Missing in Action? Give us a wave!

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Hi - I keep checking in to see what's going on etc. Haven't posted for a while because I'm back to the old yr type 1 no yr type 2 debate (still no resolution after 6 months!). Plus they keep changing my meds and am now on 3 lots - 1 of which they said 'lets just see what it does for you'! They've put off insulin injections for 4 months until I've seen the psychologist - still waiting for an appointment! Had enough of moaning about it - have enough stress going on without this!!:(

Nice to hear from you suziepoo! 🙂 Goodness, surely they can determine what type you are by now! Don't forget, we don't mind a good old moan if it helps you! 🙂

Im trying to pop in and out when i can, never have time to do alot of things. Quick update, Jack went onto 3 injections a day a few months back and his Hba1c has gone down from 9.0 to 8.3 we are starting full mdi next week now its the school hols. hope everyone is doing ok? x
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Im trying to pop in and out when i can, never have time to do alot of things. Quick update, Jack went onto 3 injections a day a few months back and his Hba1c has gone down from 9.0 to 8.3 we are starting full mdi next week now its the school hols. hope everyone is doing ok? x

Ooh! Good luck with the MDI Gemma! And great to see the reduction in HbA1c! 🙂
I'm afraid a lot of things got in the way and I disappeared for a while. When I last posted in Feb I was very angry and frustrated, not by you guys I hasten to add, but the whole idea of diabetes and the way I'd found out about going on Metformin (chemist picked up script for one type of med and there was also a script for Metformin, the surgery hadn't informed me).
I was called in for blood test last week (still have the bruise to prove it!) and have to return for results tomorrow.
When I was in having blood taken I was asked if I was testing my blood. "No I was never told anything about that" and then explained the only info I'd had was a one page diet sheet and "take these tablets".
The reaction was to say I should be referred to podiatrist, dietician and diabetic nurse.
It feels like it's all or nothing and the all is daunting. I'm dreading the results tomorrow :(
I hope the results are much better than you fear, ladyengineer. Please let us know how you go on, and let us know if we can help with anything 🙂
I've been reading but not posting ........I've been up and down struggling with the gastroparesis but things are now more positive after seeing diabetes gastroparesis specialist on Monday🙂
I've been reading but not posting ........I've been up and down struggling with the gastroparesis but things are now more positive after seeing diabetes gastroparesis specialist on Monday🙂

Hi AJ, glad to hear that things are looking up after seeing the specialist. It must be very difficult living with that and diabetes.
just to say folks i did speak to Einstein last night by chance on FB and hes doing ok ....told me to say HI
Thanks am i was wondering about him last week and also angel30eyes .
Hi one and all - have missed you all. Just clawing my way to the surface after (and still during) massive grief. Our son was paid a huge tribute by family and so many friends on 26th, at his funeral, it was overwhelming and heartening. diabetes has taken a back seat, like others have said - just want to eat cake and chocolate! really appreciate the kindness and support from people on here tho' and hope to drop in a bit more soon before work takes over again.

Nice to hear einstein's OK.

I'm still around just not had a lot of time to post lately. Sorry. 😱 I do love the peeps on this forum and see quite a few on FB. X
Hi AJ, glad to hear that things are looking up after seeing the specialist. It must be very difficult living with that and diabetes.

Thanks Northener - it has been frustrating but there are worse things in life. The excellent news is that since I went onto the latest gastroparesis medication (last Monday) I've been having the best blood sugars that I've had in 40 years - there's always something to smile about🙄
Thanks Northener - it has been frustrating but there are worse things in life. The excellent news is that since I went onto the latest gastroparesis medication (last Monday) I've been having the best blood sugars that I've had in 40 years - there's always something to smile about🙄

That's excellent news! 🙂
Sorry I've not been on too much in the last 2-3 months, my wireless internet connection has been dropping out frequently but its back working now so..

My Diabetes control is getting better, my check up in May revealed my HbA1C had dropped below 10 for the first time in 8 years and the Retinopathy I have started developing seems to be on hold at the moment (though I have just spent nearly ?140 on a new pair of glasses :( ) Just really want to find a better job so I can have better control of my diabetes, but under the present climate, I'm just glad to have a job.
Hi one and all - have missed you all. Just clawing my way to the surface after (and still during) massive grief. Our son was paid a huge tribute by family and so many friends on 26th, at his funeral, it was overwhelming and heartening. diabetes has taken a back seat, like others have said - just want to eat cake and chocolate! really appreciate the kindness and support from people on here tho' and hope to drop in a bit more soon before work takes over again.

Nice to hear einstein's OK.

nice to hear from you runner you have been well in my thoughts xxx hugsxxx🙂 i will pass it on to einstien next time he pops up on FB !!
Hi everyone.... Haven't been postin much lately or been on the forum, New Family member has taken up a lot of my time he's been getting myself and my partner up at silly o'clock hrs. He's a Minature Jack Russell and his name is Forza hes gettin better now and sleeping for about 4-5 hrs at night now yippee lol..

Anyway went and saw Nurse yesterday for check up she's pleased with the results and Blood readings I'm getting now they are ranging from 6.5-12ish on most days which is a lot better than the 20s i was getting.. She got me a Accu Check Mobile Blood machine yesterday which is the best thing since sliced bread lol... anyway I will be back reading all your posts so keep on writing lol
Hi everyone.... Haven't been postin much lately or been on the forum, New Family member has taken up a lot of my time he's been getting myself and my partner up at silly o'clock hrs. He's a Minature Jack Russell and his name is Forza hes gettin better now and sleeping for about 4-5 hrs at night now yippee lol..

Anyway went and saw Nurse yesterday for check up she's pleased with the results and Blood readings I'm getting now they are ranging from 6.5-12ish on most days which is a lot better than the 20s i was getting.. She got me a Accu Check Mobile Blood machine yesterday which is the best thing since sliced bread lol... anyway I will be back reading all your posts so keep on writing lol

Nice to hear from you Jules, and good to hear that the levels are improving! 🙂
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