Mental health / Gratitude

I have been hospitalised twice for severe depression

Mental health can affect anyone at anytime

Even today the ignorance of some people is astounding but I have to say the awareness and support on here is amazing
Today will be pivotal in getting my wife help. The psychiatrist consultant is to assess my wife again at 1pm. I just hope that this time they can really help her.
Hi she is a paranoid schizopfrenic and was doing quite well until recently when, unknown to anyone, she stopped her meds. Disaster.

She has managed to avoid 2 assessments by being out and we have a third attempt tomorrow but she has booked herself into a B&B and is unlikely to be here.

No idea what to do. I feel totally lost. We want to avoid her being sectioned for a second time but I fear it may be inevitable.

Life is $hit right now
Hi she is a paranoid schizopfrenic and was doing quite well until recently when, unknown to anyone, she stopped her meds. Disaster.

She has managed to avoid 2 assessments by being out and we have a third attempt tomorrow but she has booked herself into a B&B and is unlikely to be here.

No idea what to do. I feel totally lost. We want to avoid her being sectioned for a second time but I fear it may be inevitable.

Life is $hit right now

Oh gosh gwynn that sounds so stressful for you

Unfortunately if your wife is a danger to herself or others then she will likely to be sectioned

If she can't be helped to take her medication then the doctors will step in

Whilst her being taken into hospital is not good what alternatives are there for you ?
I don't think she is a danger to anyone and therein lies part of the problem. All The professionals can do is insist that she takes her meds. Gotta see her first !!! Obviously she not stupid by arranging to be out/away when the assessments are to take place although she has not been told when they are.

It's very peaceful here now with her away but very very lonely
How are you doing @Gwynn?
Hi, just woken up to an empty house. It's not very pleasant.

No contact from my wife at all even though I sent a couple of texts. She will not answer her phone either.

And, of course, no response from my daughter who I emailed.

It's all very lonely and quiet

On a positive note, I had the best nights sleep last night

In fact it seems that the only friends I have are on this forum!!!
Well you know that’s not true. You have friends who you mention that you meet for walks along the beach etc and I’m sure you have friends through church as well.

I’m sure that you’re loved and liked by many who know you in the real world and not just in this forum.

It’s upsetting that your daughter is so determinedly estranged but that’s not your doing or your choice either.

Have you got a plan for what to do when your wife comes home so that the care team might stand a chance of seeing her?
I don't think she is a danger to anyone and therein lies part of the problem. All The professionals can do is insist that she takes her meds. Gotta see her first !!! Obviously she not stupid by arranging to be out/away when the assessments are to take place although she has not been told when they are.

It's very peaceful here now with her away but very very lonely

This must be so difficult for you
Just read this thread and myself have suffered with Mental illness most of my life , i think personally that in the last few years this the NHS mental health services have collapsed, especially if people with bipolar , schizophrenia , severe anxiety and depression usually have co - morbidities are concerned , your brain and nervous system control most of bodily functions so both are linked and when you become overloaded with stress thats when illness manifests itself, sometimes in my experience keeping away from big stress in your life can help a little together with various medications which can help if you can find the correct meds. its very difficult sometimes but not give up its still better than suicide and things like that
Just read this thread and myself have suffered with Mental illness most of my life , i think personally that in the last few years this the NHS mental health services have collapsed, especially if people with bipolar , schizophrenia , severe anxiety and depression usually have co - morbidities are concerned , your brain and nervous system control most of bodily functions so both are linked and when you become overloaded with stress thats when illness manifests itself, sometimes in my experience keeping away from big stress in your life can help a little together with various medications which can help if you can find the correct meds. its very difficult sometimes but not give up its still better than suicide and things like that
I suffer with MH issues and have done most of my life. I agree with you regarding avoiding stressful situations. Also agree that the NHS is not much help except medication. I had too finish work at 50 due to MH. I am much better in control of my own life. I do avoid large numbers of people since Covid. I think life has changed for a lot of people. The arrival of my two granddaughters has brought much joy to my life.
Just read this thread and myself have suffered with Mental illness most of my life , i think personally that in the last few years this the NHS mental health services have collapsed, especially if people with bipolar , schizophrenia , severe anxiety and depression usually have co - morbidities are concerned , your brain and nervous system control most of bodily functions so both are linked and when you become overloaded with stress thats when illness manifests itself, sometimes in my experience keeping away from big stress in your life can help a little together with various medications which can help if you can find the correct meds. its very difficult sometimes but not give up its still better than suicide and things like that

I have had a number of very serious episodes of mental illness including two periods in hospital ......both horrific experiences

I firmly believe that stress is the number one cause of my relapses and I totally agree with you .....the NHS mental health system is completely broken and its been that way long before the current problems the rest of the NHS faces

20 percent of what the NHS sees is mental health ......the mental health service gets just 2 percent of NHS funding

Even a child could work out we are just messing about
Well you know that’s not true. You have friends who you mention that you meet for walks along the beach etc and I’m sure you have friends through church as well.

I’m sure that you’re loved and liked by many who know you in the real world and not just in this forum.

It’s upsetting that your daughter is so determinedly estranged but that’s not your doing or your choice either.

Have you got a plan for what to do when your wife comes home so that the care team might stand a chance of seeing her?
I have one friend and he is in Uganda for a while

It just seems like a perfect storm right now sorry for my whinging
I have one friend and he is in Uganda for a while

It just seems like a perfect storm right now sorry for my whinging

Your name sounds like I am speaking to a fellow Welsh person ?

I would suggest that as a carer for your wife you contact carers uk , mind , saneline , rethink etc as it appears to me you are a very decent person struggling under the stress ?

I looked after both my parents with dementia at the same time as myself being unwell with depression

It's really tough

Be kind to yourself
I suffer with MH issues and have done most of my life. I agree with you regarding avoiding stressful situations. Also agree that the NHS is not much help except medication. I had too finish work at 50 due to MH. I am much better in control of my own life. I do avoid large numbers of people since Covid. I think life has changed for a lot of people. The arrival of my two granddaughters has brought much joy to my life.

I used to watch my football team cardiff city and go all over the country watching rock concerts and festivals

Not since my mental health declined , like you I avoid big crowds
South Wales? Me too.
I have anxiety/depression issues too, and tend to avoid crowds and people in general.
My godson got married today, small wedding, but a party tonight, so I'll have a big crowd there. At least I know all his family tho, aunts, uncles, cousins etc. His mum and I were in school together.
South Wales? Me too.
And me, well Llanelli boy but living in Berkshire now. I get the crowds thing. My wife and our two sons went on holiday to Australia and New Zealand this year but I didn't go. Couldn't face 25 hours (each way) on a plane with 100s of other people. Felt anxious just thinking about it.
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Yeah, I'd prefer to stay home tonight but hey ho, gotta show willing. There will be a buffet there, but idk timings, gonna have a small plain omelette now, then can just pick and choose later.
My friend sent a pic of the place while setting up last night - pretty!


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@s'nic - that place looks old - ancient former barn or similar??? and yes, pretty.