ive used to many test strips doctors are anoyyed

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now my sesnor isn't even scaning
again 8.4 and 6.1 this morning if with that varrience if i dont keep an eye on things manuelly on the days that i work and are are more active i'm going to be stoped from working again
also i am aware that i used a lot but as previslly explain they wernt all proper tests and the were other factors as well as that so please dont judge me.
I really think that if you want to continue using Libre then you should give it a go with either diabox or xrip as you can calibrate with blood tests in these apps, if it still doesn't work for you then I think you should maybe just say to them that you'd prefer to give it up and solely use finger pricking, it will be costing a small fortune to continue to prescribe both methods and that isn't me judging, it's just being honest
I really think that if you want to continue using Libre then you should give it a go with either diabox or xrip as you can calibrate with blood tests in these apps, if it still doesn't work for you then I think you should maybe just say to them that you'd prefer to give it up and solely use finger pricking, it will be costing a small fortune to continue to prescribe both methods and that isn't me judging, it's just being honest
it has got to the point why i am consider giving it up because of all the issues i'm having as said i tried using xdrip but couldnt get it work. if i could aford it i would try using dexcom but i can't aford it because the sesnors failing are giving me stress. but even without the sesnors they would try not giving the things i needed i have already explained all these hings elsse wherer
its coasting me a small fourtune to be paying for tests strips. if they had someting like diro here in the uk it would probelly just take them on presericiton a month and you could get unlimmited that way.
its coasting me a small fourtune to be paying for tests strips. if they had someting like diro here in the uk it would probelly just take them on presericiton a month and you could get unlimmited that way.
Do you mean the Dario?
Do you mean the Dario?
yeah but not the optuien in the uk if they had that here it wouldn;t cost the doctors so much and i wouldn't need to worry about how many strips i was using.
Well I have had a Dario meter that plugs into my phone and the strips for a number of years and the strips are some of the most expensive strips. They arealso some of the most fussy strips I have used.
Well I have had a Dario meter that plugs into my phone and the strips for a number of years and the strips are some of the most expensive strips. They arealso some of the most fussy strips I have used.
i mean what the us seem to have with it they get unmillited strips with a diro persriciton i meant if they did that for the uk it cost the doctors so much money a mounth and then you could have unlimited but i know that asking for alot
I'm not sure what you mean? My Dario is just a meter and has nothing to do with getting unlimited strips etc, I think it was suggested to you because there are no individual strips to faff about with
I'm not sure what you mean? My Dario is just a meter and has nothing to do with getting unlimited strips etc, I think it was suggested to you because there are no individual strips to faff about with
It is and has many quirks,it has to be used with compatible phone. The app does not automatically recognise you have plugged the meter into the phone. The strips also are more fussy on how they take the blood up into them, and I was an experience user of testing.
I'm not sure what you mean? My Dario is just a meter and has nothing to do with getting unlimited strips etc, I think it was suggested to you because there are no individual strips to faff about with
I said in the US here i wasn't making it up or geting confussed
i wasnt going by what was sujessted but what i had previsoully found out on my own please dont asummed i dont know what i'm talking about when i say things
I said in the US here i wasn't making it up or geting confussed
i wasnt going by what was sujessted but what i had previsoully found out on my own please dont asummed i dont know what i'm talking about when i say things
sorry if this sounded like i was cirtissizing
but i do know that in the US i does actully give you unmlimtited test strips i know not here but it does have that plan in the US
Sounds like it would be better to work out why you test so often and reduce the tests than source unlimited test strips. Isn’t fun pricking your finger constantly.
Sounds like it would be better to work out why you test so often and reduce the tests than source unlimited test strips. Isn’t fun pricking your finger constantly.
i allready explained this. not all of them were proper tests and this work there was variity things to consider form.
it may sound excusive but when i acount for everything the failed tests strips at work the fact i had go out. had lows which i tried to prvent which didn't work so them in them slefs are 3 tests in one go. when i'm not being activeand not on the libre i do try test before meals two hours after and before bed. yes it sounds excusive but acouting for everrthing this week its not as excauisve as it sounds. i give you example of how active i was on saterday it was 8 hour shift with a 40 mintuite walk. the nly time i was seting down was my the only at my luch for not long then a 30 mintute break in the afernoon i glad i kept on eye on things consider it was 4,9 (i'll admit i probely did do a few to many i times maybe i should left it like just after lunch) but a the other times i tested i'm glad i did keep i eye on it so offen this is how manged if i did not keep on eye on it like i did i would have ended up going low) yes it does sound exacisive but this week there were many factors that it actully ends not being excusive as it sounds.
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