I had no problems upgrading the libre app but i’ve found that the readings have effectively just been a random number generator ever since. I assume the algorithm changed and for whatever reason it doesn’t work for me. For example this morning it was telling me I was 3.1 when my glucometre was saying 6.4 and this was during a time of stable blood sugar.After another long call with Abbott today they eventually admitted the BT issue is down to the app. This was the 'Digital Health Solutions' number 0800 612 3006, rather than the standard customer services number. Can't say there was much difference between the two. They said there will be an app update asap but wouldn't say when.
Has anyone given up & asked to be switched to Dexcom? If so, how are you getting on?
I got a trial of the dexcom G7 I just finished yesterday and thought i’d try the libre 2 one last time before paying nearly £1,700 a year for the G7 but it looks like I have little choice.
The G7 was far superior in virtually every way - 30 mins warm up time at which point it agreed perfectly to my glucometre and was only ‘out’ by a significant amount once during the 10 days and was fine after I did a calibration. The app is infinitely better than the libre app as are the alerts. On the iphone you can also have a widget to show your sugar and graph on your home screen without even needing to open the app and it also integrates with carplay so you can ask siri your sugar when you’re driving (which will be handy for me driving to the south of france in a couple of weeks) so i’ve decided i’m going to pay for it and abandon the libre. The only negative other than the price of the G7 is the adhesive - I found it very very poor compared to the libre and will definitely need a patch but other than that I think it’s light years ahead of the libre.
For balance I should point out my mum is also a diabetic on the libre 2 and hers always seems to align very closely with her glucometre, it seems like for whatever reason it just doesn’t for me.