Group 7-day waking average?

Joining @Robin on the 5.3 step today.

Back to work after the bank holiday. Picnic was lovely, and I have no idea if oldest likes new bloke (and I haven't asked) but doesn't seem to dislike him at least, that'll do for now!
Good morning.6.8.
Chilly but bright sunshine.

Have to re-arrange my day as gardener has just realised he has a blood test today - says he got confused with all these Bank Holidays. Bother - that'll be me humping multch into the fruit cage then.

Mislaid friend turned out to be OK. Had taken year old camper van for a trip, decided it wasn't confortable enough, so bought another one new and went off to try it for a week. Has now come home to advertise the previous van....Next time she cries the poor tale I may sucumb to the giggles. I did when she suggested I bought one so that we could all go off together.

Spend £30k to be able to sleep on a camp site for a handful of weekends a year? Either motoring there with a travel sick dog or putting the poor chap in kennels? Organise and pay for GG and hen care so that I can sleep in a worse bed than at home? Somehow it isn't adding up for me...

Enjoy the sunshine everyone.

Joining eggy on the 6.1 step. Had a lovely day yesterday, started with a 5k run, then coffee and chat with the running ladies, made a fruit cake, tidied the kitchen, did some crotchet and knitting, rounded the day off with a lovely yoga session. Back to work today, but at least it is 9th 4 days then I have a week off again.

congratulations @MrPixels on your HS.
Well done @MrPixels on your 5.2 🙂
5.6 for me today. 🙂

Good morning everyone

BG 5.5 hmmm
Pulse 54 back to the lows

No BP as I was a bit stressed with my house insurance quote more than %30 increase on last year. Just been gettiing quotes online. Best is %300 lower! It turns out that my present insurance provider is one of the most expensive. They will now become history.

I will do my BP later on when I have calmed down a bit 🙂

Today more keyboard practice, exercise. The steak, kidney and potato pie is still going strong. Last day for it tho

Felt a bit poorly last night. Not sure why. Things seem to be settling down a bit now.

Have a great day today whatever you are doing
Good morning all,
It’s a 5.0 for me this grey day after retiring on a 8.4 last night.

I got my bill yesterday for getting my covid jab two weeks ago - £60 - not for the jab but for parking in a private car park at the side of the pharmacy, I’m going to drive back there today as I didn’t see any private parking signs.

Have a good day everyone and stay safe.
I’m going to be confused all week and next week too with this double bank holiday malarkey - and poorer, no work = no pay. Thanks, Charles! 😉
Not a problem for us hospitality slaves workers! I get to work pretty much every bank holiday for a few pence over minimum wage :D
Good morning! 5'3 today.

Didn't see much difference yesterday when I skipped my basal the whole day. Was tempted to try again but I'm afraid it would be a slippery slope... so I took my basal as usual this morning.

Don't take my previous comment about work too seriously. It is annoying sometimes not getting these special days off when some friends do and they are inviting you to plans you can't make. The wages don't bother me too much, I have enough to fund my lifestyle, tho most colleagues are not happy with the April raise because it was not proportional to the minimum wage raise and apparently most hotels in the area are paying better.
5.1 for me this morning and very happy indeed about that considering I was out for a Chinese banquet last night. It took lots and lots of insulin and something like 5 injections to keep on top of things but the highest I went was 11.1 so I am considering that and my morning reading which involved a 1.5 unit Levemir increase, a triumph! 😎
Still battling a cold but not streaming, so whilst I am taking it easy and having regular hot lemon and paracetamol drinks it is not stopping me doing anything and lateral flow tests have been negative.

Congrats to @MrPixels on your House Special and to @ColinUK on your unicorn.... You seem to be getting much better waking readings recently, since using Libre. Do you think that is a conscious effort or down to scanning as soon as you wake up rather than spending a couple of minutes fiddling with test strips, meter and lancing device?
Late check in for me today and those on the 5.3 step need to budge up a bit as I’m joining you all today:rofl:

Just today at work then off until a week on Thursday - yay! Hopefully finishing the decorating tomorrow, but the new carpets aren’t going to be fitted until next Tuesday, so the rooms won’t be sorted until after that.

Congratulations @MrPixels on your HS.

Have a good day today everyone!
Not a problem for us hospitality slaves workers! I get to work pretty much every bank holiday for a few pence over minimum wage :D
Yeah and be grateful for each and every extra penny, wench! Or we’ll pack you off to the workhouse!
@rebrascora It’s two fold I think.
1 - it’s connected to Shuggah so I’m not having to scan anything
2 - I’m treating it as a learning exercise

So many times I thought I was running high so would get miserable and eat crap. But I didn’t test when I thought I was high but just felt that I was. Now I can see what’s actually going on I’m more inclined to make wiser choices. That said I’m repeating the ice cream test today and I’m chucking but crisps and bread at it just to see how fast levels recover without exercise.

I have bought another two sensors so that means I’ll be monitoring closely through until at least the first week of June.
That covers a couple of planned meals out, some inevitable unplanned, a break away where I’m really not in control of the food and mum and dad’s 60th anniversary bash.

It’s all really useful as a learning tool. And ok it’s £98 for two sensors but even if I do that a few times a year it still helps and saves on finger pricking.
Yeah and be grateful for each and every extra penny, wench! Or we’ll pack you off to the workhouse!
I have to apologize, Colin, because before I googled it I assumed "wench" was an insult (used jokingly of course!) and was ready to pretend to be offended :rofl:

Thanks for the new vocabulary tho!
Hello all... pretty late in what has been a wonderfully sunny day!

7.0 this morning, but no time to log on and post as I was meeting a friend. I had got the timing of the film showing all wrong and thought we needed a very early lunch. As it happened the film showing was 14:30 and not 13:45.

We had lunch in Duke Street cafe, Newlyn. I had bang bang chicken wrap with a salad. Not toooo carby. I will be pleased to see what @freesia makes of the Unlikely Pilgrimage of Harold Fry, but it will be interesting to compare thoughts. Not the best day to be incarcerated in a dark cinema when the sun was shining, since we've been severely deprived of sun for far too long!

@Elenka_HM do they give you extra days on your annual leave to make up for the Bank Holidays you don't get? For 20 years I worked over Bank Hols but was compensated with extra days of annual leave.

@Mr Pixels congrats on your HS @ColinUK you are doing well!
@Elenka_HM do they give you extra days on your annual leave to make up for the Bank Holidays you don't get?
I don't know about these ones, I remember we got one extra day when we worked in the holiday dedicated to the Queen's funeral. My friend asked if we get extra pay for working these bank holidays and the supervisor joked about being thankful that the company doesn't t ask for money back. As far as I know we only get special pay if working Christmas day.
Wench used to mean prostitute...used to, used to! 😱
Aarghh, I knew it gave me this impression! I must have seen it in another context. @ColinUK explain yourself! 😡:rofl:😉
what @freesia makes of the Unlikely Pilgrimage of Harold Fry, but it will be interesting to compare thoughts
I thought the film was very good but rather sad. Jim Broadbent was excellent in the way he showed, during the walk, how his character was forced to face the events surrounding his son and Penelope Wilton played his wife with the right amount of despair at what he was doing. The story of his relationship with Queenie only really came into it nearer the end and tied up the loose ends between his wife, son and Queenie.

What did you think?