Bloods not lowering (TW)

Not all of them but can see how you can be left feeling that way when you haven't received the support you need.
Not all of them but can see how you can be left feeling that way when you haven't received the support you need.
Nothing new I'm afraid
Hey. I did as told by medics and out of hours dr last night. As usual the GP and mental health team have not helped. Bloods wise we're back in normal levels. Thanks all who has helped me.
I am concerned about my safety.
Keep us updated, please x
Generally feeling crap. But will be OK no doubt
No one has come. Over 6 hours now I've been waiting for the supposed emergency ambulance.
Bloods are fine today for some reason. My mental health not so. The Web staff here are trying their very best for me but my hopes are fading.