• Please Remember: Members are only permitted to share their own experiences. Members are not qualified to give medical advice. Additionally, everyone manages their health differently. Please be respectful of other people's opinions about their own diabetes management.

Group 7-day waking average?

6.3 after a night in the sixes, last night's reading was also 6.3!

A cold white-cloud day with a chilly breeze.

My wife is still badly. A little more regular if anything. She's still eating, snacks interrupted with a sleep. She was in a degree of stomach cramps earlier. I managed to aquire a pack of Dioralyte from the chemist and she had a dose at midday. She had some milk an hour later for a meal, she fell asleep a little while after. Beforehand she'd been taking 2mg Loperimide each time she had a movement with little effect. I believe she's having a bout of Novavirus, we know a few folk who've had a dose in our area in recent weeks.

She really wants to recover as we're spending the night of Valentines day in a posh hotel, something to look forwards to.
Good evening! I woke with a fake 3'8, soon turned 6.

Had a great day so far. Started with a trip to Lidl, which I was too exhausted to do yesterday. And after I came to my fave cafe, where we had a really chilled session of Creative Chat. Only me and another girl showed up, we had a nice conversation and she has crocheted me a little case for my glucose meter. She said she'd do it for free but I did buy her a coffee. Actually, I ended up buying everyone in the club a drink when they arrived later for DnD, because I wanted to celebrate the news from yesterday. So I still owe her a drink for the crochet 😛

I am still at the cafe, watching them play DnD. I'd normally be gone by now but I'm going to miss book club tomorrow and all the girls from that are playing tonight, so I wanted to spend a bit of time with them. It also meant I got tempted by a chocolate cake. Ooops!
Another high if 15.6. Something needs changing - again !

Have a good day.
Good morning 5.9 today

TC 😎
Morning all. A lovely 5.2 to compensate being awake on and off from 3.15am! 🙄 Mr Eggy woke me going to the loo, then I could hear his mind whirring so mine was whirring too. Then as we were just dozing off his phone buzzed at 3.45, NatWest telling us his mother’s life insurance money had been paid in. We won’t be rushing to spend it, it’ll barely cover the fillet of beef we bought yesterday! Only joking, just! Penny policies from back in the day. We chatted for a while, I chucked pillows about, blew my nose as I couldn’t breathe, minds still whirring. 5am came, should I get up? Nah, I’ll keep trying, 5.45, should I get up? Then I must have eventually nodded off until the pipes started clunking at 6am and woke me! I’d set the washer to go on to do a hot whites which takes 2.20hrs and I need to tumble dry it before we go out. So that was me. I got up, fighting a losing battle! Funeral on Monday and then the will to sort, but there’s not much so should be easy enough, and finally we might be able to relax a bit. Fingers crossed. I’ve just realised an anagram of funeral is real fun, I can assure you it’s definitely not!

Back to reality, home at 12.30 yesterday and was in Aldi not long after doing my monthly dairy and dried goods shop, butters, spreads, cheeses, yoghurts, milk, cream, varying tins of beans, pasta etc. Then I made two carrot cakes with some not quite yet bendy carrots, but well on their way, lingering in the salad drawer. I didn’t mean to make two cakes but I totally forgot to half the recipe I use! It’s fine, they freeze really well and we’re at MIL’s bungalow today for, hopefully, the final clear out, skip coming today, it’s all hands on deck so it’ll get eaten. Plus hordes are here for lunch tomorrow.

Have a wonderful Wednesday, I’ll be mostly chucking old furniture into a skip, amongst other things. Sad really, isn’t it? :(

We did have a giggle yesterday, there’s a lovely old fashioned ironmongers in Ambleside, I love it, and in the window they had these. See pic below, only those of a certain age will get it.


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Ha ha 4 Candles.There is another thread running about comedy memories well that was a good one.
A 7.2 after a bit of DP but a flat line in 5s/6s so more interested in a low flat trend line which is fine.Did take two Dextrose at 1am to keep on track.
Trip to Llangollen was nice but quite short and should have had lunch out but I decided just to head back home as had some admin to do but up on Wirral today so will make a bigger effort to enjoy the luxuries in life.
My BG was fine all day and then for some reason started to go up late afternoon and I did go for a walk and took some insulin but it did not react as usual.So it stayed above 10 for nearly 2 hours then of course came back down.Still seemed to manage it OK so had my tea ( fish finger sandwich- good job I did not use initials only) a little later and my BG settled down as normal.
Have a good day all
7.1 for me had 50gm of mixed nuts in night so a bit higher than normal
hope you are all well and have a good day
love to you all
Hello All - 6.4 for me this morning. TIR currently 93% so pleased with that. Chuckled at your photos @eggyg I love that the towns here have these great hardware shops - I find them almost as fun as stationery cupboards. Dashing off to volunteer in the gardens at Askham Hall this morning - we're shovelling loads of manure into the hot beds today so it's going to be a mucky job. Luckily I can borrow their overalls etc for that or I'd be a bit stinky at choir this afternoon. Have a great day everyone xxx
Morning all. 8.4 here.

Omnipod 5 report card: could do better LOL. My TIR has improved, but I’m still seeing mountains and valleys - with no correction doses from me, which was my main problem on the Dash. It’ll be interesting to see what the DSN says when she phones this week. Activity mode isn’t really up to the job either, but maybe my timings are out. Lots to think about, but at least I’m not in charge of basal settings anymore!

Everyone’s retiring at work! On the English class side of things, we’re losing essential admin staff and they aren’t being replaced because their job titles are being retired too, eek! On the Welsh side of things, the big boss and chief of admin are retiring, but not leaving behind an enormous staff void, phew!

Congratulations on the new arrival @Grannylorraine - fab news.
6.4 for me this morning. Had a fun time last night playing tunes with friends, with a few songs and pints of Guinness thrown in for good measure. Wintry morning here in the West of Ireland.

Morning all. 4.8. Busy day today. Hair cut and coloured this morning then off to Lidl and Morrisons to get bits for mum and drop those in. Thats if my foot can keep going. I've done something and the heel is painful to walk on, burning and a pulling feeling. Its been like it a while and i've been doing exercises to relieve it but its not getting better and i'm reluctant to take painkillers. Might mention it to the GP next week.

Congrats on the HS @eggyg, classic sketch!

Have a good day everyone
8.6 for me after a high carb dinner and having to correct at 2am then waking at 11.5 with a vertical arrow so took 2u correction with basel. Went to the loo, came back and it had changed its mind and said 9.6 and level, ah well early breakfast it is then. Level at 7.2 now.
Having a coffee with a friend today, looking forward to it.
Have a good one.
A 6.2 for me today. 🙂


Was at the opera last night seeing Festen. It was first night of a new opera based on the film of the same name. Truly magnificent. Tough musically and with the subject matter but boy was it good.
Reviews I’ve seen have been 5* but some will hate it as it’s liberally sprinkled with swear words.
Morning you lovely lot. 6.2 on the Dex+
Very carby day yesterday purely due to doing my back in and it being easier to grab quick things. Not ideal but it is what it is.
2 weeks tomorrow until bloods and getting a bit nervous.

Only woke up just now after one of those dreams that feels like you're watching a film. It was like Yellowstone meets Sons of Anarchy - absolutely bonkers!

Hope you're all grand and have a super smashing day! <3
Have woken to a 5.6 this morning. My wife and our eldest have left for their offices and our youngest is leaving shortly for his shift at Tesco, which means I'm on me tod today unless I can get someone to come round and look at our washing machine. Drained it yesterday via the little tube at the front - it took nearly an hour - and removed the filter expecting to see a blockage but no, it was completely clear. Rang someone we've used in the past and left a voicemail, so hopefully I'll get a call back later.

My wife's birthday tomorrow so I have some pressies to wrap, some balloons to blow up and our Happy Birthday banner to retrieve from the 'party box' in the garage. She has tomorrow off and we're planning a day out at NT Hughenden.

Congrats @eggyg on your HS this morning.

Whatever your plans, have a good day.