NHS Low Calorie Diet - Type 2 Remission Programme - Oviva (aka Newcastle)

I did but my arthritic hands mean i cannot grip the poles for long. My other knee and hip are getting worse too. My Notdic walking never really took off after hip revision op ie op after hip replacdment as was not right first time. Im slways pottering about but even driving is painful. i can’t sit for long or move for long so life is really moving around for comfort . I do chair exercises but ill never be fit.
The poles should have loops you can adjust so that they take the strain off your hands, you should not have to grip the pole hard in order to have it help to take your weight/keep your balance. As your hip replacement did not work out it might still make a bit of difference to have a little more mobility - such a shame though.
Low carb is quite a luxurious way to eat, and should not leave you hungry. I fed the family on the same basic menu as mine, but added in some extra carbs for them. Even now my husband gets some sort of starchy food whilst I have a lower carb option - he might have potatoes and I will have stirfry. Once you get things in the fridge or freezer on track it gets a lot easier.
Thanks thats what ruined my hands in the first place . i do use different muscles due to my back snd off course the wright issue does not help. ive tried different ways yo hold the Nordic sticks . Really upsets me that they are lying around not bring used. I also have lost confidence to walk out alone in case i fall as i cannot get up. oh i take a mobile phone but things never land in a way you can get them or they break.
Still moving onwards i will not get to the next chapter if i keep with the last one as Carol Payne quote says
Do they test in the HBA1C test for insulin levels ? Today they took four different vials of blood so they will check most things for me .
How are you doing? Have you received your results yet? 🙂
How are you doing? Have you received your results yet? 🙂
yes bad bsd bad @ 108 but i'm doing a strict diet n its working
No actually its low carb and quite easy once you have the discipline .
I've had a few meals this week with no or limited carbs. Never thought I'd see the day :rofl:
Can you give me an example of a no carb day?
Can you give me an example of a no carb day?
I've not gone a whole day without carbs but some of my meals have been without carbs. For example, yesterday my breakfast was 2 poached eggs with mushrooms, tomatoes and spinach.
I've not gone a whole day without carbs but some of my meals have been without carbs. For example, yesterday my breakfast was 2 poached eggs with mushrooms, tomatoes and spinach.
Yes that would be low carb but tomatoes like today I am having one for lunch weighed in at 1.14g and its low carb but still 4.5g so like me low carb is good . My lowest day was 34.8 and highest 62.9 this is my first week.
I am still trying to reduce my blood sugars and will see how that goes first. So far so good.
Yes that would be low carb but tomatoes like today I am having one for lunch weighed in at 1.14g and its low carb but still 4.5g so like me low carb is good . My lowest day was 34.8 and highest 62.9 this is my first week.
I am still trying to reduce my blood sugars and will see how that goes first. So far so good.
I feel like some days I just have to take it all meal by meal because I can easily fall off the wagon. Are you testing your sugars daily?
I feel like some days I just have to take it all meal by meal because I can easily fall off the wagon. Are you testing your sugars daily?
Yes im doing before n 2 hours after meals . Yes i am focused but hubby will be out and then it might not be as easy. So far ive been trying but i know hunger will get me sometimes. Bedtime at the moment after dinner its hard. Also when out for meals is difficult too.
I feel like some days I just have to take it all meal by meal because I can easily fall off the wagon. Are you testing your sugars daily?
I did not come down as much as I hoped this morning still down from what it was. I am thinking though if it continues to drop and say it becomes,4 what shall I do then? My cousin keeps popping Jelly Babies throughout the day but is on Metformin and insulin. She however eats and drinks as she likes and has had an episode in hospital when she was diagnosed. She never went prediabetic slowly like me. Just had a Hyper attack ended up in the hospital and came out on insulin but her BS is always high. ? Type 1 at the age of 70 or Lada or now they say Type 2. She lives in Scotland.
Yes im doing before n 2 hours after meals . Yes i am focused but hubby will be out and then it might not be as easy. So far ive been trying but i know hunger will get me sometimes. Bedtime at the moment after dinner its hard. Also when out for meals is difficult too.
Going out for meals is very difficult and I know it really impacts my social life sometimes. There's times I'd just rather avoid going out for a meal so I don't have to deal with the stress of what to eat. :(
I did not come down as much as I hoped this morning still down from what it was. I am thinking though if it continues to drop and say it becomes,4 what shall I do then? My cousin keeps popping Jelly Babies throughout the day but is on Metformin and insulin. She however eats and drinks as she likes and has had an episode in hospital when she was diagnosed. She never went prediabetic slowly like me. Just had a Hyper attack ended up in the hospital and came out on insulin but her BS is always high. ? Type 1 at the age of 70 or Lada or now they say Type 2. She lives in Scotland.
I suppose technically if below 4 for you then some hypo treatment. Are your sugars dropping close to 4 or below at all? Your cousin will be more at risk of hypos due to the insulin she takes. Do they think she's type 2 then? She might need a different type of insulin if always high.
I suppose technically if below 4 for you then some hypo treatment. Are your sugars dropping close to 4 or below at all? Your cousin will be more at risk of hypos due to the insulin she takes. Do they think she's type 2 then? She might need a different type of insulin if always high.
Think thats why she has to take both . No my sugars are not even in range yet. However they did go low last time untried this but was unwell then too. At the moment I'm getting over a neglect of blood sugars and just hopeful. i dread being low and hate meds so hVe to get it back into manageable.
Yes lucky meal out was lunch so i took scrambled egg on toast and left the toast. Would have loved the caramelised onion Quiche but did not go there. Also did without at the ice cream's . Lucky they all said your being good . But still its no fun.
Yes lucky meal out was lunch so i took scrambled egg on toast and left the toast. Would have loved the caramelised onion Quiche but did not go there. Also did without at the ice cream's . Lucky they all said your being good . But still its no fun.

Are you checking before/after with a BG meter @Nayshiftin ?

As your levels improve (and if that helps you lose some weight as a handy side effect) you may find that you can experiment with a few extra things to give you additional variety?
Are you checking before/after with a BG meter @Nayshiftin ?

As your levels improve (and if that helps you lose some weight as a handy side effect) you may find that you can experiment with a few extra things to give you additional variety?
i am but still not below 8 average has come down but need to wait until in range . I have lost a little weight but really concentrating ob blood sugars as cannot cope with medication.
Thank you for the support.
i am but still not below 8 average has come down but need to wait until in range . I have lost a little weight but really concentrating ob blood sugars as cannot cope with medication.
Thank you for the support.
This is not going to be instant and you are trying to get your level down from quite high so it may be some time before you are approaching anything like hypo territory. Keep up the good work and be patient, bringing your level down slowly is kinder on your eyes and nerves. I noticed your morning reading was getting much lower so things are working.
This is not going to be instant and you are trying to get your level down from quite high so it may be some time before you are approaching anything like hypo territory. Keep up the good work and be patient, bringing your level down slowly is kinder on your eyes and nerves. I noticed your morning reading was getting much lower so things are working.
Yes definitely but i am getting blurred vision. now so will that rectify itself once i get it right?