Bloods not lowering (TW)

I don't care either way anymore
The Samaritans have a webchat feature:

But if you’re feeling really bad, can you get to an A&E?
Nope its 15 miles away and I don't drive.
I don't care either way anymore

That’s a temporary feeling @ME3 It will pass. It’s possible your new meds aren’t suiting you. Getting medical support will help you and they can check your meds too. Can you get a taxi to A&E? You don’t have to speak. You could write something down briefly.
That’s a temporary feeling @ME3 It will pass. It’s possible your new meds aren’t suiting you. Getting medical support will help you and they can check your meds too. Can you get a taxi to A&E? You don’t have to speak. You could write something down briefly.
It comes back every night
Can you phone for an ambulance? An MH crisis is reason to phone 999 and ask for one.
I can't. Not won't just can't.
Hi @ME3, sounds like you've had a very tough day. The new anti-psychotic medication is likely to also be spiking your sugars, as well as making you feel worse, mentally, before they kick in and start working effectively. As everyone has suggested, the priority is keeping yourself safe. What do you need right now? I can arrange for an ambulance for you or I'm happy to speak to you over a private message if you want to reach out to me.
It comes back every night

There must be a reason for that, and it could be sorted @ME3 It could be your meds, your hormones, your body cycle - anything. Seeking help will give you a chance to improve that feeling. There will be answers out there.

MIND recommends distraction too. Is there anything no matter how daft or small that you can distract yourself with? :

I don't care anymore if I live or die. I'm a danger to myself.
Hi @ME3, sounds like you've had a very tough day. The new anti-psychotic medication is likely to also be spiking your sugars, as well as making you feel worse, mentally, before they kick in and start working effectively. As everyone has suggested, the priority is keeping yourself safe. What do you need right now? I can arrange for an ambulance for you or I'm happy to speak to you over a private message if you want to reach out to me.
I'm worn out from my bloods being all over the place. I am a danger to myself. My mum would hit the roof if an ambulance turned up even know I need it. I'm very likely to try something.
When you say try something, what do you mean? Have you spoken to your mum about how you are feeling physically and mentally?
When you say try something, what do you mean? Have you spoken to your mum about how you are feeling physically and mentally?
I have yes and she says I'm doing much better.
Which means I'm probably a good actor. I'm definitely not feeling it inside.
Do you feel you're doing much better?
Looks like we messaged at the same time. What are you sugars at the moment?
Looks like we messaged at the same time. What are you sugars at the moment?
Sugars are at 11. Just had tea. The new meds are making me feel like a zombie. One min I'm fine the next suicidal. Think I need to be seen at the hospital. Is anyone here nearby Exeter in Devon ?
I'm worn out from my bloods being all over the place. I am a danger to myself. My mum would hit the roof if an ambulance turned up even know I need it. I'm very likely to try something.

You’re the priority @ME3 Don’t worry about your mum for now. You’re the person who knows best how you feel inside. You’ve said you need an ambulance in your post above. They’ll help you - with everything.

Please take Anna up on her offer to help you if you don’t feel you can call them yourself.
Off and on. I'm like two people at times.