Missing in Action? Give us a wave!

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It is good to know so many people look in. This forum is certainly a great one for support and information
Another lurker here. Read the threads every day and find them really useful. Have my ups and downs but the ups are getting better. Don't like to post every problem (most of them appear anyway and I get my answers through reading through the posts). Cannot do without this forum, it's: great. Keep up the good work!:
Hi guys im still around, i tend to pop in from time to time coz ive fallen of the 'diabetes good care' wagon and feeling pretty crap and disappointed with myself at the moment so not felt very proud nor wanted to communicate about it but i do keep reading posts and im hoping to get some motivation to get back to how i was, have a feeling my Hba1c will have risen again when its taken in sept :(

... but im still here and thank you for my bday e card it was great 🙂
hi everyone, im still here 🙂 as some of you know ive just moved house an no longer have internet, so i can only get on here when i go to my daughters house. i miss not being able to go online when i want but love catching up with everyone on here when i do 🙂 xxx

My mum had cancer last year (she has since recovered and has now got a new job which is amazing considering the dearth of jobs in education, well everywhere, but especially in education) and I am in the midst of moving house at the moment. So I have been preoccupied for a while. I do drop in here but don't get much time to post stuff. I am struggling and my diabetes has been put on the back burner which I know is wrong but I have so much stress right now I just can't deal with it.

I'm still around as well. Sorry not been posting. Bev keeps me up with any news. I am just trying to get on top of stuff, am sure I'll be back in the summer or when they go back to school. I am very involved with the cwd email group, as you know and school has been very involved recently, getting things ready for new school year plus our head is retiring tomorrow so had lots going on with that.

I do keep in touch with a few on fb which is lovely.

Anyway I'm still here. If you ever think I can help with anything please email me (not pm as I don't always log on) and I'll pop back in.

Hope you are all ok.

lovely to hear from you adrienne x hope you and J have a great summer break xx🙂

been here since Jan 2010 dont post much but I visit every day for any info
hope you are all good (as can be) is there anyone else from Inverness I know
AlisonM is?

Thanks to everyone who has popped in to wave 🙂 It's good to hear that you are dropping in and enjoy visiting the forum 🙂
I'm still about, but just getting a bit fed up of the diabetes thing, lol as if it was a fashion accessory. Still nip in every day just not that motivated at moment. Still love the forum though x
Hi 🙂

Again, I just lurk mainly. I tend to disappear when I'm having a tricky time with it - going off the rails with the food haha!

I should come in daily and read, it keeps me focused.

I hardly ever post, but you're all lovely!

Victoria x
I'm still about, but just getting a bit fed up of the diabetes thing, lol as if it was a fashion accessory. Still nip in every day just not that motivated at moment. Still love the forum though x

Hi 🙂

Again, I just lurk mainly. I tend to disappear when I'm having a tricky time with it - going off the rails with the food haha!

I should come in daily and read, it keeps me focused.

I hardly ever post, but you're all lovely!

Victoria x

I think we all need some time when we don't have diabetes 'in our faces' - not to forget it (I wish!), but to stop it from dominating our lives. It's good to hear that you both enjoy the forum as a place to be among friends, and not just cold hard facts! 🙂
Hi I'm still around. 🙂 I often read the messages on the forum, but am a bit shy when it comes to posting.
I'm still around, lurking in the background. Feeling a bit down and I'm not good at being chatty so I don't say much apart from the odd flippant comment when something tickles my sense of humour!
I'm still around, lurking in the background. Feeling a bit down and I'm not good at being chatty so I don't say much apart from the odd flippant comment when something tickles my sense of humour!

Hi Annimay, hope things look up for you soon - thanks for checking in 🙂
Hi I don't post a lot but value this site very much. A bit fed -up just now as the old ticker is playing up, probably due to the hot weather which I love really. Southampton meet ? Have I missed something as I'm not far from So'ton and would turn up at the time and place. I am not on 'puter everyday as seem to be busy with other things although this week it has been mostly reading as too knackered to do anything else. Plus I have recently changed my server and found it a bit stressy sorting it out. I'm not all that great with this computer stuff.
Hi I don't post a lot but value this site very much. A bit fed -up just now as the old ticker is playing up, probably due to the hot weather which I love really. Southampton meet ? Have I missed something as I'm not far from So'ton and would turn up at the time and place. I am not on 'puter everyday as seem to be busy with other things although this week it has been mostly reading as too knackered to do anything else. Plus I have recently changed my server and found it a bit stressy sorting it out. I'm not all that great with this computer stuff.

Sorry to hear about the ticker, that must be very unsettling and frustrating :(

There is a Southampton Meet on Saturday, August 7th - would be great to see you there! :D

like many others i dont post much, but i read nearly every day. this forum is amazing, and i am so glad i found it. Thank you to everyone who keeps it running and the proactive posters! you are legends
like many others i dont post much, but i read nearly every day. this forum is amazing, and i am so glad i found it. Thank you to everyone who keeps it running and the proactive posters! you are legends

Hi katiekin, glad you like the place! 🙂 Hope you are doing well.
Hi - I keep checking in to see what's going on etc. Haven't posted for a while because I'm back to the old yr type 1 no yr type 2 debate (still no resolution after 6 months!). Plus they keep changing my meds and am now on 3 lots - 1 of which they said 'lets just see what it does for you'! They've put off insulin injections for 4 months until I've seen the psychologist - still waiting for an appointment! Had enough of moaning about it - have enough stress going on without this!!:(
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