yay 🙂

Ooo lucky you being nice and Low , I've corrected an 18.6 that I woke up to >>> then checked 4 hours later and was 21.9 !! WTF is going on !!!?? Ive not eaten a thing yet today and only had 3 cups of Coffee with Skimmed Milk , that shouldnt take me so high !! Grrrrr >>> and its tooooo hot here 😡Totally pi**ed off today :(
Ooo lucky you being nice and Low , I've corrected an 18.6 that I woke up to >>> then checked 4 hours later and was 21.9 !! WTF is going on !!!?? Ive not eaten a thing yet today and only had 3 cups of Coffee with Skimmed Milk , that shouldnt take me so high !! Grrrrr >>> and its tooooo hot here 😡Totally pi**ed off today :(

yeah makes a change, yesterday i woke to 13.

Ive just replied to you on oneliners. I really think you need to eat... just a salad or something so your body doesn't go into starvation mode and chuck out glucose. Hope things are better tomorrow x
ive been really bad with the low carb thing lately :(, just been out and had cappucinno and fudge cake, was yummy though :D

I have switched to that nimble bread though for a few weeks now, know its carbs but two rounds is only 1.6g as opposed to 3/4g for the other breads.
ive been really bad with the low carb thing lately :(, just been out and had cappucinno and fudge cake, was yummy though

I have switched to that nimble bread though for a few weeks now, know its carbs but two rounds is only 1.6g as opposed to 3/4g for the other breads.

Even a few less Carbs is a move in the right direction , they do tend to add up as the day goes on !! 😉 Mmm Fudge Cake sounds soooo niiice !! I really fancy a huge chunk of Cake 😱 , mainly because Ive got no food in the house lol , I always fancy all sorts then hehe 🙄
ive been really bad with the low carb thing lately :(, just been out and had cappucinno and fudge cake, was yummy though :D

I have switched to that nimble bread though for a few weeks now, know its carbs but two rounds is only 1.6g as opposed to 3/4g for the other breads.

Even a few less Carbs is a move in the right direction , they do tend to add up as the day goes on !! Mmm Fudge Cake sounds soooo niiice !! I really fancy a huge chunk of Cake 😱 , mainly because Ive got no food in the house lol , I always fancy all sorts then hehe

hey tracey,

isn't bread usually 15-20g? or do you have thin sliced?

im not doing very low carbing now due to getting absolutely no support from family 🙄 so im just back to cutting down on them and portion size in general because I really want to lose some weight!!
hey tracey,

isn't bread usually 15-20g? or do you have thin sliced?

im not doing very low carbing now due to getting absolutely no support from family 🙄 so im just back to cutting down on them and portion size in general because I really want to lose some weight!!

White bread is 20+ G of Carbs 😱 Brown isnt as much , Its been soooo long since I've had bread I'm not sure tbh
Aww Twin , Its hard when you get no support and are surrounded by Carbs 🙄 Btw , lose weight!!!?? why ?? you look fine as you are fgs!!
White bread is 20+ G of Carbs 😱 Brown isnt as much , Its been soooo long since I've had bread I'm not sure tbh
Aww Twin , Its hard when you get no support and are surrounded by Carbs Btw , lose weight!!!?? why ?? you look fine as you are fgs!!

I have brown or granary thick sliced and it's about 20g a slice. That's one thing ive cut down on loads though, I hardly ever have bread.

Yeah it was really annoying, I could swear my mum bought more carbs when I said i wanted to go low carb 🙄 lol.

haha everyone says that. But im REALLY serious. I weight at least 1.5st more than I did a couple of years ago and i never looked too skinny. and trust me if you heard how much a weight you would agree I need to 😛 Not sure where it all is because I dont look THAT heavy, I look a bit heavy though 😉
Hmmm low carb thread surely the word CAKE should be banned?? Can't North' filter these such swear words, I'm dreaming of carrot cake or lemon drizzle, damn it!
Hmmm low carb thread surely the word CAKE should be banned?? Can't North' filter these such swear words, I'm dreaming of carrot cake or lemon drizzle, damn it!

I use a type of psychology >>> If I'm talking about Cake I'm not eating it lol 😉😉
haha everyone says that. But im REALLY serious. I weight at least 1.5st more than I did a couple of years ago and i never looked too skinny. and trust me if you heard how much a weight you would agree I need to 😛 Not sure where it all is because I dont look THAT heavy, I look a bit heavy though 😉

Hmm well I dont think you look like you need to lose any weight at all .
Saying that we all see ourselves differently , I'm sure I'm going a little chubby atm , I feel bigger , I still weigh the same though :confused:
Hmm well I dont think you look like you need to lose any weight at all .
Saying that we all see ourselves differently , I'm sure I'm going a little chubby atm , I feel bigger , I still weigh the same though :confused:

I'll post a naked picture and you'll see...

haha ok maybe not...

Well old clothes dont fit me as well and i weight more, so definitely need to something! doubt you are chubbier twin! could be time of the month or just feeling a bit bloated...
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