Bloods not lowering (TW)

The instructions say the Toujeo should be taken every day even though the activity profile can be up to 36 hours it will not be as active during the last 12 hours hence levels will tend to increase during that period of time whereas taking every 24 hours levels should stay more even.
I don't need this today. I've had enough of people poking their noses in. The rules say don't give medical advice.
I don't need this today. I've had enough of people poking their noses in. The rules say don't give medical advice.
That was a point of information not medical advice. But you did ask what you should do. Ring 111 if you are worried.
Am sorry for being rude.
When worried about your health, please always dial 111. If they'll determine there's no need to worry or if there will be something you can do at home - they'll inform you of those steps. Alternatively - they'll make sure you're seen by an appropriate professional. It's always better to err on the safe side than to be stuck wondering and risk your wellbeing.
When worried about your health, please always dial 111. If they'll determine there's no need to worry or if there will be something you can do at home - they'll inform you of those steps. Alternatively - they'll make sure you're seen by an appropriate professional. It's always better to err on the safe side than to be stuck wondering and risk your wellbeing.
Thanks am again sorry for being rude. My mum don't like me calling anyone. So am kinda stuck.
I don't need this today. I've had enough of people poking their noses in. The rules say don't give medical advice.
I'm not really sure why your hitting out on ppl here.. we are all medical experts as we live with it.. I know full well I know more about endocrinology than my GP.. do you think he/she understands fully the ins and outs of an individual.. NO .. as far as I can see you reached out because you couldn’t get any support.. I strongly suggest you call 111..
We find with my kid that if he’s above 16 he needs more insulin to bring him down than his usual correction factor would suggest so it’s likely that you just need a bit more insulin but obviously be careful when stacking doses that you don’t end up hypo - the Dexcom will really help with that but it might be worth just having your low alarm a bit higher today so you catch any falls before you get hypo.

I hope you feel better in yourself soon. Being high is a horrible feeling if my kid is anything to go by
I'm not really sure why your hitting out on ppl here.. we are all medical experts as we live with it.. I know full well I know more about endocrinology than my GP.. do you think he/she understands fully the ins and outs of an individual.. NO .. as far as I can see you reached out because you couldn’t get any support.. I strongly suggest you call 111..
Leave me alone
Hey, how are you feeling now? Are your sugars still high? I know mine can be elevated when I'm stressed out. Moving house is very stressful so I really hope you're OK. X
Hey, how are you feeling now? Are your sugars still high? I know mine can be elevated when I'm stressed out. Moving house is very stressful so I really hope you're OK. X
Hey. One extreme to the other I went out earlier and had a hypo. My lift was late so ended up throwing up whilst waiting. Nearly had to call an ambulance.
Hey. One extreme to the other I went out earlier and had a hypo. My lift was late so ended up throwing up whilst waiting. Nearly had to call an ambulance.
I'm supposed to be moving home this week but actively looking for something to overdose on.
Hi @ME3
You are managing one of the most stressful things in moving house, and then Diabetes rears its head and gives you another job to do. We do ‘get it’ and have days when things just get more complicated and unpredictable. I was pleased to read that you had not got ketones. DKA is difficult to manage but that is out of the picture.

If you take your Tuejo every day at a convenient time that will deal with the glucose from your liver. I know I have in the past forgotten mine and on one occasion put the wrong insulin in my pen. It was a long while before I realised that my basal insulin had to be a taken at a specific time. You have the advantage with Tuejo that with the longer profile (36 hours) it works with an overlap so gives you a bit of flexibility, although it still wants a daily top up.

Corrections can be so frustrating as they do take a bit of time to get going. When on injections I tried (but rarely succeeded) to wait a full two hours before looking at the levels again. I am very impatient and just wanted it to do its stuff. Your choice to drink water will have helped to stave off the ketones. Well done.

There is a wealth of experience to tap into on here and people are keen to help in any way they can. I find that sometimes a suggestions by someone on here reminds me of something that I had just not considered. Other suggestions just don’t apply in the circumstances I am in. I am happy to have whatever help is offered.

Let us know how you are getting on if you would like to.
Hi @ME3
You are managing one of the most stressful things in moving house, and then Diabetes rears its head and gives you another job to do. We do ‘get it’ and have days when things just get more complicated and unpredictable. I was pleased to read that you had not got ketones. DKA is difficult to manage but that is out of the picture.

If you take your Tuejo every day at a convenient time that will deal with the glucose from your liver. I know I have in the past forgotten mine and on one occasion put the wrong insulin in my pen. It was a long while before I realised that my basal insulin had to be a taken at a specific time. You have the advantage with Tuejo that with the longer profile (36 hours) it works with an overlap so gives you a bit of flexibility, although it still wants a daily top up.

Corrections can be so frustrating as they do take a bit of time to get going. When on injections I tried (but rarely succeeded) to wait a full two hours before looking at the levels again. I am very impatient and just wanted it to do its stuff. Your choice to drink water will have helped to stave off the ketones. Well done.

There is a wealth of experience to tap into on here and people are keen to help in any way they can. I find that sometimes a suggestions by someone on here reminds me of something that I had just not considered. Other suggestions just don’t apply in the circumstances I am in. I am happy to have whatever help is offered.

Let us know how you are getting on if you would like to.
Thank you for the info re Toujeo I will do it every 24 hours. Am sorry for being rude am really not myself since starting the new tablets a few months a go. Now I'm really suicidal but when combined with diabetes u find it hard to communicate.
I'm supposed to be moving home this week but actively looking for something to overdose on.
Do you think you can keep yourself safe today?
Have you got contact details for your crisis team? What area are you in?
I can't contact them because in neurodiverse. Am in Devon. Regards
Can someone else call them for you?
Ok well I don't know what else to suggest. You need medical help ASAP. Take care x