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My Poorly Leg

Foot fairly uncomfortable today but no idea if it is an issue or it is that I am generally out of sorts since yesterday's Covid booster shot. At least (touch wood) no sign of seepage so far. Silver was used and when I see the consultant in a fortnight I will question this "do what I feel like today" approach as one week of dodgy dressings undoes a month's progress. :(
Yes the second rate dressings need to cease so your foot can heal properly.
Hopefully this feeling is just because you are still below par due to the shot. I know last year the covid shot totally wiped me out for at least 24 hrs
Just had a phone call. Last week's swab (a repeat of the one a fortnight earlier that got messed up along the line) has shown a bacterial infection! :( I cannot help nut wonder if the dressing merry go round that resulted in that soggy mess (a conduit for infection maybe) triggered it? So far no seepage and dressing appointment tomorrow. They have prescribed an anti-biotic so I checked which one as I do not want to go near Co-trimoxazole with its "living death" side effects again (you may recall I ended up having a heavy fall). This time it is Flucloxacillin which is fine with me. Fingers crossed it works.
Ugh! Sorry to hear about the infection @MikeyBikey

Hope the ABs do the trick, and you continue to bounce back from your covid booster
Not much can be said bar it is stable but worse than a month ago. Can't help thinking anti-biotics may have been avoided with more care a few weeks ago. Recovering from booster but antibiotics already affecting stomach

I think that looks better than last week.... not as wet and weepy.... but concerning that you have another infection and needing more antibiotics. Keeping fingers crossed a single course of them works and digestive and BG upset is minimal. (((HUGS)))
It is looking a bit better but sorry to hear you have picked up another infection. Hope antibiotics sort it this time. Wishing you all the best.
Oh @MikeyBikey what a runaround you've been given. Fingers crossed you see some improvement soon.
Just had a phone call. Last week's swab (a repeat of the one a fortnight earlier that got messed up along the line) has shown a bacterial infection! :( I cannot help nut wonder if the dressing merry go round that resulted in that soggy mess (a conduit for infection maybe) triggered it? So far no seepage and dressing appointment tomorrow. They have prescribed an anti-biotic so I checked which one as I do not want to go near Co-trimoxazole with its "living death" side effects again (you may recall I ended up having a heavy fall). This time it is Flucloxacillin which is fine with me. Fingers crossed it works.
I took Flucloxacillin once for an infected bite with no problems at all. Cleared up in a few days. Having said that, it was nothing like what you have had to endure. I hope it works for you Mikeybikey.
I will add pictures after as it is a slightly complex process at MikeyBikey Towers!

A fortnight ago it did not look any better but I saw the podiatrist I consider the best of the group even though she is not a "senior" one. She cleaned it up, and dressed it using silver dressings and absorbent material alongside the long toe. She also took a swab after the "saga" with the one a fortnight previous. This led to antibiotics being prescribed a week ago (day before Foot Clinic). Last week at the Foot Clinic it looked rather better (see first photo). The format is the consultant runs two rooms. You go into the free one and a podiatrist removes the dressings and cleans it all up with saline solution and sterile swabs. The consultant then comes in to review and discuss. I raised the issue of there being no plan and too much variation in the dressings used. It was hard going as the podiatrist (one of the seniors) talked about they were all experienced and acted on what they saw on the day (but zero explanation as to why if it has improved things were done differently!). Anyway it was dressed and the consultant moved to the next patient (it is a busy clinic and I am surprised how young some of the people are!). Silver dressings were used but nothing alongside the long toe. I shall see what tomorrow's Podiatry brings. It is seeping slightly underneath (see second photo). The long toe has short bursts if intense pain at times! :(


Glad to hear they are using silver dressings on your foot now. How are you getting on with the antibiotics? Your foot does look a bit better than the last picture. Wishing you well and hoping your foot continues to improve @MikeyBikey
Apart from the base of the middle toe having that red and weepy patch, the rest of it definitely looks to have improved. Are you finished the antiBs or still got more to take? Do they do swabs every week to check for infection or just when they think it doesn't look right?
It must be so frustrating when they are not listening to what you say about the inconsistency in treatment preventing you from making progress. Let's hope they stick with the silver dressings from now on.
Although I went to Podiatry last Wednesday I have struggled to find out what the infection I am taking anti-biotics for is as it was never on Patient Access or NHS App although the antibiotic prescription was. It is Coliforms and Steph Aureus. They should be taking another swab on Wednesday now I have finished the anti-biotics. Last week I was hoping to see my favoured podiatrist but did not. The one in attendance would not use silver dressings which I found very frustrating (picture below - although not clear part of the tendon is exposed on the long toe {ouch!}). Before Covid when I went privately I generally saw the same person unless he was away. But saying that when I developed an ulcer on my left big toes which lead to the amputation I was bounced back to the NHS PDQ! Having paid toward his Tesla for twenty plus years a phone call to see how things were going would have been nice!

oh so so sorry MikeyBikey, sending thoughts your way for improved healing for the wounds. <3
Although I went to Podiatry last Wednesday I have struggled to find out what the infection I am taking anti-biotics for is as it was never on Patient Access or NHS App although the antibiotic prescription was. It is Coliforms and Steph Aureus. They should be taking another swab on Wednesday now I have finished the anti-biotics. Last week I was hoping to see my favoured podiatrist but did not. The one in attendance would not use silver dressings which I found very frustrating (picture below - although not clear part of the tendon is exposed on the long toe {ouch!}). Before Covid when I went privately I generally saw the same person unless he was away. But saying that when I developed an ulcer on my left big toes which lead to the amputation I was bounced back to the NHS PDQ! Having paid toward his Tesla for twenty plus years a phone call to see how things were going would have been nice!

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Those are common bacteria found in wounds and unless the particular Staph aureus is the MRSA then they normally respond to antibiotics but as yours are long standing infection you may have the resistant form of the bacteria, hence why some of these alternative dressings hopefully will help. I know Staph aureus responded well to Manuka honey dressings when used experimentally.
I know it sound a horrible idea but my daughter used to have to order maggots for severe wound infections.
Oh no @MikeyBikey your treatment seems to be doing one step forward then two steps backwards again. I'm sure you would appreciate some consistency if you can't see the same person each time. Keeping my fingers crossed that they find an effective treatment course for your bacterial infections. I have heard good things about manuka honey treatment mentioned by @Leadinglights. Years ago I watched a documentary where maggots were used to debride dead and infected tissue from wounds without damaging healthy tissue. It seemed to be effective. Sending you virtual hugs to cheer you up.:care:
Oh no @MikeyBikey your treatment seems to be doing one step forward then two steps backwards again. I'm sure you would appreciate some consistency if you can't see the same person each time. Keeping my fingers crossed that they find an effective treatment course for your bacterial infections. I have heard good things about manuka honey treatment mentioned by @Leadinglights. Years ago I watched a documentary where maggots were used to debride dead and infected tissue from wounds without damaging healthy tissue. It seemed to be effective. Sending you virtual hugs to cheer you up.:care:

The next dressing change is on Wednesday although like every time the silver dressings are not used it is already seeping through the dressings. The Limb Fitting consultant has recommended Manuka Honey as he sees similar issues in a regular basis as once PAD has taken a leg the other is under threat. However, he is in a different Hospital Trust so they chose to ignore him. NHS seems to stand or Nonchalant!
That is not so good again and you now have more weeping sores which is clearly not good. Even the fourth toe now has a little red patch which wasn't there before. I am so disappointed and frustrated for you that they haven't used silver dressings again!

Can you put together a collage of the photos of your foot from the past 2 years and mark the ones after silver dressings where there is improvement and the ones without, so that you can present this as evidence to the consultant, because this is going on far too long now, with no progress. If they are reluctant to use them because they are expensive it is false economy because your continued treatment is costing thousands, costing you time and aggravation and worry and most importantly, not achieving any progress. I really want to come down there and bash their heads together!
Will report another day. Totally shattered - some improvement with silver dressings but a stressful day!
So sorry you have had such a stressful day. Wishing you a relaxing peaceful evening and a good night's sleep.xx