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Thanks to you all

Dear All,

I just wanted to thank you for your kind thoughts that you have posted. It has caused me to think deeply about my depression. I have come to the conclusion that the "being ignored" thing is not the real deep down reason for my gloom - it's the onset of complications. I have both background retinopathy and peripheral neuropathy, despite never having an A1c above 5.8% in the last 13 years. I will get over this and when I do I will be back. BTW Andy my site name, in expanded form, is C*****_Dodger there are four different letters!

Warmest Regards Dodger
Dear All,

I just wanted to thank you for your kind thoughts that you have posted. It has caused me to think deeply about my depression. I have come to the conclusion that the "being ignored" thing is not the real deep down reason for my gloom - it's the onset of complications. I have both background retinopathy and peripheral neuropathy, despite never having an A1c above 5.8% in the last 13 years. I will get over this and when I do I will be back. BTW Andy my site name, in expanded form, is C*****_Dodger there are four different letters!

Warmest Regards Dodger

I hope that you are getting effective treatment for the neuropathy, Dodger. I have been told last year that I have background retinopathy, but this can be a transient thing - all we can do is keep keeping good control. It is very disappointing and distressing to start developing complications despite all your efforts, but you have probably escaped much more serious developments (not that these aren't serious of course, but you know what I mean!).

It might be worth talking through your feelings with your doctor to see if there is any help you can get. And keep on dodging that C*****! 🙂
Hi Karina, sorry to hear about the lack of enthusiasm and help from your team, you know you'll get lots of support here! 🙂 Unfortunately, this is a disease that you really do have to 'take ownership' of. We do sometimes need a jolt back to reality to make us realise that - I hope that your hubby's BIL is on the road to recovery. What's all this about a Tenerife forum? 😉

:D Bought a little apartment for holidays there so have been immersing myself in all things Tenerife for the last wee while..

Waiting for news of the BIL - will let you know how he gets on and if it's diabetes related or not.

I've started testing again - from what I can see, my readings are no better or worse than they were before so no apparent harm done. I'm back walking and exercising and trying hard to stay off the chocolate wagon! I'm back to mostly healthy snacks and allowing myself a small bar of choc and a packet of crisps per day. Weight is only slightly up on what it was before so pretty confident I can get back on track.

Dodger, you and I have had our differences in the past but I was really sorry to hear that you didn't feel that your opinions were welcomed. Your approach doesn't work for me, my approach doesn't work for lots of people either! So please know that a bit of healthy banter/debate is good to have and I very much appreciate your input. As well as our occasional sparring matches you have also been very supportive of all the little victories I had won on the weight loss and readings front and that has been truly appreciated.

I'm not going to go all mushy here but take it as read that your input is valued.

Karina :D
Dear All,

I just wanted to thank you for your kind thoughts that you have posted. It has caused me to think deeply about my depression. I have come to the conclusion that the "being ignored" thing is not the real deep down reason for my gloom - it's the onset of complications. I have both background retinopathy and peripheral neuropathy, despite never having an A1c above 5.8% in the last 13 years. I will get over this and when I do I will be back. BTW Andy my site name, in expanded form, is C*****_Dodger there are four different letters!

Warmest Regards Dodger

Hi Dodger,
I am so sorry to hear that you are suffering with depression - it is an awful illness. Have you been to see your GP about it? I dont think anyone on here would deliberately ignore you - all your posts are full of detailed information and I, for one, have missed you posting. I consider you to be one of the most knowledgeable people on here and would hate it if you left. I do understand that if people dont answer your posts then you would feel that they dont care or that they think your talking nonsense - but you mustnt think that at all - its just how forums operate and it doesnt mean that people dont read. It just means that they dont respond - totally different altogether.

Please try to get some help for your depression - I am sure this is what is behind all this. It does seem very unfair that you are suffering some complications given your excellent hba1c. I make a point of letting Alex read some of the stories of complications (albeit the less serious ones) as I think it does help him to understand the seriousness of diabetes without medical people telling him that x,y, or z will happen. It is much better to come from people who actually live with diabetes day in day out. If there is anything I can do or if you just want a shoulder to cry on - please pm me.🙂Bev
Thought I would look-in on the boards as I have not been on for a while. Sites like these are invaluable to the diabetic community, and long may they continue to serve those that need help or reassurance from time to time. 30+years of diabetes has taught me one thing...........that is you never stop learning, and even those that are newly diagnosed with this condition can offer extremely good advice just as much as us old timers, no ones opinion or advice is unworthy, and we must listen and learn respectively.

Keep up the good work everyone, and I wish you all well on the boards second anniversary. Toby.
Thought I would look-in on the boards as I have not been on for a while. Sites like these are invaluable to the diabetic community, and long may they continue to serve those that need help or reassurance from time to time. 30+years of diabetes has taught me one thing...........that is you never stop learning, and even those that are newly diagnosed with this condition can offer extremely good advice just as much as us old timers, no ones opinion or advice is unworthy, and we must listen and learn respectively.

Keep up the good work everyone, and I wish you all well on the boards second anniversary. Toby.

Thank you Toby, you are absolutely correct. This is why people should never be afraid to ask questions. Those newly-diagnosed will hopefully have been educated with the very latest information, and the 'veterans' can offer the voice of experience - it's a terrific blend! 🙂 Hope you are well, your contributions here are always very welcome.
Thanks Northerner, I am very well indeed and will try and look in more often!🙂 Toby.
Hallo! 🙂

Work and house hunting are taking up most of my time recently! When I eventually get my new phone I will be able to surf on the move so will endevour to pop in more frequently. Still finding the pump okay. I have a few concerns with lumpy/hard sites in my stomach not getting better (can't remember the term for it) but I'm due back at the hospital next month so will discuss it with my DSN.

I have to agree that this site is a valuable support method for all who's lives are affected by diabetes. I've learnt so much in the short time I've been visiting. Without it I doubt I would have had the courage to fight for the pump in the first place! For that alone I'm truely grateful.

Now, back to the madness that is my life at the moment...
Hallo! 🙂

Work and house hunting are taking up most of my time recently! When I eventually get my new phone I will be able to surf on the move so will endevour to pop in more frequently. Still finding the pump okay. I have a few concerns with lumpy/hard sites in my stomach not getting better (can't remember the term for it) but I'm due back at the hospital next month so will discuss it with my DSN.

I have to agree that this site is a valuable support method for all who's lives are affected by diabetes. I've learnt so much in the short time I've been visiting. Without it I doubt I would have had the courage to fight for the pump in the first place! For that alone I'm truely grateful.

Now, back to the madness that is my life at the moment...

Hi fellow Tyke, nice to hear from you 🙂 Hope you find your dream home and aren't overworking yourself! The word you are looking for is lipohypertrophy:

Hi all, Think I may have officially become a 'lurker'. looking in frequently but just dont seem to have the energy to post these days. i know that sounds a bit pathetic and it is selfish as I often read posts and think of things I could say esp to new fellow parents but if i ever actually had any enthusiasm for tackling this diabetes malarky it has most definately waned. Have had a hectic few months generally - one of my other boys was ill and juggling this with Ben's daily trials and tribulations has been a challenge (thankfully he's fine now) He also started school on Monday and Ben started nursery same day - cue much shedding of tears! the nursery have been fantastic and couldn't be better with Ben. Having got a morning place and assuring them he hardly ever ever hypos in the morning (he's only there 9-11.30am) he proceeded to prove me wrong and have a hypo at 10am today. They dealt with it no problem but it is just another example of how unpredictable his levels remain. Also I am doing the Glasgow half marathon in 2weeks for diabetes uk. Training has been tough as I have been getting nowhere near enough sleep for so long now but I'll get there! Anyway prob best I've not been posting as I dont want my current feelings of negativity to filter through esp to any 'new' parents. I'm sure I'll get past this and maybe everyone goes through this but its been 21months now and it depresses me that its forever and this is never going away. sorry for the moan.:(
Hi Ruth, thanks for letting us know how you are - we have no problems listening to a moan! 😉 Sorry to hear that you are feeling very jaded and tired at the moment. I hope that the half-marathon goes really well - that's a terrific achievment training for that with everything else that you've had to deal with lately. I hope that you are feeling brighter and stronger soon, if there is ever anything we can do, let us know 🙂
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