new advert

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I get annoyed when people ask if I'm diabetic because "I ate too much sugar". Nobody's been rude enough to say it but I'm sure they think it's because I'm overweight too. I don't get annoyed because I'm type 1, but because of the insinuation that anyone has bought diabetes on themselves through poor lifestyle choices.

It's not acceptable to berate a lung cancer sufferer for smoking, why is it ok to judge diabetic people for their diet?
we are all diabetics the type we are diagnosed with will then depend on our treatment this part is hard enough to get from medical professionals so to explain to joe public is an upward hill.but i think that is the part of our care we should focus on and try to explain.stop listening to people telling us what caused the problem this is a waste of time and very frustrating
i saw the advert this morning and i was upset because my son he always had a very good diet and now in his packed lunch at school is the only one with a healthy diet [i have seen the other chilren at lunch time when i was in the class training the teachers]
I'm afraid that you are wrong - obesity is not a cause of type 2 diabetes. Obesity AND diabetes are a consequence of a COMMON underlying factor - METABOLIC SYNDROME

Regards Dodger

I agree totally, i was diagnosed type 2 in May 2008, then a few months later oops sorry type 1, but in the mean time i spoke to GP's on the out of hours who had never met me and when i said i am 35 and type 2 the immediate reaction was 'oh your fat or obese then' i got so angry with that statement as yes i may be overweight but i have been on steroids for 14 yrs, who wouldn't be over weight, but in all this rubbish i have a lot of friends who are twice my size who don't have diabetes and have been tested because of their weight, it is so unfair to label type 2's as just FAT people, there are so many fat people out there without type 2 and so many thin people with type 2 so who are you to say it is because your fat, and actually i may be big but i don't over eat or snack mainly on chocs and the like, another myth for fat diabetic people in my opinion
I have to say that I am sure that obesity could be a factor in being diagnosed as Type 1 as well. I cannot believe that it is only a possible factor in Type 2???

If someone is overweight and diagnosed as Type 1 would this not be a factor? It always seems to be in Type 2. If it is a factor in Type 2 then surely it must be in Type 1? I could be wrong but would take some convincing.

Obesity is a risk factor (note not cause) for type 2 diabetes but it has no bearing on the development of type 1 diabetes which is an autoimmune condition. Clearly being overweight would impact on the health of a type 1 both generally and on the treatment of it, insulin resistance etc. But it is wrong to say that it is a factor in developing type 1.

I think perhaps fall somewhere in the middle of this debate. I have been very pleased that this board hasn't too often descended into the type 1 v type 2 factions in the way that many boards I have belonged to have done. There is so much similar in the treatment of the condition and a lot to learn on both side.There are however some fundemental differences between the two conditions , in particular in their causes and I think there can be a tendancy on both sides to assume that when these differences are mentioned it is some sort of attack on the 'other' diabetes.

For what it's worth I do think that the advert, and many other things, should make the distinction clearer and say type 2 diabetes, clearly there is still education needed to show that not all type 2s are overweight but I genuinely don't feel that omitting basic facts, such as the fact that there are differences between the types helps anyone and really just adds to the confusion.

The above of course is only my opinion and isn't meant to cause offense as I do feel that this issue is such a minor part of the bigger picture and there is so much more that we all share than makes us different.
I'm afraid that you are wrong - obesity is not a cause of type 2 diabetes. Obesity AND diabetes are a consequence of a COMMON underlying factor - METABOLIC SYNDROME

Regards Dodger

well i didnt want to point it out but now i will... type 1 is not usually hereditory...

if we will be pedantic
I think perhaps fall somewhere in the middle of this debate. I have been very pleased that this board hasn't too often descended into the type 1 v type 2 factions in the way that many boards I have belonged to have done. There is so much similar in the treatment of the condition and a lot to learn on both side.There are however some fundemental differences between the two conditions , in particular in their causes and I think there can be a tendancy on both sides to assume that when these differences are mentioned it is some sort of attack on the 'other' diabetes.

For what it's worth I do think that the advert, and many other things, should make the distinction clearer and say type 2 diabetes, clearly there is still education needed to show that not all type 2s are overweight but I genuinely don't feel that omitting basic facts, such as the fact that there are differences between the types helps anyone and really just adds to the confusion.

this is my opinion but written in a much more articulate way 😉:D
I don't tend to get too involved in the type 1vs type 2 debate as I don't have either.

What i think from this thread is that everyone seems to agree on is that they don't want assumptions made about themselves. They wnat to be heard about what there diabetes is and is about for them.

I know that from my personal expereince i didn't want anyone to think I had Type 2, because of the stereotype of what a person with type 2 is like, looks like. Being a young thin teen with diabetes on tablets was confusing to me and most of the people i met.

Nowadays I will tend to choose type 1 if I have to choose a type on forms, this website etc. as I am more like a type 1 even though I don't technically have an autoimmune condition.
I think it is wrong to blame anyone for their lifestyle, whether type 1 or 2 or not diabetic at all. I think diabetes whatever type is a distressing condition and people will be upset when they are diagnosed, and telling them they are to blame for their condition is not at all helpful and will probably be counterproductive. If people do use food to comfort them, and they have been diagnosed with this upsetting condition, and then everyone is telling them they caused it and telling them how to live their life, they will probably turn to food rather than struggling alone to deal with the condition and live a healthy lifestyle.

We need help and support to deal with this condition and encouragement to make any necessary changes, not blame. Whatever caused the condition is irrelevant, the fact is we have it here and now, I do not see any point in going back to the past.

I think it is wrong to use scare tactics about medical conditions to force people to live healthily. Why can't the government use the money they spent on this ad to provide better exercise facilities or to make supermarkets drop the price of fruit and veg, for example, why can't they use it for something constructive instead of always blame blame blame?

I think it is wrong to blame anyone for their lifestyle, whether type 1 or 2 or not diabetic at all. I think diabetes whatever type is a distressing condition and people will be upset when they are diagnosed, and telling them they are to blame for their condition is not at all helpful and will probably be counterproductive. If people do use food to comfort them, and they have been diagnosed with this upsetting condition, and then everyone is telling them they caused it and telling them how to live their life, they will probably turn to food rather than struggling alone to deal with the condition and live a healthy lifestyle.

We need help and support to deal with this condition and encouragement to make any necessary changes, not blame. Whatever caused the condition is irrelevant, the fact is we have it here and now, I do not see any point in going back to the past.

I think it is wrong to use scare tactics about medical conditions to force people to live healthily. Why can't the government use the money they spent on this ad to provide better exercise facilities or to make supermarkets drop the price of fruit and veg, for example, why can't they use it for something constructive instead of always blame blame blame?

Well Said, I think your right about the government bringing down the cost of healthy food instead of wasting money on adverts that just make the public mad as is clearly apparant on here at the moment, everybody needs to take a step back and stop fighting over who has what and why, it still doesn't stop the fact we have diabetes!!!!

I can't see where we differ. I agree type 1 is not hereditory! Type 2 most definitely is, because genetic factors pedispose to trigger the disease, but I repeat it is not due to obesity, Metabolic Syndrome has been shown to be the underlying factor for obesity, type 2 diabetes and heart disease, which one gets you first is down to your genes!

Regards Dodger
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hereditory aspects of diabetes

What is hereditory is the tendency to develop diabetes. What else is needed is a trigger / environment / behaviour. Obesity is the most common trigger in Type 2 - but it is possibele to develop Type 2 without ever being overweight or unfit. Triggers for for Type 1 are not so well understood, but infections are thought to play a part, due to more diagnoses during winter months; lower levels of sunlight, leading to lower levels of vitamin D in the body are also thought to play a part, as rates are higher in Finland than Greece, for example.

Research programmes such as Wellcome Trust Case Control Consortium and Cambridge BioResource are addressing these issues.
Wow! My own opinion is that 1) we all have diabetes regardles of the type, 2) we could probably debate for days about the causes and risk factors leading to the onset of diabetes and 3) should we really be arguing about it all? Instead of wasting our energy arguing WE should be educating people - Yes, WE should - the ones in the know. The ones who live with it on a daily basis, the ones who know all the research and the ones who know best. And if we are not happy then perhaps we should write to Change4Life and explain it to them - lobby the government, health services or whoever is getting it wrong - because if they dont get it right the general public are going to be misinformed - as I was at diagnosis. Everything I know about diabetes I know from and these boards - I made an appointment with my GP 2 weeks after diagnosis to tell her what I had found out and to ask if I was on the right track. The good old NHS doesnt have the money or resources to do things properly and if we (collectively) want to be understood then only we can make sure of that. 🙂
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Metabolic Syndrome has been shown to be the underlying factor for obesity, type 2 diabetes and heart disease
Regards Dodger

Obesity (particually central or viscreal) causes insulin resistance which leads to metabolic syndrome not the other way around. I agree its really irritating to have assumptions made about how you got diabetes whether you're T1 or 2. However although not all T2s are overweight at diagnosis around 80% are so dont know how you can say obesity has nothing to do with it-just becasue you dont like the facts doesnt mean they aren't true!
We are all aware of the health implications here, and why some people are more prone to diabetes than others.

One thing the advert has done is highlighted the need for more and better education of everyone. The other thing the advert has done (even with those of us who still haven't seen it) is it has got us talking.
Obesity (particually central or viscreal) causes insulin resistance which leads to metabolic syndrome not the other way around. I agree its really irritating to have assumptions made about how you got diabetes whether you're T1 or 2. However although not all T2s are overweight at diagnosis around 80% are so dont know how you can say obesity has nothing to do with it-just becasue you dont like the facts doesnt mean they aren't true!

Wow bitch much!
Didn't mean to cause offence but.....

I will fill you in with my history and why not defining type1/2 really annoys me.
1. My sister was diagnosed with type 1 40 years ago at the age of 4
2. My son was diagnosed in the same month and aged 4 just like my sister but with 36 years seperating them.
3 My father has type 2

I grew up with all the hard horrendous things my mum had to cope with trying to keep my sister on track. When she was first diagnosed she was told by the consultant that she probably wouldn't live past her teens. So I am not a complete novice. I watched my children like hawks in regards to food etc knowing that type 1 could rear it's ugly head within my family.I self diagnosed my son almost immediatley before he became ill, as i knew the tell tale signs.
I know what my sister and my son go through on a daily basis compared to my dad who has type 2. While I am by no way undermining type 2 personally I think they are 2 different types.

My son now has daily taunts by children at school because of these types of adverts. He is very slim for his age but gets comments like you have diabetes cos you didn't eat the right food etc etc etc
I have been phoned out of work to attend to him at school after a hypo (he has only has 4 at school within the last 5 year)to be met by a teacher who said my nanna has diabetes and she doesn't have hypos, why do you make him have insulin diabetics can take tablets etc etc etc I could go on
So sorry if I have caused offence but looking from a mothers point of view it makes me very angry.

Don't get me wrong i understand where your coming from, my mum is driving me nuts cause my uncle is type 2 diabetic and has a bs of 2 and 3 as he drinks whisky like it's going out of fashion and because he 'only' gets the shakes my mum thinks i'm a hypercondriac cause i am in hospital with DKA and why am i testing for ketones because he has never had to and i'm being silly because he copes just fine with tablets and why do i make such a fuss!!!! And why am I type 1 and on insulin if my sugars are high cause aren't type 1's just meant to be low all the time etc etc, i mean i have only been on insulin 9 weeks so i'm new to it all anyway but she really does tick me off and when she says 'stop eating rubbish food i get mad too' but we all have issues as type 1 or 2's because we are all individuals and shouldn't be fighting over who has it worse or in my mum's cause 'making a fuss over nothing'
Don't get me wrong i understand where your coming from, my mum is driving me nuts cause my uncle is type 2 diabetic and has a bs of 2 and 3 as he drinks whisky like it's going out of fashion and because he 'only' gets the shakes my mum thinks i'm a hypercondriac cause i am in hospital with DKA and why am i testing for ketones because he has never had to and i'm being silly because he copes just fine with tablets and why do i make such a fuss!!!! And why am I type 1 and on insulin if my sugars are high cause aren't type 1's just meant to be low all the time etc etc, i mean i have only been on insulin 9 weeks so i'm new to it all anyway but she really does tick me off and when she says 'stop eating rubbish food i get mad too' but we all have issues as type 1 or 2's because we are all individuals and shouldn't be fighting over who has it worse or in my mum's cause 'making a fuss over nothing'

That's awful Angel, I'm so sorry you have to deal with this. All I can say is that maybe your mum is trying to convince HERSELF that it's not a big deal, or brushing off the seriousness of your diabetes because she doesn't want to deal with it. As for making such a fuss - my nurse said she gets really angry when doctors moan about diabetics with poor control because with all the factors involved (exercise, food, miscalculations, metabolism, glucagon...) she's amazed ANYBODY can control diabetes.
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