Group 7-day waking average?

Another unicorn, even with the repeated ice cream experiment. And a HS.

Went out for breakfast with the lady I met at the Spain and Hispanics exhibition at the RA a few weeks ago. She’s 78/9, and old time actress, slightly deaf and terribly, terribly English. As well as being outspoken, charming and slightly eccentric!
She took me to breakfast as I was taking her to an Aida rehearsal at Covent Garden.

Interestingly she’s just been told by her private GP that she’s pre diabetic and she’s been told to have “yogurt and fruit for breakfast, what you’d put in a sandwich for lunch and whatever you want for supper”.

Breakfast for both of us was the most lacklustre scrambled egg and smoked salmon. I added half an avocado on the side of my order and had one half slice of wholemeal toast. BG didn’t really budge at all as you can see.

Nothing to eat before the experiment later in the day. Deliberately I pushed things with the Devil’s Trifecta of crisps, bread and ice cream.

Although I did stray into the yellow it was for just two minutes before levels returned to the green. I double checked those levels with finger pricks and they matched exactly so Libre has registered that as still being 100% TIR for the day.

I am not thinking this gives me license to dine like this every day, on the contrary it’s giving me added incentive to get my HbA1c down and to not fret about the odd indulgence as my body can cope.

If I ate carb heavy at every meal though I’d expect to see the base line creep higher and to scare the unicorns into stampeding and I’d lose them.


Aida CCC to follow.
Good morning - 7.4

Last exam today - Computer Science

Have a great day everyone
Good morning everyone

BG 5.0
BP 120/79
BP 54

Today, exercise, keyboard exercises too


I ought to do a bit of tidying and decoration but I just want to relaxnd enjoy myself for a bit.

Have a great day today whatever you are doing
Morning all. 6.7, one day back at work and i'm so tired! My mind might feel younger than i am but my body definitely doesn't feel it. Hubby says he feels the same. I really wish we could retire now.
5.7 for me today. Had one of my random bed time spikes (nevermind house specials, these are becoming ps - pawprint specials!), which destroyed my unicorn, however I caught it early and am thankfully on 99% (is that like a three legged unicorn?). If it happens again tonight I shall readjust the basal, had dropped it down again but when it was up the random spikes seemed more at bay.

It will be a shock to my system being back at work today! Hopefully it’ll go quickly, and only 3 days to go. :rofl:
Morning all. 🙂 2.9! It’s not the first time my Libre alarm hasn’t gone off...frustrating.

I’m observing another Zoom Welsh class this morning. It’s a class that runs from 9.30 to 3 once a week. That’s not a class, that’s a marathon! Thankfully, I’m just observing for two hours. 😉
Morning all, 6.2 here. Our bats are back! I saw 'evidence' on the porch step the other day,(they have a summer roost in the porch roof, fortunately they don’t like our main roof, we had to have a bat survey before we had some work done a few years ago, but apparently they wouldn’t like the shape of the eaves) then last night I saw a couple flittering round the garden at dusk. The sooner they set to work on the blandford flies, the better, the bite I got the other day is just beginning to calm down.
Morning. 4.9 for me today. Further trial of (small) fish & chips for work lunch today to celebrate my team leader's birthday. Then rushing home early after team meeting for youngest's virtual parents evening. I'll probably end up making the time up on Friday as got other plans for this evening
5.5 when I finally gave up on trying to sleep and hauled myself out of bed this morning. just for completeness, 7.9 at 1am, 5.3 at 2:30am and 4.7 at 5:30am. Yes, I couldn’t sleep well, despite having spent all day yesterday working a tough problem with some SQL stored procedures, I knew it was a data problem, but it needed the SQL breaking down to find the root cause. Pleased to say I did and managed to get everything fixed. So I should have been tired and slept ok, but obviously my mind was still churning away!

On annual leave now until a week tomorrow, so decorating, sorting out the office and spare bedroom and maybe some gardening. Scaffolding due to go up today in preparation for tomorrow’s solar panel installation - exciting times!

Congratulations @ColinUK on your HS! Be careful not to make those unicorns stampede otherwise you may have injuries like @pawprint91 ’s three legged one:rofl:

Good luck with Computer Science today @Lily123 !

Have a great day everyone!
@ColinUK - and here’s a nice coastal home for your HS !
Morning folks. 6.7. Not a bad day weather wise.

Venturing into town today. Two birthday presents and cards needed, and a new baby card and present. We became great auntie and uncle again whilst on holiday. Think that’s 11 now! We used to buy birthday, Christmas presents and Easter eggs for them when there was only a few but thankfully we, as a collective, have decided there’s just too many of them now! Thank goodness, as we still have four nephew/nieces who haven’t started reproducing yet! I may also buy myself a couple or five books from my favourite bookshop. Mr Eggy can’t complain as he’s staying home to plant his turnips, as you do!

@ColinUK big congratulations on another Unicorn day and HS to boot. You need a house with stables and a paddock!
@Robin exciting about the bats. We get them in the garden, I don’t know where they nest, but it’s usually around August time we see them flying around the damson tree at the very back of our garden, I love to see them.

Have a wonderful Wednesday everyone.
Congratulations and SNAP! @ColinUK

Good morning. 6.6 on a sunny day with high thin cloud.

The GGs seem to have survivedtheri first night out. No more mucking out for a few months. What a beastly wet winter - I've been wheelbarrow pushing from October until now. Still the girls look very well. Was rather worried they would have forgotten the summer feed station but not old Peachy - one call and she was there expecting her tea.

Hopefully Michel will be on to the pressure washing today whilst I finish off the fruit cage. Spent yesterday afternoon weeding raspberries and tying up the grape vines and the loganberry. Something horrible has struck the persimmon again, twisting its leaves and leaving red lumps. So out with the Monsanto bug clearance - if it does it again next year I'll take a saw to the wretched thing. I hate having to spray anything when we are so short of pollinators.

Not doing well on the BG and ravenous all the time. It is worth it to be mobile but what a blasted ballancing act.

WIshing everyone a good day.

5.7 today, going running this evening, yesterday I took the long route home from my mums and it was a pleasant afternoon, only added about 6 minutes to the walk, but I decided although it is a functional walk, as I need to get home, I would also try and make it more of an exercise walk by making it a minimum of 30 mins and a reasonable pace.

@ColinUK and @MeeTooTeeTo congratulations on your HS.

@Bloden i hope that number has risen now.

@Lily123 good luck for today’s exam.

Still no word from @Lanny and I might be mistaken but are we missing @Michael12421 for a couple of days.