No Carbers/ low Carbers

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It does. And some days it just sucks more than others :( I need a good kick up the backside! I wonder if some peoples' levels really are easier to control, or if they just do it better? Or, I guess, if differnet lifestyles lend themselves to good control more than others? :confused: Whichever way, I definitely struggle!

I will try not to over correct. And at the end of teh day, if morning levels were that easy to get right, I'd have them every morning 😛

Ladies, I know this is coming from the smug 'Mr Perfect Levels', and it's certainly not a criticism, but I do wonder if your lifestyles are a bit too chaotic for your bodies to establish any kind of consistent pattern? My life is very boring, and this probably is helping me a lot with my control because there are fewer variables to consider. I think you need to try and set aside some 'boring time' when you do little other than to care for your diabetic selves - plan menus, regular tests, no alcohol, early to bed and early to rise - just to let everything settle down so you're not swinging up and down and correcting and hypoing on a daily basis.

Will you do it? Just for me? I worry about you!

OK, I will go away and be an old fuddy-duddy again with my pipe and slippers, and leave you youngsters alone:D
Northe, if only it were that easy 🙂 As I have said before, if I try really hard and reduce carb etc I can get some very good levels - still not as perfect as yours though and that's by reducing the carbs I eat and doing lots of exercise.

I know I do drink alot and have had problems sleeping in the last few months, but I haven't always been like that. I have tried to be 'boring' but I really dont see how that is plausible long term. I can't really eat exactly the same thing every day just because I know it works and i'm not even sure it would work for me.

I am currently trying very hard, which you can see if you go back a few pages hehe, but I have gone off the rails a bit in the last couple of weeks. I don't have the will power to keep up a consistent diet, but I can try.

Maybe hormones are a factor too, sometimes a girl needs to snack - that's my excuse and im sticking to it.

I can try doing what you suggest if you like though. Better start choosing the meals I want to eat everyday and i better make them good ones 😉
Almost ditto what Katie said!

Thanks for the advice, Northerner, but yes, if only it were that simple! I barely drink any more, i go to bed at 10 o'clock most nights (even weekends at the moment because I'm just too tired to stay awake! 😛) I have set aside 'boring' time (as you call it, hehe) many a time, but the problem is, it doesn't reflect my life... I can get perfect levels, if I'm sitting at home all day working on my levels and thinking about everything I do and eat and writing down exactly what happens. But unfortuantely, day to day, that isn't what can happen. As soon as I add something else to the mix (a working day; stress; exercise; a monthly chocolate craving...) it all goes haywire, and, when working, those are the things I can't find time to work out. It really isn't for want of trying.

I have my summer holidays coming up, I will try and I sure I will get somewhere, but back at work in Sept my regime will change again and it'll all get bouncy again :( It's all just too much to juggle sometimes!! With that in mind, do you have any advice Northerner? 🙂
PS Woke up with a level of 6.2 this morning after correcting last night... So it's a good place to start!
Well you just wrote what I was trying to say but I was in a rush :D

well done on the waking level woo. I'm not happy... I went to bed last night with a level of 4.3 and I felt a bit funny so had some orange juice. I must have been on my up though, rather than down because I just tested an i'm at 21 :( I only usually wake to that kind of level if ive been out drinking heavily the night before. Urgh.

Anyway, I'm up early today and at work so i'm going back on the salads and tuna light lunches 🙄 :D
Well you just wrote what I was trying to say but I was in a rush :D

well done on the waking level woo. I'm not happy... I went to bed last night with a level of 4.3 and I felt a bit funny so had some orange juice. I must have been on my up though, rather than down because I just tested an i'm at 21 :( I only usually wake to that kind of level if ive been out drinking heavily the night before. Urgh.

Anyway, I'm up early today and at work so i'm going back on the salads and tuna light lunches 🙄 :D

Ok. I'm back on the wagon too. I just tested and was 6.7, so pretty level today which is good!

That's happened to me too, it's so annoying when you correct with something small then have a massive bounce. Unless you were on the down and the oj wasn't enough and you hypoed in the night? Sometimes in the evening Ill try test and then test again an hour later, just to check if I'm on the way up or down.

How's it been going since?
PS again... Northerner, I hope what I said didn't come across rude... I didn't mean it to be, I was just trying to explain. I genuinely would appreciate any advice that you can give 🙂
Ok. I'm back on the wagon too. I just tested and was 6.7, so pretty level today which is good!

That's happened to me too, it's so annoying when you correct with something small then have a massive bounce. Unless you were on the down and the oj wasn't enough and you hypoed in the night? Sometimes in the evening Ill try test and then test again an hour later, just to check if I'm on the way up or down.

How's it been going since?

Well since you just asked I tested :D and i'm 3.9. I dont feel low and I took a bit extra insulin in order to have a chocolate rice cake which I havent had yet, so it isn't really surprising i'm a bit low, I will have one now!

I'm pretty sure I was on the up because I had eaten before the 4. The reason I thought I could have been low is because I had already corrected before that. Ok im getting confused now and i'm starting to feel low, gah lunch time I think. This diabetes malarky is kinda annoying isn't it?? 😉
PS again... Northerner, I hope what I said didn't come across rude... I didn't mean it to be, I was just trying to explain. I genuinely would appreciate any advice that you can give 🙂

Absolutely not, Munjeeta, I hope you didn't think I was saying you're not trying hard enough (because I know how hard you all do try!). The only thing that I would suggest is that you make things like recording levels, insulin, food etc. part of your essential routine - something that you always do, just like you always take your insulin!

Have you got some software for your meter? It can be quite surprising when you see trends over a period of time. You may remember that you had a couple of hypos last week, but software will show you all your peaks and troughs over a period of time, and all sorts of other useful and surprising stuff! I've always done this stuff automatically, but maybe it's because I'm that kind of personality - I have to know what's going on! I know you said you test a lot, make sure you take that extra few seconds to write it down.

Something I have never done is correct - I only ever do it at the next meal. If I test and I'm low, then I don't over treat - if I test 15 mins after a hypo+3 JB's and I'm still low, I'll have a couple more. If I'm higher than expected, I'll wait until my next meal before adding in any extra units. I think this helps because my body and brain don't get all confused with the circulating insulin levels, so I have less chance of overcorrecting and hypoing. Just my way of doing things, but might be worth discussing with your DSN and seeing what she says.

Do you make your own sandwiches? Then you'll know what's going in them and can carb-count more accurately. I think I remember you saying you were booked on a DAFNE course? I think that will make a big difference!🙂
Yes, I hope I didn't sound rude or anything either, certainly didn't mean to be!
I'm back up to 8.5 and still feel funny, grr it ruined my lunch.
Absolutely not, Munjeeta, I hope you didn't think I was saying you're not trying hard enough (because I know how hard you all do try!). The only thing that I would suggest is that you make things like recording levels, insulin, food etc. part of your essential routine - something that you always do, just like you always take your insulin!

Yes... I do try to do this, Nrotherner. I try and write down what I eat, what insulin I take and my blood sugar every time I test it. And it works for a while. Unfortunately, once things begin to spiral (usually beginning with work being stressful) my good habits seem to slip. It's like I don't even have the mental power to remember what's even important! 🙄 And the problem is, that work can take over. my to-do list is always growing and it all seems even more pressing than writing things down. Especially at lunchtimes when i invariably have to wolf down my dinner to do something to set up for the afternoon or something with the kids (like clean out the stick insects! 🙂)

Have you got some software for your meter? It can be quite surprising when you see trends over a period of time. You may remember that you had a couple of hypos last week, but software will show you all your peaks and troughs over a period of time, and all sorts of other useful and surprising stuff! I've always done this stuff automatically, but maybe it's because I'm that kind of personality - I have to know what's going on! I know you said you test a lot, make sure you take that extra few seconds to write it down.

I do like to know what's going on too. I think that's why I get so frustrated and miserable when I see it starting to slip away... Yes, i do have software and I download it as often as I can, but again, when there's a million and one things to do...

Something I have never done is correct - I only ever do it at the next meal. If I test and I'm low, then I don't over treat - if I test 15 mins after a hypo+3 JB's and I'm still low, I'll have a couple more. If I'm higher than expected, I'll wait until my next meal before adding in any extra units. I think this helps because my body and brain don't get all confused with the circulating insulin levels, so I have less chance of overcorrecting and hypoing. Just my way of doing things, but might be worth discussing with your DSN and seeing what she says.

I only correct just before bed. Otherwise always with a meal too. But it's avalid point and I will definitely talk to her when see her. It's the ups and downs that I hate.

Do you make your own sandwiches? Then you'll know what's going in them and can carb-count more accurately. I think I remember you saying you were booked on a DAFNE course? I think that will make a big difference!

Yeah. i do make my own lunch. And I'm trying very hard to be accurate. And yes, I am doing DAFNE in Nov 🙂 Still quite a time to wait though!

Unfortnately I tink it's more mental... I get stressed, everything feels like too much, my sugars rise, I can't react in a way I should because I'm too busy being stressed, I get corss, I get stressed etc etc. It's a cycle I'm trying to break, and I'm getting there. But however good my sugars are for a while, something always comes along (or I do something) to change them... Sorry... It turned into a bit of a rant 😛
Then you get days like this. Don't me wrong, I'm not complaining... But seeing as I've eaten a lot of (including chocolate bars and haribos 😱) and have been on the verge of collapse through stress all day I have had perfect sugars... 6.2 on waking, 6.7 before lunch and 5.6 before dinner... :confused: It just makes no sense!
Then you get days like this. Don't me wrong, I'm not complaining... But seeing as I've eaten a lot of (including chocolate bars and haribos 😱) and have been on the verge of collapse through stress all day I have had perfect sugars... 6.2 on waking, 6.7 before lunch and 5.6 before dinner... :confused: It just makes no sense!

Congratulations on those numbers Munjeeta 🙂 Looks like you might be getting the trophy for the best numbers !! Woooo. Sorry you are stressed tho :(
Then you get days like this. Don't me wrong, I'm not complaining... But seeing as I've eaten a lot of (including chocolate bars and haribos and have been on the verge of collapse through stress all day I have had perfect sugars... 6.2 on waking, 6.7 before lunch and 5.6 before dinner... :confused: It just makes no sense!

I'm going to claim that it was the positive vibes from my nagging!😉 Good numbers Munjeeta, you obviously needed those extra carbs today othwise you'd have been crashing! What's stressful about looking after a class of little children rehearsing the Lion King? Can't imagine...!😱:D
Hehe... Maybe I needed the carbs, but I did cover them with insulin... SO not sure that I needed them to prevent me plummeting, more I dosed myself up correctly to cover today's naughtiness 😛

Come on now, everyone... It's the Circllllllleeeeeeeeeeee, the circcccccccllleeeee o-of Liiiiiiiiiife :D

Where's Katie today? How've your levels been? And how've yours been, Anne-Marie? No need to ask Northerner, his will have been perfect 😛
Hehe... Maybe I needed the carbs, but I did cover them with insulin... SO not sure that I needed them to prevent me plummeting, more I dosed myself up correctly to cover today's naughtiness

Come on now, everyone... It's the Circllllllleeeeeeeeeeee, the circcccccccllleeeee o-of Liiiiiiiiiife

Where's Katie today? How've your levels been? And how've yours been, Anne-Marie? No need to ask Northerner, his will have been perfect

Ive been here all day 😛 But I fell asleep on he sofa when I got home 😉

Well done, great levels 🙂

Great, i'm going to have that song stuck in my head now lol

Ok so my levels were morning: 21.8, before lunch: 3.9, after hypo: 8.5, after work: 18.9 (corrected), before dinner: 8.2.

Absolutely awesome 🙄
But it's hard keeping them level when there's a hypo involved. My biggest target recently has been to try and avoid hypos (it hasn't really worked, but I'm gonna keep trying!) for that very reason. It's better to run a little bit higher but avoid a hypo, then maybe try and run a bit lower the next day once you've had a day avoiding hypos? I don't know... It's not like I'm in a position to say anything, hehe 😛

I was 5.5 3 hrs after dinner, so then tested before bed, I was 4.7 so on the down. I had a digestive and then woke up at 15.8 :confused: I can't believe 1 digestive would've sent me up that much. So maybe I hypoed?! No idea. oh well. Back to the drawing board...
But it's hard keeping them level when there's a hypo involved. My biggest target recently has been to try and avoid hypos (it hasn't really worked, but I'm gonna keep trying!) for that very reason. It's better to run a little bit higher but avoid a hypo, then maybe try and run a bit lower the next day once you've had a day avoiding hypos? I don't know... It's not like I'm in a position to say anything, hehe

I was 5.5 3 hrs after dinner, so then tested before bed, I was 4.7 so on the down. I had a digestive and then woke up at 15.8 :confused: I can't believe 1 digestive would've sent me up that much. So maybe I hypoed?! No idea. oh well. Back to the drawing board...

Yeah sounds like it must have been a hypo:confused: Grr it's so annoying! I woke up to 13.6, I corrected before bed so was hoping to be a lot lower but nevermind :( I'll see how it goes before lunch (late lunch).

I know what you mean about trying to avoid hypos but that's what I used to do and never got good levels :( so now im going for the don't-worry-about-the-odd-hypo-method haha I can't win!! But yes, I will try to avoid a hypo today and see how it goes. Now i'm off to help my brother cut the hedge - raking up leaves woo!
Ok so this morning I checked my blood at 7.20 and I was 10.7. So I took 2 units because I wanted to have a good starting level before I had breakfast. Ive had a sip of coffee and that's it and now an hour later it's 12.1

I give up on diabetes.
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