Missing in Action? Give us a wave!

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Hi Jules, good to see you in again and congrats on the numbers. The thing with Jack Russels is they don't have an off switch and make the Duracell Bunny look lethargic! But they're great fun and very loving wee beasties. I envy you. Got any pics of your wee chum?
Hi everyone.... Haven't been postin much lately or been on the forum, New Family member has taken up a lot of my time he's been getting myself and my partner up at silly o'clock hrs. He's a Minature Jack Russell and his name is Forza hes gettin better now and sleeping for about 4-5 hrs at night now yippee lol..

Anyway went and saw Nurse yesterday for check up she's pleased with the results and Blood readings I'm getting now they are ranging from 6.5-12ish on most days which is a lot better than the 20s i was getting.. She got me a Accu Check Mobile Blood machine yesterday which is the best thing since sliced bread lol... anyway I will be back reading all your posts so keep on writing lol

Hi jules lovely to hear from you and well done on the readings, ohh how i can relate we have just got ourselves a new 12 week old staff x terrier last week and to say he is ruling the nigthtime sleep pattern would be an understatement lol but we are getting there and this morning he slept till 8 lol x
On the subject of missing in action I wonder how DiabeticDave is getting on I miss his jokes you could always guarentee on plenty from him.
Hi Alison

Yeah I have pics but for some reason it wont let me upload them on here in the Gallery!!!

Tell me about the sleep well lack of it lol his sleep is all over the place, I got to bed about 1.30am and he can be up at 4.30 wantin to play n go to do his doggy stuff lol
Hi Alison

Yeah I have pics but for some reason it wont let me upload them on here in the Gallery!!!

Jules, pictures need approving before they appear and I'm guilty of often forgetting to check if there are any in the pipeline! If you want to try and upload some and let me know, I'll see that they get 'published' 🙂
Missing in action


I'm still here too, I regulary have a look on the forums.

Things haven't been too good for me recently health wise, changed surgery and gone from bad to worse. In constant pain with a sore mouth, dentist says its not dental, its something to do with diabetes or B12 problem. Doctor and DSN say they don't know. No one wants to prescribe pain relief because it's "very addictive" - so still going round in circles 4 years later (getting a bit drained with it all now)

Take care


I'm still here too, I regulary have a look on the forums.

Things haven't been too good for me recently health wise, changed surgery and gone from bad to worse. In constant pain with a sore mouth, dentist says its not dental, its something to do with diabetes or B12 problem. Doctor and DSN say they don't know. No one wants to prescribe pain relief because it's "very addictive" - so still going round in circles 4 years later (getting a bit drained with it all now)

Take care


Hi Andy, sorry to hear that things are not going great. I have heard about how B12 deficiency can be related to some diabetes meds (metformin)

- are they prescribing you injections for it? Thanks for checking in 🙂
Hi Northerner

I started off on the 5 x B12 injections over 10 days and now have 1 injection every 3 months. It seemed to work okay for the first 12 months, now it doesnt seem to be working. The last time the B12 level was checked it was 'normal' it was tested 2 days after I had the B12 injection.

I'm taking 8 paracetamol and 8 ibuprofen tablets a day and its still really painful. I'm seeing the nurse practitioner on Tuesday morning and the dentist in the afternoon, I will let you know how I get on 😱)


Hi All
I have not been around for a while as been in hospital having an operation on right stump (which is healing well), but 2 weeks after operation my father in law passed away from a long illness. He seemed to go downhill suddenly, so been sorting loads of stuff out, but i'm back on the scene and unfortunately back at work as well after having 7 weeks off.

So a BIG hi to you all 🙂
Hi All
I have not been around for a while as been in hospital having an operation on right stump (which is healing well), but 2 weeks after operation my father in law passed away from a long illness. He seemed to go downhill suddenly, so been sorting loads of stuff out, but i'm back on the scene and unfortunately back at work as well after having 7 weeks off.

So a BIG hi to you all 🙂

Hi Fudge, thanks for checking in 🙂 Very sorry to hear about your father in law and that you've been in hospital.
I always wonder what is happening with people who haven't posted in a while, but may possibly still be reading the forum. If that applies to you, then please pop in and let us know how things are going 🙂 We're here to support you if you're having problems - or we'd like to share your successes too, of course! 🙂

Don't be shy! 😉 Just a little 'hello' would be good!

Dear Northerner,

I have stopped posting because when I put forward definitive evidence of a particular topic e.g. that cholesterol and heart disease are not related, I am completely ignored. I just get depressed and so feel it is better if I keep my thoughts to myself. I do pop in sometimes - just for a look. All the best to you and all on this site.

Regards Dodger
Dear Northerner,

I have stopped posting because when I put forward definitive evidence of a particular topic e.g. that cholesterol and heart disease are not related, I am completely ignored. I just get depressed and so feel it is better if I keep my thoughts to myself. I do pop in sometimes - just for a look. All the best to you and all on this site.

Regards Dodger

Dear Dodger that is so sad to hear hun, Please re think im sure me and you have never had any troubles and from what i can remember you have helped me out.You dont have to leave altogether do you ?X
Hi have not posted in a while because I moved house and have not had internet for 2 months! But now I do yay 🙂

I'm sorry I haven't been around recently, I kinda went awol and have been spending most of my time on the Tenerife forum so I guess I've been two-timing y'all....

I'm also guilty of deciding that I wasn't diabetic anymore - after all, the doc gets mad at me if I keep testing and using up valuable resources and no-one (at the surgery) seems that interested in how good or bad I'm doing anyway!

However... hubby's brother-in-law (T2, diet and exercise) has been taken into hospital in Ireland after complaining of light headedness and clamminess after a walk - he's now been diagnosed with a blood clot on his lung... 😱 this has given me a much needed kick up the chorus and verse so you're quite likely to see me around much more often 😱

Dear Northerner,

I have stopped posting because when I put forward definitive evidence of a particular topic e.g. that cholesterol and heart disease are not related, I am completely ignored. I just get depressed and so feel it is better if I keep my thoughts to myself. I do pop in sometimes - just for a look. All the best to you and all on this site.

Regards Dodger

Hi Dodger, sorry you have been feeling depressed :( I would like to dispute your feeling that you are ignored - you helped me greatly when I was deciding whether or not I needed to be taking statins, and investigating the whole cholesterol debate by putting me onto some very useful sources of information. Don't forget that, for each person that responds to a post, there are many more reading the posts - some many months after by finding threads in search engines etc. Please don't fee; your contributions are ignored, I can assure you they are not.

On a more personal level, I know you have been a great support to many people in your helpful and encouraging responses - always courteous and considerate. I hope that your spirits lift soon, and that you feel able to visit more often and keep posting. Take care, my friend. 🙂
Hi have not posted in a while because I moved house and have not had internet for 2 months! But now I do yay 🙂

Yayyyy!!!! 🙂 Glad to see you back Lauren, hope that you are nicely settled in your new home and that all is well with you 🙂
Hi Dodger, sorry you have been feeling depressed :( I would like to dispute your feeling that you are ignored - you helped me greatly when I was deciding whether or not I needed to be taking statins, and investigating the whole cholesterol debate by putting me onto some very useful sources of information. Don't forget that, for each person that responds to a post, there are many more reading the posts - some many months after by finding threads in search engines etc. Please don't fee; your contributions are ignored, I can assure you they are not.

On a more personal level, I know you have been a great support to many people in your helpful and encouraging responses - always courteous and considerate. I hope that your spirits lift soon, and that you feel able to visit more often and keep posting. Take care, my friend. 🙂

Maybe we did not ignore him Northerner but some certainly did, i understand why he does not want to come on last thing you want on a forum is to feel your opinion and your thoughts are ignored.
I'm sorry I haven't been around recently, I kinda went awol and have been spending most of my time on the Tenerife forum so I guess I've been two-timing y'all....

I'm also guilty of deciding that I wasn't diabetic anymore - after all, the doc gets mad at me if I keep testing and using up valuable resources and no-one (at the surgery) seems that interested in how good or bad I'm doing anyway!

However... hubby's brother-in-law (T2, diet and exercise) has been taken into hospital in Ireland after complaining of light headedness and clamminess after a walk - he's now been diagnosed with a blood clot on his lung... 😱 this has given me a much needed kick up the chorus and verse so you're quite likely to see me around much more often 😱


Hi Karina, sorry to hear about the lack of enthusiasm and help from your team, you know you'll get lots of support here! 🙂 Unfortunately, this is a disease that you really do have to 'take ownership' of. We do sometimes need a jolt back to reality to make us realise that - I hope that your hubby's BIL is on the road to recovery. What's all this about a Tenerife forum? 😉
Dear Northerner,

I have stopped posting because when I put forward definitive evidence of a particular topic e.g. that cholesterol and heart disease are not related, I am completely ignored. I just get depressed and so feel it is better if I keep my thoughts to myself. I do pop in sometimes - just for a look. All the best to you and all on this site.

Regards Dodger

I'm sorry you feel ignored and depressed, your information is always good and helps many people.

I know there are some forum members who feel if they can not add to a topic it is best to just look. There are many posts and threads that I view where I am unable to add anything usefull or relevent so feel it is better not to add anything. This does not mean you are being ignored, it means people do not wish to detract from what has already been said by adding anything else.

Everyones comments and posts are important and all the posts help someone somewhere, so please don't feel we are ignoring you because we don't always respond to posts.
Dear Northerner,

I have stopped posting because when I put forward definitive evidence of a particular topic e.g. that cholesterol and heart disease are not related, I am completely ignored. I just get depressed and so feel it is better if I keep my thoughts to myself. I do pop in sometimes - just for a look. All the best to you and all on this site.

Regards Dodger

Whilst I have not replied to your posts, I have definitely taken them on-board. My thinking about taking statins has been most definitely coloured by what you have said.

However, that doesn't mean that I won't take them, if I consider the situation warrants it!

Stay in touch Dodger (if only so that I can have a little chuckle at your site name!). 🙂

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