COVID and Flu Boosters

Whilst I am not averse to jags, one of my COVID ones resulted in something called SIRVA. Three years on, I am still suffering. The Jag was given too low down in my arm and damaged the muscle at the top. I still have a lot of aches and pains, movement is ok and the only " cure" is steroid injection which the surgery is not willing to do. Maybe because it was administered at their surgery........the phlebotomist is very good at taking blood but maybe not good at jags. It's one of those odd occurrences. It does make me a teeny bit hesitant. I think these jags are necessary for people with underlying health conditions but those who feel that it's not going to happen to them, need to think seriously about refusing , but at the end of the day, it's a personal choice, nobody enforces it.
Having read this this morning I was wondering why we had heard nothing and then got our invites to book our COVID jabs on the NHS app. Our flu jabs were already booked in with our Practice drop in service.
We are booked in for both next Wed at 7.30am.
Other half has been offered the RSV jab, anybody any opinion on that one?
Other half has been offered the RSV jab, anybody any opinion on that one?
It's new, but I think it's supposed to be pretty effective. I think it's a single dose with unknown duration, so maybe a few years or maybe life. No reason not to take it, as far as I'm aware. Has the usual vaccine side effects but I haven't heard of anything unusual.
Got a reminder a couple of weeks ago booked for both mid October. Hate injections but mindful that as my husband has a heart condition aggravated by cold weather and respiratory infections I need to keep myself healthy. He is also getting jabs but doesn't socialise much. I see a lot more people so chances of catching flu etc are higher.
Email this morning saying to book covid jab, no mention of flu jab but will mention it when there.
You can book both at the same time in England. In England at least there’s no need to wait for an invitation to book either Covid or flu jab just get on the website and book yourself in
Got my invite from our surgery today. Flu jab already booked with Boots so will go online and book my Covid jab at the surgery later.
I tried to call out GP yesterday to ask, as per, I couldn’t get through. Got up this morning and had an email to book Covid booster. When I went on to book it gave me option to have my flu jab too. That wasn’t an option last year. Had to go to pharmacy for flu jab. I could have gone as early as next week but we’re away, booked for 9th October. Mr Eggy hasn’t had an invite yet. He’s entitled because of his heart condition. Wonder if I’m slightly further up the pecking order as I don’t have a spleen as well as being diabetic?
Oct 7th for flu jab. Haven't heard about Covid yet. First time for flu jab in 20 years!! Don't intend to spend Christmas in hospital this year
Local pharmacist says he is coming to me. Will go for right arm as Libre in left & move it up and down. Not flu as too many adverse reactions. Last one a decade ago took a month to recover from!
We are making progress slowly. Local GP surgery has announced dates of clinics for flu and covid, and it is a convenient walk from home, saves us driving anywhere, but currently the link to book them isn’t working.
We are booked in for both next Wed at 7.30am.
Other half has been offered the RSV jab, anybody any opinion on that one?
I've heard some info on it (though more about them offering it to pregnant women) but not fully read up yet
I booked mine yesterday with work. This year they are coming to do them actually at my Base every week so booked the first date for there that I still had free (22nd Oct), will be nice not to have to drive 15-20 minutes each way to another base to get them
I tried to call out GP yesterday to ask, as per, I couldn’t get through. Got up this morning and had an email to book Covid booster. When I went on to book it gave me option to have my flu jab too. That wasn’t an option last year. Had to go to pharmacy for flu jab. I could have gone as early as next week but we’re away, booked for 9th October. Mr Eggy hasn’t had an invite yet. He’s entitled because of his heart condition. Wonder if I’m slightly further up the pecking order as I don’t have a spleen as well as being diabetic?
Mr Eggy had received an invite, it went into spam! Managed to get him booked in 35 minutes after me.
About to start a run of B12 injections, hope I shall feel better, have booked flu and COVID for October after we come back from short break, and Respiratory one will be cushion.!!!!!!
B12 level has crept into normal I now have a free arm.........still going to be November.
Got mine booked for Thursday
Good to know that its because of the diabetes and not the pancreatitis, feels a lot less panicky in my situation xx