• Please Remember: Members are only permitted to share their own experiences. Members are not qualified to give medical advice. Additionally, everyone manages their health differently. Please be respectful of other people's opinions about their own diabetes management.

Group 7-day waking average?

9.6 when I woke up at 6.30am but no point in getting up and waiting hours to eat my breakfast because levels are high, so I jabbed my Levemir and 6 units of Fiasp and went back to sleep and woke up on 3.4 which miraculously changed to 4.2 seconds later when I swung my legs out of bed and sat up and graph shows I didn't dip into the red at all, so clearly I timed it perfectly! :D I also managed a unicorn yesterday. First one in quite a while, probably because @Northerner has had them all corralled up at his place for Christmas. 100% TIR over Christmas week really is showing off!! VERY, VERY impressive though!

@goodybags Keeping fingers crossed for you today. Hope eye procedure goes as smoothly as possible.

@Elenka_HM Hope there isn't too much extra work as a result of the fire and that the damage is minimal. Pleased your levels are settling down now you are getting back into your everyday routine but also really pleased you had a great time with family over the festive season.

@ColinUK They will be idiots if they don't choose you for the judging panel. You would be perfect! Hope the communal Chanukah passes smoothly and enjoyably. So sad that people cannot live in tolerance and harmony.
Morning all. 4.1, just caught it before going too low. The alarm woke me at 4.9 but i must have dozed back off.

Not much planned for today apart from a bit of food shopping to last us until after new year.

@ColinUK you would be fab on the panel! Enjoy the celebrations, stand up and be proud.

@Grannylorraine i hope you get well soon. Enjoy the film.
Morning all - grey as usual, looks like it has been wet in the night, but not since 7am.

7.1 first thing. Seems about par for the course on this HCL.

I shall not be cooking a whole duck again. It doesn't yield a lot of meat, it makes a mess in the oven and nearly set the smoke alarms off!!! I did this recipe for Duck with Rosemary and Honey, which I thought missed a few processes out (like par-boiling the spuds) and yet was overly fiddly - though the sauce did taste lovely and the duck was tender. Oh and I did have a bowl of duck fat in the fridge - not everyone does! Today I shall strip the meat off the carcass and use the sauce and some left-over carrots to make a filo topped pie.

Meeting friends in town this afternoon for the last time this year....

@Grannylorraine sorry to hear you aren't well again... get better soon.

@goodybags good luck with this today's operation.

@eggyg sorry to hear about the sickness in MIL's ward.

@ColinUK as others have already contributed to the size of your head I shall refrain (but good luck!)

Have a marvellous Monday everyone.
Congratulations @Colin g on your HS!
And it was a 5.7 for me on this fine sunny morning.
I’m going to look a right sight if I’m wearing both a medical sandal and a eye dressing (when I’m out & about in a few days time) .... still the Hospital will sign me off work for initially a fortnight following todays procedure so might not have to see to many people for next two weeks maybe

Have a Marvellous Monday Forum Friends 😎

Sorry no pirates with medical shoes! :rofl:

When gut instinct pays off, we visited OH's sister yesterday to go out for lunch, she was fine when we got there but when we after she had walked to the cafe from the car park she was really breathless and not feeling good but had a drink and some lunch and when we got her back home she was still really short of breath and her heart rate was very high. So I insisted she call someone and she was able to use her medi-alert in the accommodation and an ambulance was called and they took her to hospital where they found she had blood clots in her lungs which explained the symptoms.
Talk about relieved that she did.
She had had her gall bladder outa couple of weeks ago so it may have been the aftermath of that.
Sorry no pirates with medical shoes! :rofl:

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Nice one @MikeyBikey
afternoon update by Pirate @goodybags
back home fome from the Hospital
my surgery looks like it went very well

the surgeon having got in there was attempting to remove the Ozurdex implant that had caused the problem

when it just floated off into the back of my eye and found a new home
in the bavk of my eye (kind of where it should be) and so that's kind of good news
some other procedures completed and new lens all fitted

piles of eye drops to administer at various times of day over next 4 weeks and signed off work for next fortnight

but OK to drive in 3 days time

thanks to those who wished me all the best
I was so stressed right up until the point I saw tge surgeon today that I was possibly going to loose the sight of that eye

so to put it politely I am quite relieved now


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@goodybags, glad to hear all went well today. Take care of yourself.
@goodybags, glad to hear all went well today. Take care of yourself.
I will yes thank you, I’ve been sent to bed now for some (much needed R&R)

suddenly, feel like I’m going to sleep for maybe not a few hours, but a few days
but I’m ok
Morning a 8 for me but stayed within range and nice shopping day yesterday even if did not buy too much.Visited main M&S for Food Hall and then their outlet store for a few clothes bits and pieces.
Suffering from a bad back at the moment which is literally a pain.Always been lucky never to have been toot troubled by it and only once in my life had to visit a chiropractor so will see if it clears up in a day or two or not.
Not really painful but uncomfortable if I have to bend down which having short legged dogs is a regular occurrence.
Anyway off out tonight for a short time and back inside for New Year as we always want to be with our dogs if fireworks go off and we usually just see New Year in quietly at home.
Did spend part of yesterday sorting out wife’s Self Assessment Tax form and mine to do today so one of those jobs that just needs doing.
Enjoy your New Years Eve and HNY when it comes and be interesting to note if anyone’s resolutions refer to the Diabetes Fairy.
Morning all. 6.2 on this last day of 2024! Wow! Is it really 24 years since the Millennium when we thought all the planes were going to fall out of the sky? When I was only 40 and had only another six months left with a fully functioning pancreas. Not that I knew that at the time. Maybe for the best.

We haven’t any plans at all for the New Year, we usually host the hordes on New Year’s Day so New Year’s Eve is usually taken up with cooking and prepping for that. With MIL still in hospital with a not very good prognosis we can’t make plans, nor do we feel like it to be honest. So, a nice meal in the dining room with my new candelabra lit, with a glass of wine, can’t overdo it incase we have to fly up to the hospital, and we’ll see the New Year in with Jools. We might even get out of our scruffs and put on some decent clothes.😉

Have a good one, whatever your plans. See you next year!
7.3 this morning. Bedtime reading was a little high at 11.4 following my hypo so popped in a little correction of NR and an extra unit of Levemir.

Got a face to face appt with the DSNs and a dietician this morning just to check how I'm getting on.

Fingers crossed my antibody results are in also.

Other than that it's the last day of the year and I've got absolutely nothing planned so will get on with building my plane and getting some other models I have ready to fly.
Morning all 🙂
7 for me this morning. Still getting through Christmas wine!

Had a rotten experiment last night which saw it fly up to 11.9! Won’t be doing that again, felt bloody awful.

Q xo
6.1 for me but that was after FOTF as I woke up feeling quite ill and nipped to the loo thinking I might be sick. I wasn't fortunately and my tummy has settled so off to work I go!