Group 7-day waking average?

@wirralass have you not got those test strips yet? lol x
7.5 this morning an improvement from yesterday
Good morning 3.8 today
Good morning 🙂 5.3 for me today 🙂

Another awful incident to wake up to :(
Shocking Alan...watching the news old 'local' familiar with all those streets...shops...pubs...places being shown cordoned off my TV screen...truly shocking.
Morning...5.8 today.
Morning. A 4.9 for me.
Morning everyone. 10.4 for me today.
Its a crazy world we live in. Stay safe everyone. X
Morning all a late on parade 6.2/6.8 was 4.1 on the libre before I fed the cats and read the latest terrible news.
Refusing to hate is starting to get a little difficult.
Morning all, 7.2 here for me. Not great but better than the 18.9 before bed how did that happen?! Chinese food is the devil
Happy good Sunday evening peeps.
Long awaited test strips delivered at last.
Saturday waking bgl 6.7
Saturday bedtime bgl 6.4
Today waking bgl 6.4

Not been too well this past week - migraines - high temperatures (Mine, not the weather) sore throat yesterday & today - feeling yukky:(
Take care folks
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