new advert

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Just to let you know that the Change4life website has now been altered to read type 2 diabetes.

We are getting there, they are listening. Now we need to concentrate on the adverts.

Thanks to everyone who is helping with this bombardment to all and sundry, we need to continue.

I do realise that is it not fair on type 2's as well as type 2 is not all about being obese and bad lifestyles but at the moment this is all about protecting the type 1 children (and adults) for which obesity and bad living has absolutely nothing to do with their kind of diabetes ever.

I would just like to point out that on our local news recently a teenager took her own life because of the bullying she received at school. She had type 1 from an early age and was bullied daily at school and called a junkie because she had to inject. My son is 9 and children are targeting him now, so god only knows what he if going to have to put up with as he changes school. Noone thinks of these things and the real effect of these advertisments on type1 children.
So while some of you think I have some underlying reason for my original post. I don't, I am just a heartbroken mum worrying on a daily basis about my son, and just wish that people would take a small amount of time to think about the outcome these children have in this very miss informed world we live in.

Same here.

Adrienne, i think you've expressed it perfectly in your posts. Thank you from a parent with a child with type 1.

Same here again.

I'd just like to add, I complained to a newspaper regarding an article they publish "killing your children with kindness"

I was greatful, and surprised to get a response, and it shows we need to keep at the government.

She said:

I should point out that our story was citing a direct quote from the Department of Health?s Change for Life campaign and as such we cannot alter it to include a distinction between type 1 and type 2 diabetes.
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