Forum Upgrade Bugs

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Well done on a smooth upgrade.
I struggle when accessing on my phone as the multiple page option is trickier - you have to go to the post then FF to the final page then click ok - so for The Waking Average and posts which date back years this is faffy - whereas it used to show with the page tabs and you could just click straight onto the recent/end of thread - which I can do on PC.

The other thing is having to use the drop down menu to find New Posts - it was much easier when it was displayed above the forum boards on the main page - again my phone is very old and slow/can be non-responsive the move pages I have to move through - not so hard on pc as it appears at the top where it always did.

Not a bug as such but sad to lose the old fashioned emicons preferred them but it is handy the cell appears above post rather than having to scroll to the bottom.
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Well done on a smooth upgrade.
I struggle when accessing on my phone as the multiple page option is trickier - you have to go to the post then FF to the final page then click ok - so for The Waking Average and posts which date back years this is faffy - whereas it used to show with the page tabs and you could just click straight onto the recent/end of thread - which I can do on PC.

The other thing is having to use the drop down menu to find New Posts - it was much easier when it was displayed above the forum boards on the main page - again my phone is very old and slow/can be non-responsive the move pages I have to move through - not so hard on pc as it appears at the top where it always did.

Not a bug as such but sad to lose the old fashioned emicons preferred them but it is handy the cell appears above post rather than having to scroll to the bottom.

We could probably move the new post around to make it more prominent.
Also, I want to thank everyone for being patient with us while we smooth some things out.
I’m finding the text in people’s signatures far to faint
For one glorious moment, I thought you’d fixed the print size, I got a layout I could read! But then I clicked away to something else, and it reverted to tiny.
View attachment 13248View attachment 13249
Yes that’s just happened to me, I thought I’d imagined it and tried it about four times. This is on my iPad on landscape. I’ve had to take off my varifocals and put my readers on! I am long sighted and have a high reading prescription. Hope it can be sorted.
Robin i will make a note to the forum architect that we are having text issues on tablets.
Not just tablets. I do not have a tablet or smartphone, so always on a laptop, but I have found I need to zoom in more than usual. Where my normal level is 125% or 150% when tired/lazy/reading v. long posts, I find I need 150% or 175% for the same effect. This is irritating when my laptop decides I want these levels on other sites.

I tried to resist jumping in with nit-picking criticism, as I am aware I find any change very difficult, and hopefully as I get used to the new ways of doing things I will find the problems decrease. But I can't hold off any longer!

I seem to be scrolling up and down and moving the pointer side to side much more. It would help to have the New Posts button as far right as possible. I rarely use Search, and never Find Threads, Watched or Mark Threads Read, but use New Posts very frequently Is this unusual?

We used to have user names and time of posting at the bottom of posts. Now I have to scroll back up if I forget who is posting a longish post, or find out how long ago it was posted.

I am finding buttons super-sensitive, so have been taken to unwanted pages when just moving the pointer from A to B.

When replying to a particular post, the screen jumps to the top of the post, so I have to realign the start of my reply.

I am sorry to be so negative, I hope there are some plus points in the new format - perhaps in things I personally do not use, or have yet to discover.
Josh, I think some of the size and movement problems could be sorted if the telephone number/ donate button banner was moved to the left so that the right hand boundary matched that of the posts. If I minimise the screen to get everything in view then the writing is impossibly small.
Josh, further to last post... On my PC (Windows 10) every thing aligns perfectly with the banner (phone number and donate button) aligning with the right hand side of the main body text, so I suspect the problems reported by me and others are confined to tablets and no doubt specific to certain configurations of make and system. Good luck with sorting it out!
The site (the 'banner' part at least) is not responding to the screen it's displayed on. It's possibly fixed width. This can show particularly on mobile devices. Could be seen on some smaller desktop screens or laptops. Depending.
Depending on % enlargement I am only seeing 60-70% of the width, so losing some/most of the phone number and donate button, which isn't a problem as there is nothing below them.
Is it only me where the whole screen moves sideways when I scroll up or down on iPad?
The change in shape of the frame around the Avatars means that a lot of them are now chopped off.
The text in the signature could do with being a bit darker.
I'll have to find some way to reduce the screen - I am on a PC with a large monitor and it is a bit in the face - but I can cope with that, it is just how it is and needs me to make the adjustment rather than be sitting as far back as I can manage and still type.
It looks ok to me so far, except the thing about people's signatures being far too faint. At least my smilies have come back! 🙂 ... I did like the look and colour of the old ones though, and these look like Facebook ones :(
Is it only me where the whole screen moves sideways when I scroll up or down on iPad?
I'm not iPad myself. I've an Samsung android. I can scroll everything left off the screen. Down to the banner making the page much wider than the screen.
I can see signatures. Not for everyone. For most I don't remember who are supposed to have them.
I'm not iPad myself. I've an Samsung android. I can scroll everything left off the screen. Down to the banner making the page much wider than the screen.
yes mine goes left and right, very unsettling
I can see signatures but they're much too faint, I'd like the text to be darker.
Grey on white, which is what companies use for the T&C or interest rates. And they're supposed not to as it's harder to read than a darker colour on white.
Just a small point that I've noticed ~ my avatar name doesn't have a capital W:( whereas everyone elses name begins with a capital letter!
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