curry and rice on wednesday 10th march

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im doing it tonight and i will post the results on wednesday ummmm yummy xx
Steph, thats fine! It doesnt really matter where you get it from or whether you make it yourself - its the rice part that causes the trouble. Also be aware that jars of curry sauce and packets do have carbs in aswell. You can make your own carb free if you dont use flour or potato as a thickener.🙂Bev

thx bev think ill go along sacreds route of using thai jasmine .
How do you make curry? Yes I really am that daft! Usually I buy one but if its easy I will make one
I'll type out the recipe that I will use later tonight. Working at the moment, then need to make popcorn with Jessica and watch a teen film, Bandslam first.......... what an exciting life 🙂
I'll have to do mine tonight as mums already planned curry for tonight but will post on wed as usual xxx
ok before i started cooking tested at 6.1 i hour after eating 7.7 x 2hrs 6.4 xxx 3hrs 5.0 !!! wakingtoday 6.8
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Does anyone want that recipe? I just typed it all out and was about to post it and the computer crashed so can't be bothered to type it all out again if no-one wants it. Am happy to if it is needed.


Does anyone want that recipe? I just typed it all out and was about to post it and the computer crashed so can't be bothered to type it all out again if no-one wants it. Am happy to if it is needed.


Nah I will trawl the interweeeb and find an appropriate one. PC's are annoying arent they, mine just ate a load of pictures for me, which was helpful!! 😡
Am - brilliant results for curry night!:D

Lou - considering you started off on 13 - your results are looking good as you were still only 13 x 2 hours later - did you test again after your correction?🙂Bev
The other half and I are doing curry tomorrow too. It'll be a Tesco one so I can post the carbs,

Are we allowed Naan bread? Just something I usually have a little of to help wipe the plate clean.
The other half and I are doing curry tomorrow too. It'll be a Tesco one so I can post the carbs,

Are we allowed Naan bread? Just something I usually have a little of to help wipe the plate clean.

You rebel Tez hehe, I was going to ask about poppodums.
The other half and I are doing curry tomorrow too. It'll be a Tesco one so I can post the carbs,

Are we allowed Naan bread? Just something I usually have a little of to help wipe the plate clean.

Yes Tez! As long as we know what you have eaten we can see how things develop. Be careful with naan bread - it seems to send levels fairly high hours later. Enjoy.🙂Bev
Hiya Tez

We like naan bread as well. As Bev said careful though as they are loaded with carbs and the fat does all sorts of naughty things. Will be interesting to see how it works with you compared to Jessica.
I'm quite lucky that I can burn high numbers off with a very brisk walk Bev. 10-15mins per mmol usually does the trick. As it's an experiment for 5 hours I'll wait four before the walk instead of two.
Im braving it and making rogan josh, i can get hold of all the ingredians bar cinnamon sticks so will have to go without.
nice steff a pinch of garum masala will do the trick just stir in at the end xx
tez i had a small amount of nan and a bite of a peshwari nan so i didnt deny myself the experience xxx
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