Group 7-day waking average?

I was obviously two enthusiastic with making changes to accommodate the highs caused by the steroid eye drops. Woke up at 4am with a 2.6 - 30 carbs of glucojuice and the remains of my one Easter egg. Woke up at 7.15am at 6.6 but once I put in the next lot of steroid eye drops it rose to double figures and I've been correcting all day. Also very hungry - with gastroparesis I don't normally know what it is to feel guess is that it might be the steroid eye drops.
Happy good Sunday evening peeps.
Long awaited test strips delivered at last.
Saturday waking bgl 6.7
Saturday bedtime bgl 6.4
Today waking bgl 6.4

Not been too well this past week - migraines - high temperatures (Mine, not the weather) sore throat yesterday & today - feeling yukky:(
Take care folks
Hope you feel better soon.
Morning...long long day at work again in an hour or so...5.8 today.
Happy good Sunday evening peeps.
Long awaited test strips delivered at last.
Saturday waking bgl 6.7
Saturday bedtime bgl 6.4
Today waking bgl 6.4

Not been too well this past week - migraines - high temperatures (Mine, not the weather) sore throat yesterday & today - feeling yukky:(
Take care folks
Hope you are feeling much better very soon 🙂

Good morning 🙂 6.4 for me as well today! Seems to be a popular number 🙂 I was 4.8 on the Libre when I woke up though - one thing I have discovered is that my liver gets cracking the instant my feet hit the floor 😱
Hope you are feeling much better very soon 🙂

Good morning 🙂 6.4 for me as well today! Seems to be a popular number 🙂 I was 4.8 on the Libre when I woke up though - one thing I have discovered is that my liver gets cracking the instant my feet hit the floor 😱
Thank you Northie, seeing my GP Thursday, my throat is very sore - full of cold too, i just want to stay under my duvet & sleep but seeing DSN later on today 😱 Enjoy your run x
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Happy good Sunday evening peeps.
Long awaited test strips delivered at last.
Saturday waking bgl 6.7
Saturday bedtime bgl 6.4
Today waking bgl 6.4

Not been too well this past week - migraines - high temperatures (Mine, not the weather) sore throat yesterday & today - feeling yukky:(
Take care folks
Oh yuk , hope you're feeling much better soon.
Wonder why your test strips took so long.
Happy good Morning morning peeps.
Didn't take bedtime bgl last night but at 02.30am it was 4.4!
Waking today 6.4 so budge over Northie. Bgl up & down lately, don't know if this is due to me feeling out of sorts.
Take care folks x
Oh yuk , hope you're feeling much better soon.
Wonder why your test strips took so long.
Thank you Lin - test strip cock up at the Pharmacy - never had cause to complain before this occasion. They're always spot on. x
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Good morning everyone. It's a HS today 🙂. My graph looks like a wriggly worm.
Happy good Morning morning peeps.
Didn't take bedtime bgl last night but at 02.30am it was 4.4!
Waking today 6.4. Bgl up & down lately, don't know if this is due to me feeling out of sorts.
Take care folks x
It's probably because you're not well, I think most of us have problems with BG levels when we're ill . Hope all goes well with nursie today.
Morning everyone. 9.6 for me this morning. Have a good day
Morning all. A 5.4 this morning. Just started with the odd spot of rain but very grey all round. Dog walks will not be fun today :(