new advert

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The story is the result of the coverage for Diabetes UK's news story "1 person in the UK is diagnosed with diabetes every three minutes", which marks Diabetes UK's 75th anniversary. More regional broadcast is expected during the next few weeks.

I wonder if the staff on BBC South Today are reading this? Tonight they did a little feature where they spoke of the increasing numbers of diagnoses and specifically mentioned Type 2 and said that some, but not all Type 2 is linked to obesity.
At last

Thanks Adrienne you know what I am going through it's a pity alot of the other members didn't read my original post correctly instead of jumping on the band wagon.
Everything Adrienne said in her post was what I was getting across in the original post.
Because of all the advertising children are being bullied in school my son is one of them, there is no point going into school expecting them to address the bullying problem if the nation are miss informed.
I'm sorry but type 1 and 2 are totally different.
I find it sad to see people bitching and fighting over the causes and consequences of a disease we all suffer from. The fact is most of the medical world do not fully understand all of the causes and effects of diabetes, let alone come close to finding a cure, surely the aim of the forum should be to support each other, not bitch and pretend that one form is worse than the other/down to individual choices.
Adrienne said it very eloquently indeed. Sorry your son is suffering at school mcr. Theres a facebook group formed over the change4 life advert registering their dissatisfaction with the ad the link is (although think you may have to be registered on facebook to access it) there is a list of people to complain to about the ads, believe many people have complained to the advertising standards authority already. Some of the stories from the parents of their childrens reactions to this ad and the responses of schools and peers are heartbreaking.
I wonder if the staff on BBC South Today are reading this? Tonight they did a little feature where they spoke of the increasing numbers of diagnoses and specifically mentioned Type 2 and said that some, but not all Type 2 is linked to obesity.

I did see that as was quite glad that they did indeed say some, but not all.....
I wonder if the staff on BBC South Today are reading this? Tonight they did a little feature where they spoke of the increasing numbers of diagnoses and specifically mentioned Type 2 and said that some, but not all Type 2 is linked to obesity.

Wow, that's really good news! Why can't they all get it right... especially when DUK is involved. 😡
I find it sad to see people bitching and fighting over the causes and consequences of a disease we all suffer from. The fact is most of the medical world do not fully understand all of the causes and effects of diabetes, let alone come close to finding a cure, surely the aim of the forum should be to support each other, not bitch and pretend that one form is worse than the other/down to individual choices.

Hi Ikey
I agree with you to a certain extent which is why I put what I did in my original mail. I don't want to 'bitch' or argue with anyone and I know how serious type 1 and type 2 are.

The whole point of this particular thread is to protect the type 1 children who did not get diabetes because they were obese or had bad lifestyles or any other reason. None of them did. They just got it. Now I'll say again that I also mean no malice to any type 2 person out there. I realise that lots of type 2 people are not obese and do have very good lifestyles but in this particular thread that is not the issue, that is another topic for type 2 people to 'fight' the 'powers that be' about. This thread is purely to protect the type 1 children, there is nothing else sinister going on. So if you feel threatened or that there is any 'bitching' going on, then perhaps don't read this thread, start a new one. I am not saying this to be rude so please don't take it that way, it is just a different topic totally.

You are quite right in that lots of medical people have no idea about any form of diabetes, even some of the diabetes specialists which is extremely worrying and we do have to support each other and rely on each other. This whole community 1 and 2 and parents of type 1's is a great community and should thrive.
i found your post really upsetting its so easy to forget about the children.being a mum myself i know my children are my pirority and i dont give a toss who upset to make them feel safe and secure
i found your post really upsetting its so easy to forget about the children.being a mum myself i know my children are my pirority and i dont give a toss who upset to make them feel safe and secure

I'm sorry Lorrie I didn't mean to upset you.:(
I have just visited the change for life website you can down load leaflets and poster in one of the leaflets that are aimed at children school staff etc they have got it right by
say "the rate of childhood obesity has lead to in increase in childhood type 2 diabetes”
I do wonder why they have put it in leaflets but not on there adverts and posters.
I have just visited the change for life website you can down load leaflets and poster in one of the leaflets that are aimed at children school staff etc they have got it right by
say "the rate of childhood obesity has lead to in increase in childhood type 2 diabetes?
I do wonder why they have put it in leaflets but not on there adverts and posters.

That is brilliant, thank goodness they have done that but what about the advert. I wonder whether the leaflet said that originally or has it been changed with the amount of complaints. Interesting.
More people are going to see the advert, so they really should correct it.

Ive just started a new thread with a link to the government petition 🙂
Thanks Adrienne you know what I am going through it's a pity alot of the other members didn't read my original post correctly instead of jumping on the band wagon.
Everything Adrienne said in her post was what I was getting across in the original post.
Because of all the advertising children are being bullied in school my son is one of them, there is no point going into school expecting them to address the bullying problem if the nation are miss informed.
I'm sorry but type 1 and 2 are totally different.

It also affects those of us who were diagnosed as children when we become adults. I have been diabetic since I was two, I am now 40 and yes I am overweight. Obviously being overweight did not cause me to become diabetic but I am sure that people who meet me assume that it is my weight that caused the diabetes. This is despite me walking my dog regularly, going to the gym and doing lots of gardening. Rather interestingly last year I was talking to an equality diversity officer at work one day and said that I was diabetic - her automatic reaction - to assume that I was type 2, and that is somebody who is in meant to promote equality! These stereotypes affect all of us which is why it is so important for the government to get the message right/correct when using diabetes in its campaigns.
Adrienne, i think you've expressed it perfectly in your posts. Thank you from a parent with a child with type 1.
I would just like to point out that on our local news recently a teenager took her own life because of the bullying she received at school. She had type 1 from an early age and was bullied daily at school and called a junkie because she had to inject. My son is 9 and children are targeting him now, so god only knows what he if going to have to put up with as he changes school. Noone thinks of these things and the real effect of these advertisments on type1 children.
So while some of you think I have some underlying reason for my original post. I don't, I am just a heartbroken mum worrying on a daily basis about my son, and just wish that people would take a small amount of time to think about the outcome these children have in this very miss informed world we live in.
mcr - dont you dare apologies for your original post. the ad should be banned. im 21 and have grown up for 9 years constantly being told i've got diabetes because i was fat or ate too many greggs (what the f**k??!!) or sweets. i cant imagine what its gonna be like growing up now with ads like this being put on. the ad being aired is to show the consequences of a crap lifestyle - its a fact type 1 has NOTHING to do with a crap lifestyle therefore why is this not made clear??!!!! 😡😡😡😡

Can I urge you all to go on to facebook and join the 'I am outraged at the change4life campaign' and also sign the petition at

We will get there eventually. Diabetes UK have posted this on their facebook page :


We have listened to your concerns about the Change4Life campaign and raised the issue with the Department of Health. They have confirmed that all future Change4Life campaign materials (although it is too late to change the TV ad) will differentiate between Type 1 and Type 2 diabetes.

Thank you for all your feedback on this issue.

Our chief executive Douglas Smallwood has made the following comment regarding this issue. ?Diabetes UK understands that many people still don?t realise that there are different types of diabetes. Whilst we aim to raise awareness of the seriousness of diabetes, we are also working to improve people?s understanding of the different types.?

Best wishes,
Diabetes UK

It's all very well Douglas Smallwood making that lovely comment but has he told anyone else except us, who know the differences.

Also the bit about not being able to stop they advert, they can actually take it down off the TV. I have a friend who has found all sorts of links for doing that so that is not right and we are continuing the fight.
What a wet and disappointing response from DUK. These are the people who are supposed to represent us and our interests. Pathetic. If I had a subscription I'd cancel it.

Adrienne you are absolutely right-it may be too late to change it but it can be pulled off TV. can I join you in urging everyone to join the facebook group, sign the petition and also complain to the advertising standards authority as I suspect this is where action will come from-not DUK.
The advert is typical - it focuses on a particular life style and blames it for everything. I was in my early 30's when i was diagnosed too old for type 1 and 2 young for type 2. My consultant says that i cud be classed as either. I take both tablets and insulin - i sometimes feel that there is almost a competition between the different types - but at the end of the day we all in the same knickers to the advert - we are the best source of information....
Scorpio you put it perfectly whn you said knickers to the advert we are the best source of information
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