Group 7-day waking average?

A 5.1 for me today. Dull and grey here but at least it's not raining (famous last words). 🙂
Stay safe and dry everyone.

Good morning/moaning! Woken by Phantom Pain an hour ago. BG 7.8, now 8.4. Waiting for pain killer to cut in. This Phantom pain sucks more than diabetes, in fact sucks^2! Swore worse than Max when I woke!

No appointments today but then three on consecutive day so I can have a lie in. Tomorrow's mean a pickup from 07:00am. That sucks as well!


Woke over an hour ago when I wanted a lie in. Going hypo!

Morning all. 4.9. Heavy rain forecast for all day and it looks quite windy out there. I feel really tired today, despite 10 hours sleep. Maybe the past few months are catching up with me.

@eggyg i hope your grandson passes his test. I don't have grandchildren but i agree the worries never stop. When my two girls passed their tests i thought that would be the end of late night lifts but no, i ended up lying awake waiting to hear the car on the drive.

@Bloden when will you get the pup? Is it to keep or foster? Pup pics please when you get him/her.

Have a good Monday everyone. Stay dry.
@eggyg good luck to your grandchildren in their driving tests, and congrats to your grandson for his savings!

I don't think anyone in my group of friends had enough money for a car at 17, unless their parents saved it for them. I see here a lot of people start working as teenagers and that was less common in my country, at least for my generation. Probably wasn't so unusual in my parents time, and I know my grandparents were working since 12 years old!
Thanks. He left school after his exams June 2023 and started a butcher’s apprenticeship a week later. He’s on a decent wage for a trainee, he’s saved almost all his salary since the day he started. He had saved enough to buy his auntie’s Seat Ibiza by Christmas. £5000. He since has saved almost £10.000! He gives his parents £40 a week, pays £35 a week driving lessons and fills his car up with petrol, he drives himself to and from work ( 40 miles a day) with his parents supervising him obviously. He doesn’t spend anything else. It does help living in the middle of nowhere sometimes!
Morning All - 7.1 this morning. Not sure why I went AWOL again and I missed all my lovely Happy Birthday messages so that will teach me! Had a busy week and enjoying the lovely weather we've been having up north. My son's village in Oxfordshire is an island today with no roads clear and a house just round the corner has a foot of water inside and had a fire engine there in the night - Living up on our hill certainly has some benefits! Walking Netball today (me coaching) and then I might stay for Pickleball. Tomorrow I'm taking my Mum to a tennis club in Carlisle. She didn't say goodbye to tennis when she moved up here and I figure it's worth me driving her up there every couple of weeks so that she can have a good game (she's 85!) and then when the time comes that she decides she wants to stop she can, on her terms. At the moment though, judging by how she plays pickle ball, she's not about to hang up her tennis racket any time soon! I've got a call with the GP this Thursday and hopefully by then they'll have received the letter from the consultant to sort out my extra insulin and get me on board with getting the Libre free - I've got two left that I've self funded (replacing tomorrow) so hopefully that will see me through. @eggyg I really am keeping everything crossed for your grandson. Driving tests are horrible, and arbitrary but hopefully the northern examiners are nicer than the ones down south! Have a good day everyone and I promise to engage more xxx
Morning all and 7.2 for me.

The rain started earlier than promised yesterday. Nipped out to the shop and the nearly dry washing was sodden, hanging limply on the line.

Rehearsal this evening. Hopefully should be a good one.

Have a good day everyone.
Well if yesterday started wet and miserable here it's got nothing on this morning. Got woken by a thunderstorm just after midnight, then again just after 3 by torrential rain. It was raining when I got up at 7 and it still is, and just to complete the miserable start I got a 6.1 when I tested. The DF clearly decided she'd (they'd?) been over-generous with the HSs by dealing me two in 3 days.

Only thing on the calendar today is a trip to the recycling centre just before lunch to dump an old IKEA desk and an old wooden filing cabinet (both broken up yesterday), plus a box full of unwanted cutlery that our eldest brought back from Uni after he graduated - all the result of my wife having a loft sort-out yesterday.

Have a good start to the week, and hope all this rain hasn't ruined anyone's day.
Driving tests are horrible, and arbitrary but hopefully the northern examiners are nicer than the ones down south! Have a good
Thanks Jo. Not sure they were nicer in 1992/3 when it took me four attempts before I passed. TBF that was probably just me! 😛
Hope your mum enjoys her tennis, which club is she going to? Strand Road? I can’t think of any others, but why would I? The nearest I get to a bat is on a Greek beach! 😉
6.3 this morning, if indeed it was morning as still dark and raining! Just had a flood warning about the River Avon, all reaches are now in the red which means no boat movement, moor up on flood safe moorings. Luckily we are high enough and far enough away not to be affected if it does break its banks.

@eggyg - fingers crossed for your grandson, it sounds like being able to drive himself would be so useful, especially with 7am starts!

We’re off to Ireland on Wednesday for my wife’s uncle’s 80th birthday and reunion. We are going to be staying 10 days to be able to visit others as well as a bit of sightseeing- Giants Causeway, Carrick a Rede rope bridge, etc., so not doing much today and tomorrow.

Take care everyone!
A sensor upgrade for me today and then a please change sensor so ended up taking blood and a nice up hill 8.3 i gues sensor didn't work for the night and the pomp didn't calibrate that's the q for the mystery
so todays mission done😉
And All of you have a nice greate day