Group 7-day waking average?

Thank you Northerner, Flower and Amigo. Unfortunately orthoptics wasn't able to do anything to help so I'm a bit stuffed! Oh well I will find out if the glaucoma laser worked at 8.45 tomorrow. Onwards and upwards 🙂
Thank you Northerner, Flower and Amigo. Unfortunately orthoptics wasn't able to do anything to help so I'm a bit stuffed! Oh well I will find out if the glaucoma laser worked at 8.45 tomorrow. Onwards and upwards 🙂
Sorry to hear this AJ, good luck for tomorrow you really deserve some good news, I will keep everything crossed for you 🙂 xx
Thank you very much Kaylz xx ive just indulged myself by buying some furniture for my doll's house 🙂
Thank you Northerner, Flower and Amigo. Unfortunately orthoptics wasn't able to do anything to help so I'm a bit stuffed! Oh well I will find out if the glaucoma laser worked at 8.45 tomorrow. Onwards and upwards 🙂
After all you've been through with your vision AJ I truly hope you're given some good news for a change - after all, you have a novel to write and an assignment to finish 🙂 x Take care hun
Morning all - recorded 5.5 this morning

Off now to hospital to be fitted with a 24 hour blood pressure monitor

That sounds like fun, Hazel. 🙂
Thank you Northerner, Flower and Amigo. Unfortunately orthoptics wasn't able to do anything to help so I'm a bit stuffed! Oh well I will find out if the glaucoma laser worked at 8.45 tomorrow. Onwards and upwards 🙂
Good luck tomorrow
Thank you very much Kaylz xx ive just indulged myself by buying some furniture for my doll's house 🙂
Awesome, I find when I'm feeling down I tend to buy things too haha, I really do hope it goes well for you tomorrow and I hope you'll be celebrating with a wine (or 2) tomorrow evening 🙂 xx
After all you've been through with your vision AJ I truly hope you're given some good news for a change - after all, you have a novel to write and an assignment to finish 🙂 x Take care hun
Thank you Wirralass. Well on the positive I passed my last course 🙂 But I've just had to cancel my latest course because it's too difficult to navigate with my eyes as they are. But you're right, I've got find a way to write my novel 🙂
Awesome, I find when I'm feeling down I tend to buy things too haha, I really do hope it goes well for you tomorrow and I hope you'll be celebrating with a wine (or 2) tomorrow evening 🙂 xx
Thank you Kaylz. I'm sure that there will be plenty of wine 🙂 xx
Thank you Northerner, Flower and Amigo. Unfortunately orthoptics wasn't able to do anything to help so I'm a bit stuffed! Oh well I will find out if the glaucoma laser worked at 8.45 tomorrow. Onwards and upwards 🙂
Hope the appointment goes well Amanda {{{HUGS}}}

Good morning 🙂 Mornings are becoming interesting with the libre - tested just before I got out of bed, I was 5.6, tested on meter after getting up (5 mins later) - 6.7! Thought 'surely I haven't risen that much in 5 minutes!', but tested again with Libre and it had gone up to 6.2! 😱 My liver obviously goes into a massive panic mode as soon as my feet hit the floor!
Good morning folks. 3.9 today.
Morning all first day of working for my new company and I have woken to a 6.1 again this morning ...
Thank you Northerner, Flower and Amigo. Unfortunately orthoptics wasn't able to do anything to help so I'm a bit stuffed! Oh well I will find out if the glaucoma laser worked at 8.45 tomorrow. Onwards and upwards 🙂
@AJLang .I hope you have good news today , you're sure overdue for some.
Thank you Grovesy, Northerner and Ljc. At least today's eye appointment will be over quickly because it's at 8.45am. Then my focus will be on fun!! Plus looking at how my eye software can help with the latest problem.
7.9 for me this morning 🙂