Group 7-day waking average?

Hi and welcome to the thread.

Those are unpleasantly high readings to be getting on a regular basis over a prolonger period and must be making you feel pretty rough!

I have just looked through your other posts and the various changes in medication you have had. Are you still on Sitagliptin and have you made any changes to your diet over the years? Type 2 diabetes medication needs to be used in conjunction with lifestyle changes to be most effective and help prevent the condition from becoming progressive. Losing weight, becoming more active (a brisk daily walk is ideal if you are able) and reducing carbohydrate intake (ie sugar, cakes, biscuits and sweets BUT ALSO bread, pasta, rice, potatoes, breakfast cereals, pastry etc and even the type and quantity of fruit) are the key factors in managing BG levels.
What sort of things do you typically eat in a day? That may have a bigger impact than any oral medication you do or don't take. Self testing is also really helpful in seeing which foods cause you the most BG turmoil and using that information to tailor your diet to improve your diabetes management. Testing before food and then 2 hours afterwards will show you how that food impacted your levels and enable you to make educated choices about which foods to avoid and which to reduce the portion size or frequency of it appearing on your menu.
We can make suggestions of tasty swaps and alternatives if you are consuming particularly high carb foods on a regular basis. Changing your diet can be an incredibly powerful tool in managing your diabetes and it doesn't have to be all "sack cloth and ashes". For instance a full English breakfast (minus the toast/fried bread) is much lower carb than a bowl of breakfast cereal. If you fancy something lighter, many of us have creamy natural Greek yoghurt with a few berries, seeds and chopped nuts added, or eggs however yopu like them but go steady on the bread toast with them. I often enjoy a 2-3 egg omelette with a whole variety of fillings usually including cheese served with a salad and a big dollop of coleslaw.

Anyway, just something to think about if you haven't made any adjustments to your diet or perhaps just cut out a bit of sweet stuff.
Hello. Thanks for your comments.
Still on Sitagliptin, for the moment.
I did see a practice nurse very recently. Hbac1 is 89.
We discussed meds, and agreed to try Glicazide.
Prescription appeared, but it was for Empagliflozine, which I know nothing about.
I also have Parkinson's and atrial fibrillation, and have a long list of meds, so I'm always wary of interactions, having a couple of times been prescribed meds with major interaction warnings.
My diet is rubbish. I cook my wife very nice meals, but eat garbage myself. I think it's something to do with Parkinson's...that or I'm barmy.

I have no sense of taste or smell due to Parkinson's, which ruins the pleasure of eating. When consistency is all you have, it's not easy.

Average day food for me.

Breakfast....2 rounds of toast and butter.
Lunch...tomato sandwich on seeded brown bread, or Cornish pasty (the rubbish brand, not a real one) or a weird dried Polish sausage I've found that is virtually 100% pork.
Dinner.....some sort of fish cakes, or breaded chicken breast.
Sometimes I just have bio yoghurt or Greek yoghurt.
I eat zero vegetables apart from tomatoes.

My beloved seafood is out....just slimy slippery tasteless.

Occasionally go out for full English breakfast, which I enjoy.

I enjoy omelette, with cheese, but I don't often bother to make myself one.

Most things I eat are for the consistency....crunchy stuff is good.

I's pathetic.
12:23 BS 9.5 with an hour & a half of DP! Woke briefly for 6am LR & straight back to sleep.

Woke just after 11am, picked up my mail & the mini screwdriver with 24 head bits had arrived so, attempted to change the battery on my dyson fan heater remoter. It’s JUST about working on its original battery but, needs a wee tap or two occasionally to get it to work so, a new battery was needed. BUT, I couldn’t get a screwdriver to fit the head of the screw. Googled & searched the internet to find out what screwdriver is needed & couldn’t get an answer. I roughly guessed the “hex”? of the cross Philips head as being about 2 or 3mm & ordered the cheapest set of mini screwdrivers I could find, including those sizes, on amazon & it came today. It took me AGES, over an hour, to find the right bit, work out how to slot it into the screwdriver, remove the screw to replace the battery & it was hindered by me constantly dropping the tiny bits: the grip in my hands & fingers have been compromised since my neuropathy diagnosis in March 2017 & I’m very prone to dropping small things! 🙄 CRIKEY!😱 All of THAT palaver to change a battery but, the original one lasted over 4 years so, hopefully it’ll be another few years before I need to do it again: dyson fan heaters are virtually useless without the remote as there’s only an on/off switch on the heater & everything else is done via the remote; people keep losing them, or have their dogs chew them up, & keep buying the £30 approx. remotes on amazon!🙄:D I’ve yet to lose mine but, dropped it down the side of my bed many a time & had to pull out & push back in my bed, sometimes in the middle of the night, to change temperature etc: it’s another small, thin thing that I’m prone to dropping especially when clumsy while half awake; the bed shuffle to get it back sure wakes me up though!🙄:D

A Very G’day Mates & have a Wonderful Day! 😉

Seismic eruptions coming from my stomach now so, lunch now, MY breakfast, & I’ll catch up on this thread later! 😛
Oh yes! Almost forgot! Strictly starts tonight at 19:45 on BBC1! :D Yay! It’s sequins time again!😛😎:D😉
Strictly tonight and Drag Race on Thursday I think and Bake Off this week too!
12:23 BS 9.5 with an hour & a half of DP! Woke briefly for 6am LR & straight back to sleep.

Woke just after 11am, picked up my mail & the mini screwdriver with 24 head bits had arrived so, attempted to change the battery on my dyson fan heater remoter. It’s JUST about working on its original battery but, needs a wee tap or two occasionally to get it to work so, a new battery was needed. BUT, I couldn’t get a screwdriver to fit the head of the screw. Googled & searched the internet to find out what screwdriver is needed & couldn’t get an answer. I roughly guessed the “hex”? of the cross Philips head as being about 2 or 3mm & ordered the cheapest set of mini screwdrivers I could find, including those sizes, on amazon & it came today. It took me AGES, over an hour, to find the right bit, work out how to slot it into the screwdriver, remove the screw to replace the battery & it was hindered by me constantly dropping the tiny bits: the grip in my hands & fingers have been compromised since my neuropathy diagnosis in March 2017 & I’m very prone to dropping small things! 🙄 CRIKEY!😱 All of THAT palaver to change a battery but, the original one lasted over 4 years so, hopefully it’ll be another few years before I need to do it again: dyson fan heaters are virtually useless without the remote as there’s only an on/off switch on the heater & everything else is done via the remote; people keep losing them, or have their dogs chew them up, & keep buying the £30 approx. remotes on amazon!🙄:D I’ve yet to lose mine but, dropped it down the side of my bed many a time & had to pull out & push back in my bed, sometimes in the middle of the night, to change temperature etc: it’s another small, thin thing that I’m prone to dropping especially when clumsy while half awake; the bed shuffle to get it back sure wakes me up though!🙄:D

A Very G’day Mates & have a Wonderful Day! 😉

Seismic eruptions coming from my stomach now so, lunch now, MY breakfast, & I’ll catch up on this thread later! 😛
@Lanny A suggestion-get a cheapie universal remote that does the same code as the dyson heater and use that instead. They are usually a lot more "old" finger friendly. If you can't get one with the same code get a learning one.
This is from a reddit forum:

If you have a Logitech remote/hub, you can set up a Dyson fan as a device, and the Logitech I/R can access it under Activities. Then you can set up a custom routine in Google Home to have Logitech fire off the activity (turn on, turn off).

If you're referring to the regular fans and not the wifi models-air purifiers? A harmony hub does the trick. I got my AM06 and AM09 fans voice controlled as long as the ir blaster is in the same room

Logitech has dyson profiles. Other home compatible ir blasters would work too.

I have a spare Harmony hub with all the ir-extenders for sale if you want it at a knock-down price to forum members of course. I use mine with all sorts of devices, from my computer that sits in the attic to my lighting and garage door opening
Good morning this dark cold morning. I will be out on the beach for an hour and a half after breakfast. Thank goodness I can take some music and headphones with me. It would be utterly boring otherwise.

BG this morning 4.6. It does vary quite a lot doesn't it.

Nothing much planned for today. Cooking chicken, green beans and mushrooms later on for tea. Prawn and tomato salad for lunch. A light-ish meal day to combat a slight increase in weight and a slightly more lax diet over the last few days.

This will be my second day of experiment with certain supplements to see any benefit on mild neuopathy.
6.2 this morning and may potentially go to the gym. Potentially. Maybe.
4.4 It's been a mad weekend so far but a good mad got lots done.
8.0 for me today after our Bromley sojourn. I was quite surprised at how Bromley have managed to keep all their green spaces clean and tidy. If a London borough with 320,000 peole can do it what's the matter with our lot in the Bournemouth/Poole/Christchurch conurbation with virtually the same population? I only saw one dosser in the high street the whole time we were there. Almost every doorway here has it's own resident or two in the centres of each of the three towns. It used to be such a beautiful place, now it looks like an apocalyptic zombie land with druggies and fake veterans; beggars with their mangy dogs and manky mattresses. You can get high just breathing the air in Bournemouth town centre now there is so much mull being openly smoked.
Morning all, 6.3 here, maybe I didn’t need the third jelly baby at 2am. Reduced basal from 3 to 2 units last night, after an active day walking round the cross country course, obviously should have had a bedtime snack too. Managed to avoid the huge traffic jams to get in (it’s under new management, and they were taken by surprise by the numbers, it was packed). Got OH to drop us off at the back gate of Blenheim, then walked a mile on a public footpath to reach the course from the other direction.
5.7 for me today. 🙂


9.9 for me and getting VERY frustrated :(

Watched a wee bit of Strictly last night before I needed to get on and went on Facebook this morning to see someone had posted in a group that the new dancer Nikita was wearing a Libre sensor, not sure if he has diabetes or not
6.8 today x
Good morning 5.9 today

hope everybody is having a Great Weekend
3.2 on the Libre, 4.8 from a finger prick a few mins later once I got batteries in meter to work. Decided not to have any carbs or inject for breakfast or have any breakfast and 1.5 hours later Libre is reading 4.6 and meter says 6.1. Starting to wonder if my Libre arm strap is just a little tight and causing some compression. May need to do some experimental testing without it to see if it becomes more accurate.

@fatbill So sorry to hear that the Parkinson's has affected your sense of taste and smell. Getting pleasure from eating is one of life's key motivators. To be robbed of that must be just awful. However, it is important to your diabetes and BG management, so it will be of benefit to your general health to make more of an effort. Do you have much/any weight to lose? If yes, then perhaps you might use your lack of interest in food to go the Newcastle Diet/Fast 800 route of rapid weight loss to try to reverse your diabetes, using nutrient shakes. There are a few people on the forum who have used this approach with success and there are several threads on the subject. I believe that you can even be referred onto such a scheme by your GP and essentially have the shakes prescribed, if you fit certain criteria. That might be something to look into.
Your current diet doesn't look desperately high in carbs but there is certainly room for trimming them back if you wanted to reduce your carb intake to see if that helped. There is no mention of what you tend to drink, so there may be additional carb intake there. Things like milk in tea and coffee can add up if you are having several cups a day etc.
Finding a safe way to exercise will also help. I was just listening to a radio program yesterday about "exercise snacking", where it sounded like Michael Mosely expounding the virtues of small regular bite sized periods of exercise throughout the day to raise your heart rate and make you breath more deeply. Just 10 -15 mins 3 x a day was what he was recommending I think although I was listening in the car and reception wasn't great, so I didn't get all the details. Maybe some seated exercises would be good if you are a bit unsteady on your feet. Hope you can find something to help bring those levels down soon, but if not, do push for a referral to a consultant and it would be worth keeping a food diary along with your readings so that they can see that your diet isn't desperately carb heavy. Itemizing the number of slices of bread and number of potatoes or serving spoons of rice etc and doing before and 2 hours after eating BG tests to see which foods are causing the most problems.
Morning. I am late. 7.3, but I pottered about a bit before testing.
Damp again today but still mild. Went out with baby Zara yesterday and didn’t need raincoat/ jacket/ cardi, once the rain stopped it was hot again.

Middle daughter and eldest granddaughter coming today, haven’t seen them since they recovered from Covid. Doing a Greek meal, chicken kebabs ( which I’m just going to marinade now), roasted Med veg, hummus, tzatziki and Greek potatoes. Looking forward to seeing them, it’ll be nice to see the girls too! :D

Didn’t watch Strictly last night, but I taped it so will see it later today or maybe tomorrow when I do the dreaded Monday ironing. Excited! Also can’t wait for Bake Off on Tuesday.

Have a great day all. 🙂