new advert

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Obesity (particually central or viscreal) causes insulin resistance which leads to metabolic syndrome not the other way around. I agree its really irritating to have assumptions made about how you got diabetes whether you're T1 or 2. However although not all T2s are overweight at diagnosis around 80% are so dont know how you can say obesity has nothing to do with it-just becasue you dont like the facts doesnt mean they aren't true!
Dear Sunflower_harvester,

I think we had better call time on this one, before you make any other unfounded assumptions. I am NOT obese I am one of the 20% of type 2s that are normal or below normal weight. I was going to quote you a study that supported my viewpoint, but I guess you would then quote one to me that doesn't - truce? BTW Insulin resistance is one of the metabolic disorders that make up metabolic syndrome!

Regards Dodger
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Dear Sunflower_harvester,

I think we had better call time on this one, before you make any other unfounded assumptions. I am NOT obese I am one of the 20% of type 2s that are normal or below normal weight. I was going to quote you a study that supported my viewpoint, but I guess you would then quote one to me that doesn't - truce? BTW Insulin resistance is one of the metabolic disorders that make up metabolic syndrome!

Regards Dodger

but you have just said you are part of the 20%... so no one is saying you are obese...
I don't tend to get too involved in the type 1vs type 2 debate as I don't have either.

What i think from this thread is that everyone seems to agree on is that they don't want assumptions made about themselves. They wnat to be heard about what there diabetes is and is about for them.

I know that from my personal expereince i didn't want anyone to think I had Type 2, because of the stereotype of what a person with type 2 is like, looks like. Being a young thin teen with diabetes on tablets was confusing to me and most of the people i met.

Nowadays I will tend to choose type 1 if I have to choose a type on forms, this website etc. as I am more like a type 1 even though I don't technically have an autoimmune condition.

Hi sofaraway,
I was just wondering... how do you know you that your diabetes wasn't caused by an autoimmune condition? Were you told the cause? Are you type 1.5? Sorry for all the questions and hope u don't mind me asking hehe, but I thought that no one really knows what causes type 1?
Hi sofaraway,
I was just wondering... how do you know you that your diabetes wasn't caused by an autoimmune condition? Were you told the cause? Are you type 1.5? Sorry for all the questions and hope u don't mind me asking hehe, but I thought that no one really knows what causes type 1?

I have something called MODY (which is usually classed as type 1.5 although thats not an official term), it's classed under the 'other types of diabetes'
It's a genetic insulin sensitive type of diabetes. it's not autoimmune, my beta cells worked fine when I was born but over time they stop producing insulin. I started out on diet, then tablets, now I am on insulin.
If you want to know more just ask 🙂
I have something called MODY (which is usually classed as type 1.5 although thats not an official term), it's classed under the 'other types of diabetes'
It's a genetic insulin sensitive type of diabetes. it's not autoimmune, my beta cells worked fine when I was born but over time they stop producing insulin. I started out on diet, then tablets, now I am on insulin.
If you want to know more just ask 🙂

Thanks, I hadn't heard about this before. I'm just reading about it on t'internet now 🙂

Indeed time may be a good idea! However for the sake of clarity (and not being called a bitch again!) I do not and did not assume you were obese (I believe I said not all T2s were overweight) indeed I know it to be true that 20% are normal or underweight, nor was I trying to aportion 'blame' for the condition but what I was trying to point out was while being overweight had nothing to do with it for you (and the rest of the 20%) it is accepted as a precipitating factor for the other 80%, so to say that weight has nothing to do with T2 full stop is inaccurate. Accepted that insulin resistance is one of the disorders that makes up metabolic syndrome but I was taught that excess weight/visceral fat precipitated both these-however I suspect it may be a chicken and egg scenario. Please accept my apologies if I caused offense.

Goodness me why are all the type 1 and 2's arguing. My daughter has type 1 and is now 8 and has been type 1 since 5 weeks old.

Whether everyone agrees that type 1 is different/same as type 2 etc etc the advert is wrong. It really is as simple as that. Regardless of how many type 2's are obese or how many are thin or how many exercise or how many don't and likewise type 1's the advert is directed at type 2 diabetes and should say very clearly type 2 diabetes.

Arguing between ourselves with facts and figures will not change the advert. The advert is wrong. Bad lifestyles do not cause type 1 diabetes, that is a fact. Bad lifestyles can be a factor with type 2. I say 'can' as it is not all, which I think has been thoroughly discussed and established here.

Irrelevant of who is fat and who is thin in the type 2's what is happening with the type 1 children out there is horrendous. DUK have done the 'measure up campaign' the 'silent assassing campaign' and now are advocates in the change4life campaign. All of these are geared towards type 2 and preventing the masses from becoming type 2. They have nothing to do with type 1 children (or adults) in any way, shape or form.

Children are getting bullied at school by other children for being fat as that is why they have diabetes. Even health professionals are now getting it wrong. A nurse taking blood from my daughter last year looked at the form and said directly to my daughter 'oh diabetes, that is because you ate too many sweets'. My blood boiled, as you can imagine.

Someone asked if DUK have had any input in this change4life. The answer is yes. They have made a statement saying that on their facebook page. I urge all the people who would like this advert changed to make it clear on facebook. There is also another facebook group been opened called 'I am OUTRAGED at the "Change4life" campaign and it gives a list of who to complain to and how.

I know that lots of people will come back to me about this post and some will not be happy but I am prepared for that, my daughter's happiness comes first and I won't sit and let her and my hundreds of friends' type 1 children be bullied at school because of an advert. Getting type 1 was not their fault and they should never be made to think it is. One young boy I know has cried alot as he thinks he is going to die soon!

I promise I am not trying to offend anyone with this post and I know lots of type 2 people as well, some overweight but lots not so I know there are problems there as well but that is a different battle altogether.

Thank you for reading this and I apologise now if anyone is offended at all, it is sincerely not meant.
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What more can I add..... I'm a Type 2 Mum with a Type 1 son, I agree 100% with the above post.

This campaign is targeting children, so they said on their webchat today, even though it's on all through the night too. As adults we can understand more, and are not so likely to get bullied, or distressed each time we hear our life expectancy is reduced due to having diabetes, but it's not so easy for children.

The campaign says: A series of adverts will feature children saying they will die early of heart disease or diabetes because of their parents' actions.

My son, still has doubts eating the wrong foods has caused his diabetes. It doesn't matter how many times he's reassured this isn't the case. Comments like "Oh you must have been so fat before to have diabetes now" and do-gooders watching every bite of food he puts in his mouth, have kept his doubts going. Adverts such as this, have insinuated to the general public, a sedentary lifestyle and bad diet causes diabetes. The little knowledge the general public have of diabetes, has become a little more, through the change4life message being hammered all over the TV, Billboards, and double page spreads in the newspapers over the weekend.

It's wrong, it's misinforming the public, and it's misusing "diabetes.? Charities will struggle for donations on a "self inflicted" condition. In my opinion this ad is for people who don?t know anything about diabetes, and the feelings of the 100?s of 1,000 UK diabetics have been ignored.

Oh yes, and DUK support this campaign.
Goodness me why are all the type 1 and 2's arguing. My daughter has type 1 and is now 8 and has been type 1 since 5 weeks old.

Whether everyone agrees that type 1 is different/same as type 2 etc etc the advert is wrong. It really is as simple as that. Regardless of how many type 2's are obese or how many are thin or how many exercise or how many don't and likewise type 1's the advert is directed at type 2 diabetes and should say very clearly type 2 diabetes.

Arguing between ourselves with facts and figures will not change the advert. The advert is wrong. Bad lifestyles do not cause type 1 diabetes, that is a fact. Bad lifestyles can be a factor with type 2. I say 'can' as it is not all, which I think has been thoroughly discussed and established here.

Irrelevant of who is fat and who is thin in the type 2's what is happening with the type 1 children out there is horrendous. DUK have done the 'measure up campaign' the 'silent assassing campaign' and now are advocates in the change4life campaign. All of these are geared towards type 2 and preventing the masses from becoming type 2. They have nothing to do with type 1 children (or adults) in any way, shape or form.

Children are getting bullied at school by other children for being fat as that is why they have diabetes. Even health professionals are now getting it wrong. A nurse taking blood from my daughter last year looked at the form and said directly to my daughter 'oh diabetes, that is because you ate too many sweets'. My blood boiled, as you can imagine.

Someone asked if DUK have had any input in this change4life. The answer is yes. They have made a statement saying that on their facebook page. I urge all the people who would like this advert changed to make it clear on facebook. There is also another facebook group been opened called 'I am OUTRAGED at the "Change4life" campaign and it gives a list of who to complain to and how.

I know that lots of people will come back to me about this post and some will not be happy but I am prepared for that, my daughter's happiness comes first and I won't sit and let her and my hundreds of friends' type 1 children be bullied at school because of an advert. Getting type 1 was not their fault and they should never be made to think it is. One young boy I know has cried alot as he thinks he is going to die soon!

I promise I am not trying to offend anyone with this post and I know lots of type 2 people as well, some overweight but lots not so I know there are problems there as well but that is a different battle altogether.

Thank you for reading this and I apologise now if anyone is offended at all, it is sincerely not meant.
i strongly agree with you
Now that I have been on the facebook pages I am even more angry about the new advert. In fact I wasn't angry before, I just couldn't believe it simply said "diabetes" and didn't differentiate. Now that I have thought about all the kids that are going to get comments from other kids at school because of this advert, it's really sad. I can't believe Diabetes UK are doing nothing about it. esspecially after all the recent campaigns about better treatment of kids with diabetes at school. Madness!
The Diabetes UK site seems to be down. Maybe they are ashamed? nah, probably not.
I have run a children’s diabetes group for over 14 years and have always encouraged children and teenagers to let people know that they have diabetes oh type1 but as my 17 year old has said he would be very reluctant to let people know that he has diabetes now and as he is entering work life would not like his employers to know that he has type 1 diabetes he is very slim and 6 ft tall but feels that people would say he was once fat and also he feels if he tells them at an interview they would think he is going to be very ill all the time with complications. He has never been ashamed of having type 1 diabetes
Goodness me why are all the type 1 and 2's arguing. My daughter has type 1 and is now 8 and has been type 1 since 5 weeks old.

Whether everyone agrees that type 1 is different/same as type 2 etc etc the advert is wrong. It really is as simple as that. Regardless of how many type 2's are obese or how many are thin or how many exercise or how many don't and likewise type 1's the advert is directed at type 2 diabetes and should say very clearly type 2 diabetes.

Arguing between ourselves with facts and figures will not change the advert. The advert is wrong. Bad lifestyles do not cause type 1 diabetes, that is a fact. Bad lifestyles can be a factor with type 2. I say 'can' as it is not all, which I think has been thoroughly discussed and established here.

Irrelevant of who is fat and who is thin in the type 2's what is happening with the type 1 children out there is horrendous. DUK have done the 'measure up campaign' the 'silent assassing campaign' and now are advocates in the change4life campaign. All of these are geared towards type 2 and preventing the masses from becoming type 2. They have nothing to do with type 1 children (or adults) in any way, shape or form.

Children are getting bullied at school by other children for being fat as that is why they have diabetes. Even health professionals are now getting it wrong. A nurse taking blood from my daughter last year looked at the form and said directly to my daughter 'oh diabetes, that is because you ate too many sweets'. My blood boiled, as you can imagine.

Someone asked if DUK have had any input in this change4life. The answer is yes. They have made a statement saying that on their facebook page. I urge all the people who would like this advert changed to make it clear on facebook. There is also another facebook group been opened called 'I am OUTRAGED at the "Change4life" campaign and it gives a list of who to complain to and how.

I know that lots of people will come back to me about this post and some will not be happy but I am prepared for that, my daughter's happiness comes first and I won't sit and let her and my hundreds of friends' type 1 children be bullied at school because of an advert. Getting type 1 was not their fault and they should never be made to think it is. One young boy I know has cried alot as he thinks he is going to die soon!

I promise I am not trying to offend anyone with this post and I know lots of type 2 people as well, some overweight but lots not so I know there are problems there as well but that is a different battle altogether.

Thank you for reading this and I apologise now if anyone is offended at all, it is sincerely not meant.

I totally agree with you Adrienne.

It is great that there is a campaign to get everyone more interested in diet and exercise, however it is totally wrong for DUK not to have insisted that the adverts should specify Type 2 Diabetes. Just saying 'diabetes' is inaccurate advertising as Type 1 Diabetes is an auto immune disease and not connected to poor diet or lack of exercise. (I know this is not the case for all Type 2s too, so the advert is not really doing any favours for Type 2s either.)

My son is 13 and was diagnosed Type 1 nearly two years ago and when we saw the advert on a children's TV program he was worried and said 'Great, now my friends will be thinking I'm fat and about to die'.

It is wrong for our children to be put into this awkward and upsetting position. Not enough is being done by DUK for the children with Type 1 diabetes, all the recent advertising has been aimed at Type 2s.

I dont mean any offence at all to the Type 2s, like others I have friends and family with Type 2 diabetes and advertising to try to prevent people from getting this disease is welcomed, but it seems only right and fair that great thought should be given to the potential effects of any advertising on the Type 1 diabetics, particlularly the children, which could have psycological and detrimental consequences for them.
did any one see the news this am it said and i quote that 50 new cases of diabetes is diagnosed daily in london mainly type 2 which is due to poor diet and lack of exercise not may words thats what the news reader said.

On GMTV there was a rolling banner about how many people were getting diagnosed with diabetes, something like 1 every 3 minutes - that's a lot of people. It didn't mention 1 or 2 yet again. However there was then a spoken bit which did mention type 2 for once so well done GMTV for that but not for the banner.

Again, and I'll keep repeating this, this is not a slur against type 2, this is just to protect the type 1 children.

On GMTV there was a rolling banner about how many people were getting diagnosed with diabetes, something like 1 every 3 minutes - that's a lot of people. It didn't mention 1 or 2 yet again. However there was then a spoken bit which did mention type 2 for once so well done GMTV for that but not for the banner.

Again, and I'll keep repeating this, this is not a slur against type 2, this is just to protect the type 1 children.

The story is the result of the coverage for Diabetes UK's news story "1 person in the UK is diagnosed with diabetes every three minutes", which marks Diabetes UK's 75th anniversary. More regional broadcast is expected during the next few weeks.
The story is the result of the coverage for Diabetes UK's news story "1 person in the UK is diagnosed with diabetes every three minutes", which marks Diabetes UK's 75th anniversary. More regional broadcast is expected during the next few weeks.

Unfortunately the rolling message was wrong though. It said 'Figures released today from Diabetes UK say that diabetes has risen by (can't remember the figure now,....) rising obsesity levels partly to blame....' this is giving out a wrong message. It is generalising diabetes and obesity again. It should have said 'type 2 diabetes has risen by....... and rising obesity levels are partly to blame. ' If DUK then wanted to add something about type 1, it could then have said 'type 1 diabetes is also rising by....... but the cause of this is unknown and does NOT relate to obesity at all' Luckily in the spoken broadcast it stipulated type 2 but what good is that if the rolling message was wrong!!

DUK cannot make these generalised statements. It is damaging the type 1 children. DUK are damaging their own reputation actually, by keep getting this wrong DUK are undoing their help for children in schools (although I am still not completely aware of what help they actually did).

On GMTV there was a rolling banner about how many people were getting diagnosed with diabetes, something like 1 every 3 minutes - that's a lot of people. It didn't mention 1 or 2 yet again. However there was then a spoken bit which did mention type 2 for once so well done GMTV for that but not for the banner.

Again, and I'll keep repeating this, this is not a slur against type 2, this is just to protect the type 1 children.

Was Dr Hilary Jones on the program? because I think his son is a type 1
Was Dr Hilary Jones on the program? because I think his son is a type 1


I don't know, I didn't see it. I'll ask my friend. I didn't know his son was type 1, interesting, I might try and contact him for help in this area.
Thanks for that.
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